To Be Continued....(sometime...)


 Hey, gang! Welcome to my life - where anything is possible and nothing is as it seems. I'm The Rev. Matt, and I'll be your host - coming at you from within The Depths of Geistopia.

Welcome to my Life is a project, an experiment in Life and ART. A living storyboard, if you will. Its premise is that life is experiential and that you can (and do) experience the life you choose. It is based on the use of The Wheel of Life and The ARTs for The New Millennium as life building tools.

Welcome to my Life is an I TV Studios/Geist...House production, in association with The Center for Creative Inspirationalism. Justus Productions, the parent company, would like to give a 'Shout-Out' to the following for their ongoing, and oft-times unknowing, inspiration and support:

Princess Cuddlebug

Princess Sunshine

Craze & Co.

The Shaman

The Pillar

The Entire Putt-Putt-Putter Clan

Andy Pandy

The Baker of the Cornbread

The White Rose

Professor Siggy Chong




The Van Man & General Ralph Glossop (May they R.I.P.)

Jojo Dancer

The Looch

Saint Diane…and You

My Salt N' Peppa

The Socialite

The Unc-countant

Osteen, the Son

The Piz-Niffer

Dancing Queen

Downtown Encyclopedia Brown

Mama Rabbit


And, of course, a very generous sponsor who (not so much) wishes to remain anonymous.



It is Sunday, May 15, 2016. Time...Curious.

Theme of the Week

If You Only Knew

Lesson of the Week

It's a Matter of Choice

Observation of the Week

The Only Opinion is a Good One

Totems -


Robin - (Spring at Hand) A new spring is upon you. Trust in your new creative Ideas. Stretch yourself into new areas. Your effort will be rewarded.

Rabbit - (Wait) Look for fertile signs and use the lunar cycle. If unsure, wait. Answers will become clear within a month. Then movement is assured.

Earthworm -  (Work Old Ground) Work through things carefully. Cast what is not beneficial. Do not put self in a vulnerable position. Face realities for new growth.

Falcon - (Act Swiftly) Take action when opportunity appears. Quick maneuvers will succeed and impress others. You will stir respect in others.

Flicker - (New Starts) New beginnings are near. There is an opportunity for new growth. Trust in your ability to manifest healing love.

Spider - (Weaving Fate) Don't take the round about way - be straight. Weave something new. Trust feeling rather than seeing.

Tick - Unbalanced Relationship) Relationship(s) is unbalanced. Others may be taking advantage. Examine what is affecting your own vitality and joy.

Cat - (Independence) Mystery and Magic is afoot, but you must find your own way of expressing it. Develop your ability to be more independent.

Cardinal - (Renewed Importance) Accept your life's importance. Accept yourself as a source of light and do not be afraid to conduct yourself accordingly.

It was a good week. I am highly satisfied. Not once, not on a single day, did things go as I had planned. Yet, at the end of the week, everything is completed to satisfaction. I am finding more and more each week, as I reach this point, I am feeling more satisfied with things. I am watching things fall into place and take form. 

I can't remember back as far as Monday. Oh yes I can. Monday was the day I made something of the front yard.

Over the years much (very much) 'weed killer' has been sprayed in the front yard, particularly along the front porch. Needless to say, this has left the ground there all but dead. Nothing grows there anymore. Not even grass. It is just brown and barren. So, I decided it needed a refresher. I dug a small trench to separate areas and keep maintenance manageable. Then I mulched along the porch. It is not ready for plants of any kind but it looks nice and it will look even better with some small solar lights.

Tuesday ended up chillier and damper than I had expected. Also, I ended up npt having some work that I thought I might. I decided this was a good day for editing. I did the same thing on Wednesday. My day was broken up here and there and the time just wasn't there to do anything heavy. So, I edited and went through video. Overall, Wednesday was sort of a blah kind of day, yet, I was feeling quite good when I went to sleep.

Thursday I woke up very strong. I was ready to go and I had plenty to do. I got wood painted along the gardens on both side of the house. I got the lawn mowed. I started cleaning but did not get it finished. I was assured that this was ok. Sometimes, I guess, you don't have to do everything. But, boy, did I sleep good on Thursday night.

