On: The Videos

March 13, 2011

I wanted to take a moment and write about the video portion of this blog/experiment, espeicially A New Beginning.

A New Beginning is a set of videos that you do not necessarily have to watch. There is information in them and they can be mildly amusing, but they can also be tiresome. They are a necessary evil. There are points in the series that will be referenced as we move forward. You do not miss anything if you do not watch these videos right now. You may want to come back and watch them over time.

Also, I have made an executive decision if you will. After some YouTube complications, I reviewed everything. I can post up to 20 mins of video at one time on FaceBook. So, I think I will publish the regular 10 min vids on here through Youtube, then when I post on FaceBook I will post 20 minute segments. I think this might make a difference. The video is longer but there is more time for flow and groove. In ten minute videos, something just gets started and then you have to start the next video. I think the enhanced flow/groove time will actually make the viewing experience more enjoyable. You will not see this change until March 21 when I post Week 2 – Get Into The Groove.

Also Get Into The Groove makes the jump back to clipped videos, so there is more flow and groove to begin with. The intro as the intro should be resurfaces and a story begins to be told. Remember, again, one of the purposes of posting A New Beginning in the way that I am was to demonstrate the changes WTML has undergone since the beginning.

Finally, one other note. A conversation with DancingQueen brought up an interesting point. MARKETING, if you will.

How do you draw your viewers in? make me want to watch it.”

So, this week I will post the first “weekly trailer.” This will be a 60 sec highlight of what the following week’s post will hold.


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