
Showing posts from May, 2011


  May 31, 2011 Hey, Gang! Welcome to my life. Where anything is possible and nothing is as it seems. I’m The Rev. Matt, and I’ll be your host – coming at you from within the depths of Geistopia. Welcome To My Life is a project, an experiment in Life and ART. A living storyboard, if you will. It’s premise is that life is experiential and that you can and do experience the life you choose. It is based on The Wheel of Life and the ARTs for the New Millennium as life building tools. Welcome To My Life is an I TV Studios/Geist…House production. JustUs Productions, the parent company, would like to give a “Shout-Out” to the following for their ongoing, and oft times unknowing, inspiration and support:   Princess CuddleBug Princess Sunshine Craze & Co. The Shaman The Pillar The Entire Putt-Putt-Putter Clan FaeriePrincess BamBam Berton The Baker of the Cornbread The VanMan (R.I.P.) The Messengers of The Galactic Federation Osteen, the Son The Sitter The White R...

Filling A Gap

  May 21, 2011 Knowing there will be a gap in video posts, I have decided to take a moment to touch base in writing. I know there are those of you who prefer the written posts. I appreciate this and I apologize that I have not been able to write as much lately. I definitely went through a bumpy period. But, from what I can gauge at this point, it will have  been worthwhile. It seems, that once more, I am beginning from square one. (Of course, this is like Square 1; Plane 5 – but, still…) I just had a brief period without a lot of work. I had enough little things trickle in to keep me moving, but at this moment I have very little money to my name. There is money coming throughout the week and over the Memorial Day holiday, so I am not overly concerned. However, I did need to call a few favors and now need to be able to repay them as soon as possible. It is only a month until my vacation with the girls. I have absolutely no idea how I am managing this quite yet. LOL. But, it...

Unspoken Words

  May 14, 2011 Finally, I feel somewhat inclined to jot a few things down. I know, I know. It has been quite some  since I have scribed. I apologize to those followers who do not or can not watch the videos. I am being haunted, lately, by this very strange, looming sense of peace. I can’t seem to find a problem in the world. (Well, my world anyway. There are plenty of problems in the world today.) I’m not sure what it is. My life is far from perfect. I mean, things are ok, life is good, but there is still much improvement I would like to see. I could use more work/Money. I have lots around the house that needs to be done. A relationship seems a fleeting notion.  And, yet, I can’t help but feel good – almost every moment of every day. In fact, I have been having the strangest experience of late. It happened several times last night. I fall asleep and then whether randomly in the middle of the night or first thing in the morning, I wake up and my first thought is always ...

Le Finale de Supplementaire (Filmed 04/28/11)

  May 10, 2011 To be completely honest, I am not sure how I feel about Supplemental: The Finale . I only know that it is the conclusion. There are aspects of it that I find important at this time, but it was very difficult for me to find the flow that I generally strive for among this material. This post does include a Theme, Lesson and Observation and I think it is important to note that, because they occur in the same week, it is important to view both Supplemental: The 2 nd Act and Le Finale de Supplementaire to see all of the connections. Again, as a whole, The Supplemental Trilogy seems to really capture what I am striving for in this project. The object now, as we move forward, is to take those elements from each Supplemental and merge them into the weekly posts. (Wish me luck.) At the end of this post (on Blogger), or posted on the Welcome to my Life FaceBook wall is a link to a survey. As I said in WTML Supplemental , it is time for a reality check for me. Part of tha...

WTML Supplemental: The Second Act

  May 2, 2011 The WTML Supplemental Trilogy has been quite a surprise to me, but a pleasant one. I was not anticipating this at all; However, I am very glad it happened. As a whole, I think the Supplemental Trilogy captures an essence of my life that I have many times said was lacking from the project itself. I think, also, it helps to demonstrate not only the original vision of WTML but also the concepts, and principles discussed within. The interaction and the energy and the experiences add a whole new depth and dimension to the project as a whole, including the viewing experience. I really want to use this ‘writing space’ as an opportunity to lay the ground work for the project as a whole, but also to lend markers or an anchor to the viewing experience. It is in these initial paragraphs that you will find a summary of where life finds me at the time of the post, my feelings on the post itself and/or how it plays into the project as a whole, any artistic or production notes ...