Re-chekin' the 11-Day Chicken

 Hey, gang! Welcome to my life - where anything is possible and nothing is as it seems. I'm The Rev. Matt, and I'll be your host - coming at you from within The Depths of Geistopia.
Welcome to my Life is a project, an experiment in Life and ART. A living storyboard, if you will. Its premise is that life is experiential and that you can (and do) experience the life you choose. It is based on the use of The Wheel of Life and The ARTs for The New Millennium as life building tools.
Welcome to my Life is an I TV Studios/Geist...House production, in association with The Center for Creative Inspirationalism. Justus Productions, the parent company, would like to give a 'Shout-Out' to the following for their ongoing, and oft-times unknowing, inspiration and support:
Princess Cuddlebug
Princess Sunshine
Craze & Co.
The Shaman
The Pillar
The Entire Putt-Putt-Putter Clan
Andy Pandy
The Baker of the Cornbread
The White Rose
Professor Siggy Chong
The Van Man & General Ralph Glossop (May they R.I.P.)
Jojo Dancer
The Looch
Saint Diane…and You
My “Sisters”
The Piz-Niffer
Dancing Queen
Downtown Encyclopedia Brown
Mama Rabbit

And, of course, a very generous sponsor who (not so much) wishes to remain anonymous.

It is Sunday, June 5, 2016. Time…Distinct

Observation of the Week
Deprivation Begets Depraivity

Totems -

Fox - (Magic Afoot) Situations are shifting; magic is afoot. Do not reveal too much of your plans. Look to what might be camouflaged around you.

Dragonfly - (Time to Shine) Trust in the power of your light and your perception to succeed. Efforts are maturing. Spiritual path is ahead. 

Red-Winged Blackbird -  (Surprises) New surprises and understanding are coming. Your efforts will be noticed. Secrets revealed that give new perspective.

Robin - (Spring at Hand) A new spring is upon you. Trust in your new creative ideas. Stretch yourself into new areas. Your efforts will be rewarded.  

Butterfly - (New Birth) New love and joy are coming. Transformation is inevitable but will be easier than expected. Embrace the new beginnings.  

Cricket - (Belief) Power of your beliefs is strong – for good or bad. Do not distort ideas. Trust your own intuition before believing others.  

Goldfinch - (Nature Spirits) Increased contact with spirits of nature abound. Listen and communicate on all levels as inner and outer realms open to you.  

Caterpillar - (Good Luck) Good luck and new birth are at hand. Take a gentle and quiet approach to endeavors. Be realistic and shed the old.

 Toad - (Inner Strength) Use the skills and resources available to you. The advantage is yours in conflicts. Don’t give into fear. Trust your own resources.  

Turtle - (Promise) Take your time in your pursuits. Trust in Mother Earth. You will have what you need.  

From Animal Speak Pocket Guide, Ted Andrews, Dragonhawk Publishing, 2009

Life is shifting this week…but our journey is not. This week we will continue our frolic through last year.

The theory is that if we take this journey - from then until now - we will discover something.

I thought perhaps it was that there was a clue somewhere that might shed some light on where life is, and what is happening, currently. I'm beginning to wonder if it may not be something else. Something…more.

Perhaps it will be a journey like every other journey. One through which each participant gains something different. (Imagine how silly it would have been for the travelers of Oz all to receive the same gift.)

 Before we begin this week's review, I have some more Feedback. Once again it is from Redds. [You ROCK, Redds!!] To be honest, this was from last week, but I wanted to respond here once again, with a little more clarity.

Redds wanted to know if I ever reached out to The Girl. That's right. That girl. The Girl of CD infamy. Redds suggested that perhaps that was why I was listening to that CD. Perhaps that is why I was taking that journey.

Well, normally I may have suspected the same thing…or wanted to anyway. But, the answer to why I was listening to the CD is right there within the six videos. [I can't remember which one exactly.] I was told to, "Find the power within the pain."

