Good Morning, Good Day


October 24, 2011; 0719

I needed to take the time to check-in, not only with WTML but also just with myself. It has been a very intense and interesting couple of weeks.

There is so much going on at once. I find myself terribly behind schedule with things and also buried under a pile of stuff to do around the home. I’m not exactly sure how it all got to this point, but I am certain that I am going to put my best foot forward to reverse it all.

Every area of my life is undergoing changes right now. I think they are all good changes, but it always takes so long for the dust to settle when things happen so abruptly.

I need to start journaling on a daily basis. I think this is important both for the flow of WTML but also for my own personal well-being. I’m not exactly sure how it all goes quite yet but, for now, this space will serve as my daily and WTML journals. I don’t know how well that will work out, but wtf…why not?

Today is DAY 1 of my process towards change (or ‘The Experiment’ as I have come to call it.) Journaling is a part of that change as are many many other things that I have let go of on my journey from ‘way back when’ to ‘now.’

Overall I feel good about the choices I am making and the direction things are headed in.

Here is a smidgeon of what has been going on:

    • The girls have both begun school and are fully enjoying the experience.
    • Work has picked up significantly. Money has been more abundant, time has decreased.
    • I have slowly been balancing out my financial situation. Little by little each week I take on, accomplish, a little more.
    • I challenged a demon.
    • Dad is in the hospital. (prayers of health)

There is great change on the face of Geistopia. Let us see where it all goes from here.

Daily Card: The Knight of Swords


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