The Door: Quest in Order; Ch. 4–1 Week Out

Hey Gang!
Welcome to my life…
Where anything is possible and nothing is as it seems. I’m Freedom and I’ll be your host, coming at you from within…
The Depths of Geistopiaaaaaaaaaa
Velcum to my Life ees a prochect, un experiment een Life unt ART, A liwing storyboard, if you vill. Eet’s premise ees zat you can, and do, experience za life you choose. Eet ees based on za Veel of Life unt za ARTs for za New Millennium as life building tools. Ya. Eet’s true.
Welcome to my Life is an ITV Studios/Geist…House production. JustUs Productions, the parent company, would like to give a ‘Shout-Out’ to the following for their ongoing, and oft times unknowing, inspiration and support:
Princess Cuddlebug
Princess Sunshine
Craze & Co.
The Shaman
The Pillar
The Entire Putt-Putt-Putter Clan
The Baker of the Cornbread
The VanMan (may he R.I.P.)
The Messengers of the Galactic Federation
Osteen, the Son
The Sitter
The WhiteRose
The Fallen Angel
Sir Thomas
Jojo Dancer
Mr. NiceGuy
Senior Swankypants
Da Boyz from da Hood
The Witch Dr.
The ‘Original’ Mr. Baggins (and His Wife)
The Socialite
The WhiteGurl
“Ronnie’s Boy”
LisaLisa Monet
The Ziatonic Antagonist
Prof. Siggy Chong
The Piz-Nifer
Dancing Queen
Downtown Donny Brown
Mama Rabbit
And, of course, a very generous sponsor who pretends to want to be anonymous.
(*Semi-Legal mumbo-jumbo jargon fine print – my thoughts, my words. Bug off if you think you theivin’ them.*)
It is Sunday, June 24, 2012. Time….wait and see...
This week’s post comes in the form of a video. So, without further ado….
The Next Chapter…..

1 Week out from 'Freedom's All-American Re-Discovery Tour' and this is what had to be said. I'm not sure what happened in the processing. In the program everything was fine. In the final product the sound ends up behind the video after awhile. Just think of it as an old Japanese movie and you should do fine...
In this episode: An Intro Sequence; 'The Spiel'; Last of the 'tests'; The Truth of it All; You Have Doubts?; "Look at those ears"; Sound Guy!; The Tragic Tales of a Non-Profit; Responsibility; One Goofy lookin SOB; 6:00 Devotion; (Sorry, Yoda!); "Yay accomplishment!"

1 Week Out, Pt. 1

In this episode: "there's got to be more than that..."; The Last Conscious Thought I Had; "A different crown, please"; Go!; A Message to the Rose; Tricky MoFos; Go to KenneMystiSalemPort...; Pittsburgh; It Could Just Be A Diversion; "God, those ears!"; ...And God Laughs...;
1 Week Out, Pt. 2

In this episode: "I am so disconnected from this."; My Immediate Reaction; Time To Think About It; Fun To See People's Reactions; All I Know; "This is not just something I do to twiddle my balls"; "I'm pretty sure that's what ended my marriage"
1 Week Out, Pt. 3

In this episode: Continuing The Story; "What's food?"; The Trials of '40'; Gettin' Real; "Who's really ever driving in life?"; Pandora's Story and Cuddlebug's 'Revelation'
1 Week Out, Pt. 4


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