WTML Supplemental: The Second Act


May 2, 2011

The WTML Supplemental Trilogy has been quite a surprise to me, but a pleasant one. I was not anticipating this at all; However, I am very glad it happened. As a whole, I think the Supplemental Trilogy captures an essence of my life that I have many times said was lacking from the project itself. I think, also, it helps to demonstrate not only the original vision of WTML but also the concepts, and principles discussed within. The interaction and the energy and the experiences add a whole new depth and dimension to the project as a whole, including the viewing experience.

I really want to use this ‘writing space’ as an opportunity to lay the ground work for the project as a whole, but also to lend markers or an anchor to the viewing experience. It is in these initial paragraphs that you will find a summary of where life finds me at the time of the post, my feelings on the post itself and/or how it plays into the project as a whole, any artistic or production notes and so on. I cannot say these things will appear each week, but these opening remarks are your roadmap through the videos.

With that said, here are some production notes for this week that may enhance your viewing experience:

1. I have noticed in reviewing the videos each week, that there is definitely a difference in the impact of the video when viewed in Full Screen. When possible, I highly suggest viewing the videos in Full Screen Mode.

2. In this post, the ‘Time with the Shaman’ is posted in chronological order. There are clips from this time throughout the video, helping to project the action forward. But, the bulk of that experience is exactly as it was for me. This is important to note because of the way certain things present themselves, especially in conjunction with the timing of things.

3. Please note the use of the new “disclaimer” in the beginning.

4. The time frame of The Supplemental Trilogy is two weeks from the beginning of Part 1 to the end of Part 3.

5. There is a sequence of clips that was filmed in the van. I had the driver’s side windo open and it was very difficult to hear me from time to time. I decided to play around with audio enhancement. (The key words being, “play around”.) Believe me when I tell you that as bad as it sounds it is better than it was. (you win some, you lose some.)

6. There were two instances in the filming of this post when I managed to get very clear, uninterrupted audio of the song(s) playing on the radio. Though as viewers you have not heard it yet, for weeks I have been commenting/complaining that the YouTube censors have been deeming some of my posts “copyright controversy” because as I go through my day and listen to the radio I catch music and depending on the song and how it seems to be heard on the video, they will turn off the audio for the entire clip. Though I respect and understand their position on this, I argue that these instances are not violations of any copyright contingencies. I say this because I do not intentionally set out to use these songs as background or underscore. I am just going through my life and this is the music that I hear. Today, I am consciously choosing to use these two clips and the songs in them as the opening and closing, respectively. Though this may border on copyright issues, again I would argue that for the purposes and intents of this project, it is not. Part of my theorem (and the point to this demonstration as a whole) is that this amazing force we know as life communicates and works with us in many ways, including the music we may hear. Such is the case, I believe with both of these songs. Both songs are Led Zepplin( Rock n Roll & Dazed and Confused.) I think it’s important to use them because it demonstrates how beautifully and naturally things can come together if you allow them. It also stresses the acknowledgment of Themes in our lives. It is important to note here that, unfortunately, YouTube will most likely mute me (if not shut me down, lol.) Even more unfortunate, most YouTube viewers (and censors) will not be able to read this commentary. (Also, please note my stand on Copyright. I am 100% for it and licensing fees. But, the reality of my situation is I do not understand at all the course to take to obtain license fees for using music in the capacity that I do. I am desperately seeking legal assistance, or even general counsel, in this matter.)

7. There is a ‘Rewind Sequence’ and I forgot to add the sound effect….oopy shit!

8. Finally (and I can’t stress this enough) - FEEDBACK! FEEDBACK! FEEDBACK! Come on folks, lemme know you’re out there.

WTML Supplemental: The Second Act, Pt. 1

In This Episode: A New Concept in Opening(Setting the Stage); On The Supplemental: The 2nd Act’; “The Spiritual Whomp”; The Interaction; “It’s Experiential”; A Safari to The Shaman; On ‘The day’; Finally, The Intro


WTML Supplemental: The Second Act, Pt. 2

In This Episode: The Rest of The Intro; “Releasing”; Introducing Walt; Reviewing The WTML Supplemental; “When you put it all together”; “Sometimes if you sit through the randomness…”; “Where’s my Invitation” or ‘Family Tighes’; Supply & Demand, My Ass; “Talk a lot of nonsense”; The Waltons and Young America; The ‘Encyclopedia’ Chronicles; The Scariest Moment of my Life



WTML Supplemental: The Second Act, Pt. 3

In This Episode: Scariest Moment, cont’d; “What are you pointing at me,” or, “Let me take your temperature”; And So It Begins (The Daily Lessons); *Watch for ‘Themes & Associations’*; Gaettin’ a Lil Rough Around the Edges


WTML Supplemental: The Second Act, Pt. 4

In This Episode: Pointing It Out; Thor’s Hammer; Heralding ‘The Doom of the Gods’, ’Creation’ and ‘Science and Religion’; Daily Lessons, The Second Part w/ a Side Trip Into My Mind – Noah’s Ark, Alexandria, The Garden of Eden & Sumeria; The Associations Continue



WTML Supplemental: The Second Act, Pt. 5

In This Episode: ‘The Ben Franklin’; The ‘Real’ Ben Franklin & “Just how did the Revolutionary War end?”; Back Into the Book – Daily Lessons, pt. 3



WTML Supplemental: The Second Act, Pt. 6

In This Episode: Lillith Appears; Stopping to See The Rose; The Closing



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