The whole point was to let go. And…I think I have. I have moved beyond the experience of her. It was what it was and it was wonderful when it was. But, it is no more and I must move towards other grounds. I'm not saying I wouldn't still swoon a bit if I ran into her, but the pining - the aching - seems to have ceased. In fact, I can't tell you the last time I gave her a thought. [Until I watched the videos that is.]

As always, thanks for asking!

This week we are jumping ahead 11 days. This was the next official stop on the journey. Actually, it was unofficial because unlike the Moments of Freedom this was actually my "off" time.

I have been trying to remember what exactly may have been going on at that time. I know it was well before The Sitting Tree & The Garden. However, outside of whatever clues I may have been able to discern from the videos I cannot recall anything else specific. One thing that was going on, it would seem, is that I had been getting some crafting work done. Something that would soon come to an abrupt stop.

In this set of videos I eliminated the title boards between segments. I like the idea and may return to it again in the future. Though it took away just a bit of fluidness from the videos it also adds a distinct definition between them as well.

For instance at the beginning of this video I found at one point that I wasn't sure if I was in the Opening Monologue or the Body.

The 11-Day Chicken, pt. a

In this Episode:
 Previously; The Prelude; Playing with the Intro; Yes, Elzcious; Welcome back; “It’s the weekend!’; Finding the Time; “There’s a ride…”; Theme; Fooling Around at First; ‘POOF!’; A Bit of Perfection; Johnny’s on the Job; ‘Everybody’; That Might Be It; Why I’m Not God; “Slice your shit”; “Nein!”; Pillar-Man; The ‘Journey’ of my Death; Crazy Story for Ya; Lesson to Observation; Muppet Fantasy; The Vice-Table; Pussy Willows; “I need a rack”; Got the tater-tots

It's funny to me how scattered I seem throughout this video. It is obvious to me that I truly am just unwinding. In Moments of Freedom I was working. Not only did I have work in front of me that I was toiling with, but I was "on." What I mean by this is that it was clearly Spirit time. I was "working" for (and with) Spirit.

Conversely, in this video I seemed a bit more laid back and loose. I was really just having a good time and it seemed only appropriate to turn the camera on. I see no indication that it was "in-spired." I make a point to mention it in Moments of Freedom, "I don't know why you're here." But in this video, it seems obvious to me that we are here just because I wanted us to be. I felt like chilling out and sharing it with my friends. It is just so obvious to me that I am really just having a good time.

The voices are fun. Some of them are characters - that you may or may not be familiar with.

In the Intro there are two voices you will hear often. These are characters that have been with me since the beginning, even earlier. The 'Cherman woive' vas Dr. Hans Frans von Lichtenschtteiner. This is a character I had developed early on to help me with the metaphysical aspects of WTML. He is like the Metaphysical Consultant/Analyst.

The gruff voice is the voice of Walt. Walt goes way back to the fledgling videos that eventually inspired WTML - The Geist…House. This was my first experience with 'reality' video. The Geist…House was a series of videos that was me and my friends hanging out and doing various things. They caught on with people…for a time.

Walt was actually the product of an inside joke but eventually found his home "behind the camera." For a period In history, whoever took the reigns of the video camera became Walt, the Cameraman.

When WTML took to blogging, I experimented with using audio and an almost 'radio' format. In those days, Walt became Walt, the Sound Guy. Today he is known as Walt, the Production Engineer. (And, in some past episodes, my sidekick.

There is one other voice with which you should be familiar. I do not know how to describe it really. It was the voice that went with, "Rev. Rev…we are trying to create a more family friendly program." Its that sort of whiny, know-it-all, annoying voice. This is the voice of Jonathan Whitney Whiteman. Or, "Johnny on the Job."

In the Mad Genius series of posts (found on Youtube under WalcometomyLife08, and possibly on any one of my Facebook pages] Johnny was introduced as a sort of Program Manager or Assistant Producer. His job, as he explained to Walt and me, was to basically keep us in line.

