My Christmas Miracle?


Thursday, December 19, 2013; 1653

Every year I look for a Christmas Miracle. I know they happen. I figure sooner or later one has to happen in my life. I’m not looking for something huge like World Peace (I think that may be a bit much to ask.) But something. Something transformative. Something that leaves a person believing again. I’m not always looking for it for me, but at least for someone around me. Perhaps it is the romanticist in me, the dreamer. I look for it every year and have yet to find it. (Barring Christmas 2000, of course.)

Last night the Princesses asked to drive by and see if the van, The Dreamcatcher, was still at the garage. So, I drove by and it was. You could feel the sadness sweep over the inside of out ‘new’ van. I think I may have even heard a sniffle.

It got me to thinking. I’m miserable in this ‘new’ vehicle. Perhaps it is that every day I get in and find some other shortcoming – mechanical problems, 1 of 4 speakers working, doors that work hard, broken visors, etc. Or, perhaps it is something more.

I feel lost without The Dreamcatcher. I no longer feel complete. It is as if a hole has opened in my soul. There was magic there. A power I could not define. Given the chance that vehicle touched people, inspired them. It was more than a collection of memories of a most wonderful trip. For those who would allow it, it was a gateway to hope and faith and belief.

So many people wrote so many wonderful things on there. They wrote their inspirations, their wishes…their dreams. It most definitely became the dream catcher. I could feel the power and the energy as I drove around in it. It had a life of its own.

When I get into this other vehicle I feel as if a little more of me is chipped away each time. This is probably compacted by all of the shortcomings. But that vehicle had become such a part of me, such a part of the story. I believe it should be on the road. I believe it should be able to continue to touch people. All of the people who have been fascinated by it – those on the Journey, employees hanging out out of fast food restaurants or toll booth stands to sign it, random people and couples in parking lots and on and on and on. All of those people who signed it and were touched by it. That legacy should continue as long as it is possible…and it is still possible. All it ever took was $800…

So, now, I am wondering – I was unable to charge the $800 on a credit card to get the job done. Instead $2300 was charged on a card to serve another’s purpose. What if….

What if we started a fund to save the Dreamcatcher? Could the minimal generosity of a mass of people be its salvation, and mine? I started doing the calculations – if 800 people gave $1, or 400 gave $2, or even if 160 could give $5. Suddenly, I had a bit of hope.

Perhaps that kind of charity is not your thing. Then look at this way – $800 is the equivalent of 20 Tarot Readings or 10 Reiki Sessions. Perhaps you buy yourself one. If you don’t need or want one perhaps you could purchase one as a gift for a friend or loved one.

I discussed the idea with the Princesses and they themselves were eager to contribute to the cause – not $1 or $2 or $5, but $10 each they want to give. And I, of course, will scrape together whatever I can or is necessary to finish the job off.

Cuddlebug suggested that perhaps those who donate get to sign the van. Considering, if this is indeed my Christmas Miracle, that some folks may contribute from across the country or farther that may not be a possibility. However, we could dedicate a spot on the Dreamcatcher to list those folks who helped keep ‘The Dream’ alive. I think I know just the spot.

So what do you folks think? Can it happen? Are you interested?

Just email me at


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