Unspoken Words


May 14, 2011

Finally, I feel somewhat inclined to jot a few things down. I know, I know. It has been quite some  since I have scribed. I apologize to those followers who do not or can not watch the videos.

I am being haunted, lately, by this very strange, looming sense of peace. I can’t seem to find a problem in the world. (Well, my world anyway. There are plenty of problems in the world today.) I’m not sure what it is. My life is far from perfect. I mean, things are ok, life is good, but there is still much improvement I would like to see. I could use more work/Money. I have lots around the house that needs to be done. A relationship seems a fleeting notion.  And, yet, I can’t help but feel good – almost every moment of every day. In fact, I have been having the strangest experience of late. It happened several times last night. I fall asleep and then whether randomly in the middle of the night or first thing in the morning, I wake up and my first thought is always “Thank you, God.” I’m not,  sure what I am saying thank you for, but it seems to happen more often than not.

I find myself feeling more grounded and in tune with my surroundings. And yet, I seem to be floating on air. I am in no way complaining. But I am curious as to what comes next. I would say I am nervous. Nervous, because it has been a while since I have felt this way. Also, because, in the recent past whenever I would start to feel this groove something big and very BAD would happen. lol.

May 15, 2011

So, I had started blogging late last night and am finishing today. I’m not sure what else, exactly, I have left to say, but let’s see.

I had a great weekend with the girls. We were supposed to get some gardening done this weekend, but between rainy weather and unexpected parties it didn’t seem to happen. It has been very interesting so far, and to a certain degree, encouraging.

I have gotten some feedback on the whole WTML, including a couple of survey answers.

Though I am sure I will touch on these in some video or another I want to take a moment to acknowledge them here as well.

White Rose had some fascinating insight. I really enjoyed her response to the question,” What was your first reaction to WTML?” Rose wrote,” What is this? Is that Matt Geist? What the hell is he doing?"

White Rose seems to like the older posts better than the newer posts. She says she enjoyed the ramblings more than the “spiritual teachings.” But, interestingly enough, she pointed out that the older posts also involved a lot more angst. There were problems with my family. I was unemployed. There were problems with Jessi. I was not as mellow.

The thing is, these “spiritual teachings” have always really been the point to WTML. I have it in quotes for a reason. I do not consider them spiritual teachings (though some may be spiritual in nature.) I consider them life teachings. (if I were going to consider them teachings at all.) See, for me it goes like this – I learn, or experience, things in any given week. Because it is “My LIfe” I feel compelled to share them. Should you learn something from them yourself excellent. If not – it’s cool.

The Original Mr. Baggins reports that he feels the videos really speak to him and he is grateful for that. (As am I.)

Bam-Bam (formerly known as G-Man) finally watched a lil bit of WTML Supplemental & La Finale de Supplementaire.

He seemed genuinely impressed. His is like a three-fold insight. He has watched older videos, as well as parts of the two new ones. But, he has also now been involved in two videos. He said he felt there was great improvement in the production value from what he has watched in the past to these newer ones. Also, he did agree that it is totally different to be there and be involved and then see the finished product.

And both he and my nephew (who watched some for the first time on Friday) agreed…or rather acknowledged the amount of time and concentration I must put in to clip the videos together the way that I do. Thanks for noticing and noting. LOL.

I feel ready for my week, which is the first time in several weeks that I have felt that way. So that is happiness on a stick.

I do not foresee a video post in the upcoming week. We will pick up with Week 5 of the Project as soon as I can put my finger on it. I have watched through what I have so far and something is not clicking, so I need to take it a part a lil further.

This is ok. This is ok because I figure it will let the Supplemental Trilogy do its thing.

Well, until next time, whenever that may be…Peace Out, Y’all!


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