Filling A Gap


May 21, 2011

Knowing there will be a gap in video posts, I have decided to take a moment to touch base in writing. I know there are those of you who prefer the written posts. I appreciate this and I apologize that I have not been able to write as much lately.

I definitely went through a bumpy period. But, from what I can gauge at this point, it will have  been worthwhile. It seems, that once more, I am beginning from square one. (Of course, this is like Square 1; Plane 5 – but, still…) I just had a brief period without a lot of work. I had enough little things trickle in to keep me moving, but at this moment I have very little money to my name. There is money coming throughout the week and over the Memorial Day holiday, so I am not overly concerned. However, I did need to call a few favors and now need to be able to repay them as soon as possible.

It is only a month until my vacation with the girls. I have absolutely no idea how I am managing this quite yet. LOL. But, it will be as it is.

I don’t have a lot of work for the week ahead. But, I have randomness and I am going to try to fill in the blanks a bit here and there.  It’s going to be an interesting week me thinks.

In regards to the Project….

I am glad that I have had this time away from editing and posting. It has given me a chance to review the last several weeks of posts. To those of you who have been die-hards or even frequent visitors – Thank you for patience while everything has been settling into place.

I am actually very pleased with the way things have gone over the last several weeks, with the way everything has developed. I wasn’t too sure about things when I started, especially Week 1. But, in reviewing it all I think it did exactly what it was meant to do.

Weeks 1 through 4 not only set the stage for things but if you follow the progression they really cover the way things developed over the years. Week 1 was exactly how it was way back when. Then, over time, things shifted and developed and we end up at week 4, where things a re bit more refined, defined and in line.

For me, there is just enough going on in weeks 1-4. Like I said, not only do you get to experience the way things developed over the years in regards to editing, but there is good information, especially in week 4. (Incidentally, 4 is the number of foundations.)

I found the turn things took next very intriguing. It was interesting to jump back to Odds & Ends. It was a chance to get a glimpse into the overall creative vision. (Even though it is poorly done.) Of course, I totally wasn’t expecting the Supplemental Trilogy. But, again, it was a nice lil twist.

The Trilogy was interesting to me on a number of levels. First, it was this whole flash forward. There we were in week 4 and then BOOM week 14. Wow. LOL. But also, I think it set the bar a lil higher in regards to editing. I like the new openings and I think there is a different type of flow involved. I feel this way because after the Trilogy, when I returned to editing week 5, whatever I was doing was no longer working for me and I am kind of starting all over.

Well, for now…and forever, from here in Geistopia…Peace and Love.


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