
January 23,  2012; 2308
Hey Gang! Welcome to my life – where anything is possible and nothing is as it seems. I’m Freedom, and I’ll be your host. Coming at you from within…The Depths of Geistopia.
Welcome To My Life is a project, an experiment in Life and ART. A living storyboard, if you will. It is based on the use of The Wheel of Life and the ARTs for the New Millennium as life building tools. (Ya! It’s True!)
Welcome To My Life is an ITV Studios/Geist…House Production. JustUs Productions, the parent company, would like to give a ‘Shout-Out’ to the following for their ongoing and, oft times, unknowing inspiration and support, man:
Princess Cuddlebug
Princess Sunshine
Craze & Co.
The Shaman
The Pillar
The Entire Putt-Putt-Putter Clan
The Baker of the Cornbread
The VanMan (May he R.I.P,)
The Messengers of the Galactic Federation
Osteen, the Son
Prof. Siggy Chong
The Sitter
The WhiteRose
Punky Brewster
The FallenAngel
Sir Thomas
JoJo Dancer
Mr. NiceGuy
Senior Swankypants
Da Boyz From Da Hood
The Witch Doctor
The ‘Original’ Mr. Baggins
The Socialite
The White Gurl
LisaLisa Monet
The Ziatonic Antagonist
The Piss-Sniffer
Dancing Queen
Downtown Donny Brown
Mama Rabbit
And, of course, a very generous sponsor who actually kinda sucks at remaining anonymous
It is Sunday, January 23, 2012. Time…Curious
Today’s post begins with a tribute.
To JoePa….
I’ve never been a big football fan (or any sport actually.) Don’t misunderstand. I can watch, enjoy and appreciate. But I do not follow nor get attached. However, I do have a small sense of home town (home state) pride. And, if there is one thing that can be said about Penn State football it is that it practically defines this region. It is an icon. One can not acknowledge that icon without acknowledging the icon that created it…and that was JoePa. It wasn’t just the coaching. It was the attitude, the personality, the caring. From what I know of him, he set examples and standards that far surpass those of most men. Then tragedy struck and he found himself in the middle of what is still turning out to be a very large scandal. What saddened me most about this event was the way so many people just suddenly turned on him, especially the school to which he had given so much. And, in the aftermath of it all, JoePa, would inevitably fall. And…yesterday, he passed. I feel a sadness in my heart knowing that he had to leave this world the way he did. Not the death, but all that other stuff. So many legacies he could have left behind and, knowing mankind, it is this one that will always be told first. I actually find myself wondering if it’s not what killed him. (The body’s a funny thing, you know.) It’s also the kind of thing that actually makes me question God. This is not something I do often. Was it really his time? If it was his time, and God knew it, why did he have to go through all of that first? Did he have to go through all of that because it WAS his time and there was no other way to get him there?Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?
Trust In The Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.
JoePa is only one area where I can apply this week’s Theme. It comes up often when I think of my own life as well…in particularly my living situation. But that’s not the only place I can apply it in my life. (It’s just the most weighted.)
The flow of the last several weeks would beg the questions as well. Everything has been so chaotic and hectic and jam-packed. It amuses me that my family is always telling me how I “do nothing,” when the past several weeks have been so busy that I can not get caught up. In fact, it seems the more I try to catch up the further behind I find myself.
And, it’s across the board.
I have had so much work over the past several weeks, that I have had to cut some of it.  I’ve actually had to sacrifice income (more than I would have liked) just to keep myself treading water. The house is a mess. There are piles everywhere. The paperwork is mounting. Taxes are coming due.
And, every time I think I have made a dent I look and I have barely made a mark. It seems for every job done 4 more take its place. It’s almost frustrating. Yet, I can’t help but feel that in the end it will all be worth it.
The process I am going through has become an annual thing, but this is the first time in 13 years that I have really felt the affects of it. This happens to me every year from the beginning of Yule until Imbolc (which is rapidly approaching….thank God[dess].)
Like, I am literally sitting here looking at 6 things that need to be done, all of which will take an hour or so each. It is after midnight and I have a very full day tomorrow (I think. I haven’t even had time to look at my schedule or prepare for the week – which is usually done by Friday night.) This does not count the stuff I am not looking at and we don’t even want to start counting that. What curiouses me most is that when I do have a moment to get caught up something steps in the way. For instance, yesterday I had a few hours to myself while the girls were at their brother’s birthday party. I had a list of things to do so extensive I didn’t know where to start. I ended up sleeping for an hour and a half because out of the blue I was sick as could be. Even when the girls got home we just watched TV for a while until daddy could move again. Now I did make some use of lying still. I had a video project to work on and as long as I could move my hand I could get the job done. (Much like masturbation.)
So, in come the questions – Why? What’s the plan? how does this benefit me, move me forward? When will it end? What do I do in the meantime?
Sadly, the answers aren’t as readily available as the questions.
As I said the Theme also shows up recently in regards to my living situation. So often it is thrown in my face. Used against me.
“Well…why are you still here?”
I don’t know. I wish I did. The Shaman likes to remind me from time to time that it may have nothing to do with me. Today I thought on that. Perhaps it does have to do with my daughters. Perhaps they need me here for some reason. Perhaps being here has allowed me to help someone else in a way I don’t understand. When I thought on this one I could actually think of several people whose lives changed…and only because I was here was I able to be a part of that.
For a long time I believed that it had a lot to do with the healing process. I think it is safe to say that my family is far beyond dysfunctional. But even that doesn’t seem to be working. In fact, it is very much going in the opposite direction and before the year is out you may find me proclaiming, “At last I am free and the Geists and me are no more.”
this scenario has forced me into another position I have never taken with God and that is to tell him that the jig is up. Whatever his reason for me being here has been…I am done with it. No more.
On a slightly brighter note, there is a certain sense in the air. I don’t know what it is yet. I only know that it is there. It somehow keeps me from stressing it all, or worrying. Something big happens….soon. (Perhaps even this week.)
I feel so much change on the horizon. I mean, I see everything changing this year. (I’m not surprised by this.)
I don’t have a lesson of the week written down. Up to this point nothing has really struck me. So, if I have to come up with one, pull it out of my ass, I would have to go with…
Just Flow With It
Life is such a jumble of moments. Anything can happen and nothing is as it seems. If we can relax into it, despite whatever may be beating up on us at the time, it all seems to work out just fine. Actually, it works out just fine either way….it’s just quicker and easier if we…just flow with it.
__it Happens!
I would hope that says it all. no matter where you go, who you are or what you are doing “it” definitely happens.
I would have loved to do more this week, but my mind is clouded and drawn in so many directions. Yet, I could not let the week pass without a post. One of my resolutions for the year is to give WTML the time it deserves. So, each week a post must be made in one form or another. (Yes, the videos will return shortly.)
From here in Geistopia, for now and for always, I am your beloved Rev wishing you Love, Light, Peace and Freakishness.

R.I.P. JoePA


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