Friday was a bipolar kind of day. I just couldn't seem to get a groove going. One moment I was feeling uplifted and invigorated and the next I might be tearing up a bit. (Healing's a bitch!!)

Saturday certainly didn't go as planned - twice!!

I wanted to get mulch for the beds on Saturday. In the morning I headed over to the township yard only to find out that at that point in the morning I could only have it dumped in the truck...for $15. Well, this was out. I could go back after 12 and shovel it into the truck as I had originally planned. Later in the morning, so very close to 12, my mother came home and gave me the $15 to get the mulch by the truckload. I took the shovel out of the back to keep it from getting buried and headed out. Only to arrive at the yard and find it closed and a line of people waiting...waiting to shovel the mulch. So, back home I went.

A this point I decided that maybe there was something more productive I could do. I settled on making all the beds ready for mulch. If I am going to end up getting it by the truckload, which is now the plan, then it could be quite a bit more than I am currently prepared to receive. So, I set out clearing some beds and preparing some new ones. I also got my two trellises painted to put out back in The Garden.

This is one of the things that has been missing and has been keeping me from getting further on that project. now that they are painted I can get them in place and then begin the finishing process. There is a lot to do out there right now. So much was left undone last year. Over the winter season so much damage happened that must be repaired. But, I am confident that I can get it where it is going by the Autumnal Equinox.

Something will come up - a task, a place to go, something - and suddenly the path opens up to follow through. For instance, I was invited to a meeting on Tuesday morning. I normally wouldn't go, but the person who invited me is not someone to whom you say, "No." Also, the path is clear to do it. In fact, I was just wondering this morning what my Tuesday would hold. Now I know.

I was only able to receive the invitation because the way was cleared for this morning. And, this morning yielded a lot more than just the invitation. It was, what I would call, a successful moment.

There are still many things askew in my life. I certainly "shouldn't" be feeling so comfortable and at ease. Not by any common standard anyway. I can't help it. It is taking a long time, but bit by bit, piece by piece, I am watching so much stuff come together…find conclusion or resolution.

I imagine that I am not handling or managing things the way most folks would, but then, why would I? My life is as it is and works how it works. For so long now I have been 'trying' to make it work differently. Now, the attitude has changed drastically. Now, I am letting it do the work and I am only there for support. (Imagine that - playing a 'supporting role' in your own life.)

So much is going on at one time. If I didn't see even just slight progress each day I would feel quite defeated, I suppose.  Habits have been changing - slowly, but they are changing. Of course, many of these moments are nothing more than choice. I choose to give in to habit and addiction. I can always choose not to as well.

Many tasks are getting completed. I cannot get over just how much work there is to be done around Geistopia (and that is just to bring it up to par.) This is not including work that needs to be completed, such as 'The Garden.'

But even those tasks are seeing progress, slowly but surely.

Along the way, life is putting itself in order. I am letting it define itself. The biggest thing I need to get past currently is the morning. Lately, most mornings I wake up with so much on my mind and so much I wish to accomplish that it messes me up. Either I push to hard from the get go and burn myself out way too early in the day or I am too early to start and then I get myself delayed in distraction. This is the part I need to get past.

I need OTHER distractions. I need to continue to fine tune my 'To-Do' list. The object is to remain occupied and busy. This is what is supposed to help me defeat my 'addictions.' I am certain that if I had myself completely together I could keep myself busy. There is always something to work on…somewhere in Geistopia. Little what-nots to take care of to to which I can tend.

Not to mention that, as I go along - puttering away - and getting things completed I am finding new things to add to the list.

(Isn't that always the way?)

The job front is as it is. Finances are beyond low. There is not a cent to be found anywhere. Yet, I cannot complain. It seems, always at the last moment, something comes through. For example, I am starting to get lower on gas in the Matt-Mobile. I have quite a bit of driving to do this week. Yesterday, a job popped up. Well, it popped up on Friday and I did it yesterday. It won't pay much, but it will be Just Enough to take care of what needs to be tended to at the moment. Perhaps there will be more by the end of the week.

Maybe there will not.

The only thing I can do  is take it one day, one moment, at a time and see what I can make of each.

