

Monday, April 7, 2014 (9 Day)

0746 (2nd Hour)

1st Quarter Moon in Cancer

Sun and Uranus in Aries; Mercury, Venus, Neptune and Chiron in Pisces; Mars in Libra; Jupiter in Cancer; Saturn in Scorpio, Pluto in Capricorn

Lower back Pain.

Energy levels good.

Well, I finally have a moment to sit down and jot some thoughts. It has been a crazy month. In fact, I can’t even remember what was going on or I was writing about a month ago.

March was intense. I was told by the Shaman that it would be a good month and overall it was. It was a fantastic month. I had a decent amount of work. Income was good, but a large part of that was simply a tax return.

Nonetheless, things got done, purchases were made and life flowed fairly smoothly.

The work was nice, but it through me off kilter quite a bit. For several weeks I was in and out of town with just brief moments of grounding in between. It seemed each time I came home I had a different mess or problem that needed priority.

All the work is caught up now though. The workshop is up to par. The basement/Altar area is back together. The whole house has had it’s Spring cleaning and cleansing. (Which I messed up my back doing and am still recovering.) The Princesses and I even had a chance to work on cleaning up the yard this weekend. We raked together as much debris as we could and burned it. That was our morning yesterday.

When we had gotten as far as we could, we stopped. Then we sat around the fire and had a “picnic” lunch with chicken and broccoli Alfredo.

It just seemed I was always on the go with something.

If I wasn’t working the Fiber job I was looking for (and performing) IC work. Or, I was with the Princesses. Or, I was cleaning up/organizing some portion of Geistopia.

‘The Proposal’ on the table seems to still have some power behind it but it has waned quite a bit. I think this was mostly due to the chaotic schedule of late. But, it too, is finally getting caught up and back on track.

With the exception of a moment or two,m I have been very bad about my daily exercises. I’ve been fairly right on with the devotions, but the exercises have been weak.

Of course, there is always some degree of drama going on. Mama and I just can’t go long without problems. She, of course, would tell you that it is my fault. She would tell you how assy I am. She would tell you that it is all my attitude.

I would tell you that my attitude and assiness are brought on by the things she does and the decisions she makes regarding our children. So, anyway, there is drama on that front and we will see how it plays out through April.

I am actually sitting here waiting to go on another work trip. We leave this morning, test in Harrisburg and then drive to Kansas City, KS where we will test from 7pm-midnite on Tuesday. Wednesday we will test again and then drive to Dallas, TX. We will test in TX and then start the 21+ hour drive back to the Valley. If all goes well, I should be home by late on Friday. Perhaps early on Saturday morning.

So…Let’s just see how April goes.


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