WTML Supplemental (4/14/2011)
The WTML Supplemental sort of took me by surprise . When filming began it was business as usual – just another day in another week. But, by the time I got to the end of filming, I knew there was something more to it. (Though, I’m still not sure what that something more is.) I hope I have brought it out in this process. I just felt that whatever was within this experience deserved more recognition than being buried within a regular weekly post could deliver. Parts of the Supplemental will appear in the regular weekly post when it is posted in quite a few weeks. Why I felt it needed to be posted now I am not sure. But that was my inspiration and what is life, or the creative process, if we cannot, or do not, follow our inspirations. Perhaps it is setting the stage for something that I am, as of now, still unaware. I need to give a special thanks to G-Man for appearing in this video, as well as FaeriePrincess – and of course, King Putter for his touch of brilliance. Please feel f...