I am very happy with the progress that has been made around Geistopia lately. So much that needed to be done and now it is getting there and things are looking nice…fresh.

There are two things I would like to see hit the routine this week. First, I would really like to slow down so that I am making the most of each of my four daily devotions. I am in no hurry. Getting them done quickly serves me no purpose. So, I would like to move through them wholly, and slowly.

Also, I would like to get back to journaling, especially since the flow of this blog will be different for the next several weeks.

That's right.

Things are going to change up a little bit.

Tomorrow marks the 2 month mark. So, next week, I will begin the video posts. They start with videos from a year ago. The first few episodes have been posted once and are repeats. This time, however, I am going to add my own commentary on them in the post. I have found in re-watching them lately that it all seems very different a year later (when there is no attachment left on the moment.)

I am hoping that the commentary will clear some things up, perhaps help understanding. I am also hoping that it will fill in some of the gaps - explain some of the unexplained moments. My overall hope in both of these is to perhaps answer some Feedback I had received from Redds some time ago.

I am not sure how the video goes yet. As I said, the first few episodes are complete, but there are plenty more that are not. The editing certainly takes a great deal of time and getting me to sit down and do it has been a challenge.

Here's an idea of what I deal with generally. When I sat down to edit the first video, which I believe is the fourth in the series (fifth depending on how you count it) I discovered that there was 11 1/2+ hours of raw video to sort through. This takes a very long time. In the first cut-through I managed to trim that down to about 3 1/2 hours. But that still leaves me with over two hours to cut out. Or, am I looking at another 2-part episode. Just as the first one from this series will be?

The next video in the series was not much different. I believe its starting count is somewhere around 12 hours.

Now, I have about four weeks from today to get that first video completed. And then they are going to need to be done each week after that.

It's funny how the mind works. I know I have this ahead of me and it seems so impossible to accomplish so I find myself reluctant to even begin. But, I know I must. So, I try to squeeze it in around things. It is the perfect rainy day task. It also works well for days like Tuesday when my day is chopped and divided into so many pieces.

My greatest struggle at the moment is understanding my place in the 'Grand Design.' I know it. I get it. I don't necessarily understand it or how I am to work with it. It is very different than anything anyone has explained or described to me so far on this path. It is asking things of me that I cannot quite conceive, but it all works out as it is to be.

I'm done trying to make sense of any of it. Instead I am going to let it do its thing and do my best to follow along.

There has been a great deal of emphasis lately on this 'thing' between The Shaman and me. It is something that needs resolution of some sort. I don't know how it gets there. He is stubborn enough to wait for me - though he has no problem letting his presence be known. And though I am definitely just as stubborn it is not that which keeps me away.

It is more of an uncertainty that keeps me from taking action. I do not fully know how it is I feel about things as a whole. I do not know what it is I make of the decades of association. I do not completely understand why it is I needed to step back in the first place. So, for me, it is less stubbornness and more just not knowing what to say.

For all of these issues - The Shaman and the job and the life - at this point, only time will tell. I just don't know when that time will be.

From here in Geistopia, this is your beloved Rev wishing you Love, Light, Peace...and Freakishness, baby.


I would love to hear from you. Tell me what you think. Tell me what your experience of this is. Ask me the questions you ponder. You can email me. You can comment here. You can comment on any of the Facebook pages on which this gets posted. Feel free to reach out and communicate with me.


Rev. Matt can be found on Facebook on his pages - Rev. Matt or WTML. To schedule, or inquire about, a Reiki session, Tarot Reading, House Cleansing or Wedding services you can contact Rev. Matt at


  1. What source do you use to interpret signs you receive like the ones you started you post with?

  2. I'm glad you asked. I meant to make mention of it and forgot. For Totems I am currently using Ted Andrews' Animal Speak Pocket Guide. The definitions are more concise than the actual book but it has more entries. For herbs I tend to use Scott Cunningham's Magickal Herbs (or something like book.) But I sometimes use a web search. Usually for that I will reference at least three sites....and yes very hard work. (You can come help with The Garden lmao)

  3. How do you pick your theme, lesson, observation and totems of the week? Do you use tarot, angel, inspiration or totem cards?


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