The 11 Day Chicken
Hey Gang!
Welcome to my life…
Where anything is possible and nothing is as it seems. I’m Freedom and I’ll be your host, coming at you from within…
The Depths of Geistopiaaaaaaaaaa
Velcum to my Life ees a prochect, un experiment een Life unt ART, A liwing storyboard, if you vill. Eet’s premise ees zat you can, and do, experience za life you choose. Eet ees based on za Veel of Life unt za ARTs for za New Millennium as life building tools. Ya. Eet’s true.
Welcome to my Life is an ITV Studios/Geist…House production. JustUs Productions, the parent company, would like to give a ‘Shout-Out’ to the following for their ongoing, and oft times unknowing, inspiration and support:
Princess Cuddlebug
Princess Sunshine
Craze & Co.
The Shaman
The Pillar
The Entire Putt-Putt-Putter Clan
The Baker of the CornBread
The VanMan (may he R.I.P.)
The Messengers of the Galactic Federation
Osteen, the Son
The Faery-Taler
The White Rose
General Ralph Glossop
Senor Swankypants
JoJo Dancer
Danny, Oh Danny Boy
Professor Siggy Chong
The Wal-Rus
Sir Thomas
The Nameless One
Saint Diane…and You
The Conversationalist
The Socialite
The Lost One
The Wandering One
Brother Alan
Brother Love
Her Jenniness
The Jersey Adventure
Dar-Dar ‘Brinks’
CHAR-lie Says
The Lobster Lover
The For-Gotten One
My Madonna
Babbling Brook
“Blue” Eyes
The Girl
San Francisco
The Unc-countant
The Cuz Squared (Or, Cuz 1 & Cuz 2)
The CH-Ekhardt One
The Mudder
Mudslide Bill
The Cowboy
Willie Nillie
The Brilliant One
Brother Love
Brother Allen
The Balletic One
Brother Baggins (& His Wife)
The Other Brother
The Ziatonic Antagonist
The Piz-Niffer
Dancing Queen
Downtown Encyclopedia Brown
Mama Rabbit
And, of course, a very generous sponsor who pretends to want to be anonymous.
(*Semi-Legal mumbo-jumbo jargon fine print – my thoughts, my words. Bug off if you think you theivin’ them.*)
It is Sunday, May 3, 2015. Time….Developing.
What You Feed Energy Into Grows
Don’t Take It So Seriously
To Name Something Is To Give it power
Feedback has always been my favorite part of WTML, and also, the one I get to play with the least. I have long said that this is actually the most vital part of the project and have strongly encouraged folks to leave comments, questions and the like.
Just a few quick notes this week.
I noticed a few little glitches in the videos when I watched them. They were processing issues. If you see them…I’m sorry. Don’t know what happened.
This series of videos, to me, seemed to start very active and high energy. Perhaps too active. It also seemed to end very low, perhaps too low. Though I couldn’t point any out directly, I eel as though there are some weak points in this series. There were times when even I was like, “What the f…. is goin on here?”
However, I think overall, in the grand scheme of things, it works and is worth the journey. So, if you can muddle through to the end, who knows, you may find some little treasures scattered along the way. …
I was not expecting this video shoot. That’s really all there is to say on it. At this point, I can’t even remember the night – what I was doing, where I was – before the shoot. I only know I was minding my own business when BAM it was time to video. It really kind of through me off actually. I see this in the way the night started so high powered and then dropping off hard before the night was through. One minute I was bouncing off the walls, getting into the groove and doing this and that, and the next I can barely keep my eyes open.
It was 11 days after the first video. Only, I didn’t know that when the night began. I only knew it was time to turn on the camera – to find that ‘Shaman Place and go.
I’m glad I did.
Again, for me, there were very many little interesting things in this night. The most interesting being that I was given the pattern in the cycle.
In the first video it was revealed that the cycle would last 6 weeks. In this video it is the ‘checkpoints’ that are given.
In this Episode:
Previously; The Prelude; Playing with the Intro; Yes, Elzcious; Welcome back; “It’s the weekend!’; Finding the Time; “There’s a ride…”; Theme; Fooling Around at First; ‘POOF!’; A Bit of Perfection; Johnny’s on the Job; ‘Everybody’; That Might Be It; Why I’m Not God; “Slice your shit”; “Nein!”; Pillar-Man; The ‘Journey’ of my Death; Crazy Story for Ya; Lesson to Observation; Muppet Fantasy; The Vice-Table; Pussy Willows; “I need a rack”; Got the tater-tots
In this Episode:
How Foretelling; The Main Character; Pioneer Matt; Naming the Table; Getting the Pattern; The Truth of it All; Back to the Girl; I Am That I Am and So I Must Be; “Please don’t sue me”; Nothing Is As It Seems; Reached Resolve; Staff Work; What is a Chord?; The Worth It Moment; The (almost) General Faux-Pas
In this Episode:
One More; Crazing amidst the Praising; Hello, Otis; My Girls & “Dad!”; The Inner Teen Chick; True Profundity; Be the People in my Neighborhood; Staling; Lost my Mind; A Random Prayer; I know You Were; 11 Days; Dunevella; Closing Out; Next time
From here in Geistopia, for now and for always, I am your beloved Rev. wishing you…
and Freakishness.
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