Of course, there is a myriad of other random voices strewn throughout the video. Some of them you may hear again, but as of right this moment none of them have taken form or character. None of them has been given a name.

In this set of videos we are listening to 'Journey IV: Death Revisited.' This is one of my compilation CDs. This one was part of the original set. The set that was my story. This one refers to the experience that would come to be known as 'Mt Death.'

11-Day Chicken, pt 2-b

In this Episode:
How Foretelling; The Main Character; Pioneer Matt; Naming the Table; Getting the Pattern; The Truth of it All; Back to the Girl; I Am That I Am and So I Must Be; “Please don’t sue me”; Nothing Is As It Seems; Reached Resolve; Staff Work; What is a Chord?; The Worth It Moment; The (almost) General Faux-Pas

This video begins by jumping back into the body. It seems, as best as I can discern, that I followed the same ‘format’ as in Moments of Freedom – at least in regards to the CD playing.

Again, this CD is one of the compilation story CDs. This one has always been of particular interest to me. So, to help you perhaps understand the story (an therefore the journey) I included at least a snippet of each song, in order.

The first tangent has been one of my favorites for a while. It makes me chuckle a bit. Admittedly, it goes on just a tad long, but it is worth it for the very end. Know this – it’s true. It’s all true. There is absolutely no way I would have made a good pioneer.

I noticed that I make a reference to something receiving a name. What you may have missed (because I almost did) is that I am talking about a table that I have in The Cave. It is painted like a checker/chess board. I make that remark just prior, but it was one of those moments when I was talking more within my head than I was out loud. I really need to work on that.

I enjoyed how ‘The Plan’ laid itself out for me. It’s always those little moments of realization that I enjoy the most. Those are when you can tell the mind is clear and you channeling the necessary information. Just Enough to keep you on track. The video was obviously not a thought until it happened, because it is in the video that I realize I hadn’t really taken a breath since the last video.

The next realization was a little bit harder for me to watch. It goes back to Redds question about the girl .

Yes. I had realized through the journey of the CDs of the first two episodes that I most certainly love, and am in love, with The Girl. It was no understatement. I did know the moment I saw her. I was so swept away in just a short moment. So brief and fleeting.

I was hooked the moment I laid eyes on her and I have never let go. There has been no one since her that has moved me in that way. There was one who was very similar (but that was a surreal moment in and of itself.) San Francisco definitely moved me in ways I have not known before. But, I was there for very different reasons. [Or, was I?]

So, do I want to find the girl and tell her how strongly I feel? Of course. But, it would be a fruitless effort. Truly. It was here and now it is gone. That is what I needed to come to terms with – that is what the CD journey was all about. (That and understanding something even deeper and more substantial about The Self.)

I suppose I have let go to a certain degree. I suppose I have healed.

Maybe, should there ever be another Girl or San Francisco, I will be ready for it.

There are quite a few moments in this video that had me sort of cocking my head. There are a variety of moments when I am not sure if I am actually just that intoxicated or if I am just having fun. Sometimes it seems as though the beer has gotten the better of me and then in the next moment I am back on my feet again.

This is not just in regards to the order of the video but of the whole of the night as well. As I follow along and see where certain things take place throughout the night I realize that the ‘apparent intoxication’ level varies from moment to moment. And, not every moment is what one may think.

There are certainly many moments where I am obviously feeling it, but some moments I noticed have other things going on in them. Quite often it is energy work.

We move on from that moment though.

Next comes ‘Clips.’ ‘Clips’ is as ‘Clips’ always has been – a little bit of this, a little bit of that. It is a smattering of moments throughout the night. After clips I begin to talk about the way things have been shifting around me for the past 11 days.

“It’s as if everything is as it should have always been.”

I heard this and I began to recall a little bit more of what had been going on around me. I still did not come up with graphic details but I caught the gist of it. As I said last week, at this time I was working part time as a retail merchandiser and collecting partial unemployment. Along the way, of course, I was doing what I do best – a little bit of this, and a little bit of that. I had some ministry things going on. Not a lot, but Just Enough  to keep me inspired. I was also doing some work at a Saint Diane’s and I believe that is where all the wood came from.

