Questperiment–Day 3


October 26, 2011; 0744

In my current quest to get things reordered, reorganized and reorchestrated I have committed myself to doing certain things daily. One of these things is to journal, or in this case, blog. I found in the past that writing things down frequently helps immensly. It puts things into perspective, clears the mind. It even gathers up all of those random pieces of thoughtature and gives them a place to reside until you are sure of their place in your life.

For instance, the other morning, after having blogged, I went and did a little zenitation. I had had several thoughts during that time and had not written them down afterwards. Now they are in my head running around free until the next moment I can silence myself enough to find them once more.

I have also been trying to regiment myself in regards to a daily routine of ‘things done.’ Again, waaaaay back in the daaaay, I had a very specific routine of rituals, meditations, prayers, etc. And, again, this is when I was highly energized and in tune. So, I would like to get back to that as much as possible. So far, I am succeeding.

I find that to keep myself grounded and in tune I must move through my life slowly. No matter how active or busy it gets around me I must always maintain a balanced pace. It’s interesting how often I find that I am moving (walking) at a fast pace. Then I have to ask myself, “Why? Where am I going in such a hurry? Will it not be there when I arrive?”

As I slow my body I find that my mind begins to slow down as well, allowing me to see and notice more of the life around me – the colors, the sounds, the people, the beauty and the glory.

I’ve had a couple of good days of work. Another one today, followed by dinner, dance class and homework with the girls. I have a bear of a day tomorrow. I only have 3 stores to go to but in just one of them I could work up to 8 hours. (At least 7.) Now I am hoping it doesn’t come down to that because that will make for a very very long day. The 2nd store could be up to 5 itself. But, I really don’t think it is going to take that long.

Dad is home from the hospital. All is well.

And I think that is all I have to say for the moment.


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