Le Finale de Supplementaire (Filmed 04/28/11)


May 10, 2011

To be completely honest, I am not sure how I feel about Supplemental: The Finale. I only know that it is the conclusion. There are aspects of it that I find important at this time, but it was very difficult for me to find the flow that I generally strive for among this material. This post does include a Theme, Lesson and Observation and I think it is important to note that, because they occur in the same week, it is important to view both Supplemental: The 2nd Act and Le Finale de Supplementaire to see all of the connections.

Again, as a whole, The Supplemental Trilogy seems to really capture what I am striving for in this project. The object now, as we move forward, is to take those elements from each Supplemental and merge them into the weekly posts. (Wish me luck.)

At the end of this post (on Blogger), or posted on the Welcome to my Life FaceBook wall is a link to a survey. As I said in WTML Supplemental, it is time for a reality check for me. Part of that is trying to determine the purposefulness (for lack of a better word presently) of WTML. Also, I am trying to understand how to move forward and grow. I thought a good way to approach both of these matters was a sort of demographic/informational survey. It is a brief 10 question survey just trying to gauge who you are (demographically speaking) and what you think of the WTML experience. Please take a moment to check it out and take it. Many thanks.

From this point, all I can say is, I will pick up the weekly posts (starting with Week 5) as soon as I can. As I say several times throughout the Trilogy – I need to get back to my regularly scheduled life a little bit. A few weeks ago I found myself “in the weeds” if you will and I am still trying to get out of them. So, I need to put a little focus into that right now.

In the meantime, my dear friends…

Peace, Love, Light and Freakishness ;)


Le Finale de Supplementaire, Pt. 1

In This Episode: A New Beginning; Credits?; The Intro; Pausing for the South; Setting Up The Finale; Uncle Fester; Theme of the Week; “Cookie Time”; Are Any of Us Living Life Successfully?


Le Finale de Supplementaire, Pt. 2

In This Episode: There Is No Reason for the State of Affairs; We Can “Choose” To Live a Life That’s Different; But Do We?; Expanding the Vision of “My Life”; Lesson of the Week; Testimony; Cookie Orgasmia; Observation of the Week; On the Supplemental Series; Promising “The Finger” and “The Pig”; “Think or Swim”; Talking About The Survey; Is There Anybody Out There?


Le Finale de Supplementaire, Pt. 3

In This Episode: More on the Survey; Feedback…Please; Either It’s The Best…Or It’s Laced; The Beltane Realization; Over to the Shaman’s Cave; Adele; Bam-Bam’s “Pitch”; Lemincello; Beating The Hangover; The Resolution; Discussing The Supplemental


Le Finale de Supplementaire, Pt. 4

In This Episode: More on The Supplemental; Thor’s Hammer Revisited; Anniversary Party; Saving the Economy


Le Finale de Supplementaire, Pt. 5

In This Episode: “Your father peed on an electric fence?”; Talkin’ about the Mountain; “Oh she musta stopped f*%@in the dude”; Damn! Those boots!; Does she look like a hooker?; Time to leave; Testing Some Credits





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