The staff I begin playing with fascinated me. The first time I watched this through I couldn’t for the life of me remember what it was I wanted that stick to be. I thought this was a shame because I obviously liked what I had seen in my head. If the really long and overdrawn, “ooh,” wasn’t enough of a clue. [It actually did become a clue for me the second time through and I once again remember what it was.] I did not get to make that staff, because, as I have said, things were going to change rather abruptly and unexpectedly.

I have made a lot of references to The General in these last few episodes. In a way this makes me sad. I miss him very much. He was still with us back then.

I was overly fascinated by this next story. I was fascinated because it makes the point (or tries to) that I just made – sometimes my drunkenness isn’t as ‘drunk’ as it may appear. Only I got caught up. I should have cut out some of the in between stuff but I think I wanted to make the point that it was really kind of…?ironic?

If you didn’t catch it, I was about to take a drink of the beer while the cap was still on.

11-Day Chicken, pt. 2-c

In this Episode:
One More; Crazing amidst the Praising; Hello, Otis; My Girls & “Dad!”; The Inner Teen Chick; True Profundity; Be the People in my Neighborhood; Staling; Lost my Mind; A Random Prayer; I know You Were; 11 Days; Dunevella; Closing Out; Next time

This video starts with a Clips segment. Again, it is very obvious to me that I am just unwinding and having a good time. I’m not sure there was even really appoint to this episode.

As the video goes on there are a few interesting parts for me. I talk again about how I need to quit smoking. Here I am, a year later, saying the same thing and struggling with it. Part of me wants to quit. Part of me does not.

There does seem to be a Theme of Death/Ending/Change throughout this episode and do comment on it in this video. Since I obviously have not died I have to wonder what the ending or change was. I do not see anything different in my life today.

I mention a moment with the Princesses. I actually get more into that in the next episode. (I know because I have been editing it together recently.)

Truthfully, I am not in the best state of mind lately to review these videos and comment on them. Perhaps there is more in there than I can pick up on in the moment. Perhaps what I am (or am not) picking up on is all there is. I will leave that to you, I suppose.

From here in Geistopia, this is your beloved Rev wishing you Love, Light, Peace...and Freakishness, baby.

I would love to hear from you. Tell me what you think. Tell me what your experience of this is. Ask me the questions you ponder. You can email me. You can comment here. You can comment on any of the Facebook pages on which this gets posted. Feel free to reach out and communicate with me.

Rev. Matt can be found on Facebook on his pages - Rev. Matt or WTML. To schedule, or inquire about, a Reiki session, Tarot Reading, House Cleansing or Wedding services you can contact Rev. Matt at


  1. So part2 a. You were hilarious! I was totally cracking up. Those voices, which you explained, are they spirit talking thru you or are you just messing with? I'm sure you noticed this already, but when I first glanced at the license plate I thought it said GOD 2015. You know how your mind plays tricks when only part of the letters are correct. That's all for now. On to watch the others....

    1. Oh and it's funny how you mentioned you had pussy willows growing in your she'd. I bought some right before you filmed this but they died. So I just bought more to plant in the yard and I have the branches in the house too.

    2. Oh and it's funny how you mentioned you had pussy willows growing in your she'd. I bought some right before you filmed this but they died. So I just bought more to plant in the yard and I have the branches in the house too.

  2. Part 2b - again, you mentioned something I was just discussing last week with Steve. Pioneers. How did Pioneers know when to stop moving West? I'm with you. I wouldn't have made it to CA!!! Did they keep thinking the grass was greener on the other side? Too funny. 2nd) I noticed you had the cap on but then you had it off when you did it again. 3rd) what happened with The Girl that it ended? I suppose it ended so you could have your two beautiful girls. Life's plan.


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