Change is Afoot
Friday, March 28, 2014 (2 Day – Venus)
0638 (end of Last Dark Hour)
Dark of the Moon in Aquarius; Sun in Aries; Mercury, Neptune, Chiron in Pisces; Venus in Aquarius; Mars in Libra; Jupiter in Cancer; Saturn in Scorpio’ Pluto in Capricorn
It has been so long since I have taken the time to sit and write. I have even missed at least one Sunday Post. The past several weeks were very crazy and on the go.
I had several jobs for work, which was very good. But, it had me in and out of town every week. I actually finally feel grounded after about a week of being home.
I was also blessed with some hours in the office this week, so I didn’t really ‘stop’ until Wednesday night. Since then I have been getting on track, clearing, purging, etc., etc..
There is definitely change afoot. That’s all I can say on it at this point. I can sense it. I can even see parts of it in play. But, I don’t know exactly what it is, how it will play out or when. But change is definitely afoot.
(cigarette break)
That was a short one.
Ok. So, part of the reason I haven’t written lately is I just don’t know what to write. I suppose that doesn’t matter as much as just sitting down and writing.
The Shaman said, “March will be a good month,” and he was right. It was a very good month. The girls and I had a good time. There was a fair amount of work. Things got taken care of there was much fun had by all.
I hope April continues in that vain. It doesn’t look good so far…but then, neither did March before it started.
I have a job that I need to do today. Other than that these next several days are just kind of mine. I have the Princesses’ dance class in the morning and a meeting tomorrow evening. I have the workshop to get back together. I actually started this yesterday and it is going well.
I need to take a look at next week and see what I can put together.
I think that’s all for right now. Let’s just leave it all with…Change is afoot.
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