February 20, 2012; 2200

Hey Gang! Welcome to my life. Where anything is possible and nothing is as it seems. I’m Freedom and I’ll be your host, coming at you from within…

The Depths of Geistopiaaaaaaaaaa

Velcum to my Life ees a prochect, un experiment een Life unt ART, A liwing storyboard, if you vill. Eet’s premise ees zat you can, and do, experience za life you choose. Eet ees based on za Veel of Life unt za ARTs for za New Millennium as life building tools. Ya. Eet’s true.

Welcome to my Life is an ITV Studios/Geist…House production. JustUs Productions, the parent company, would like to give a ‘Shout-Out’ to the following for their ongoing, and oft times unknowing, inspiration and support:

Princess Cuddlebug

Princess Sunshine

Craze & Co.

The Shaman

The Pillar

The Entire Putt-Putt-Putter Clan




The Baker of the Cornbread

The VanMan (may he R.I.P.)

The Messengers of the Galactic Federation

Osteen, the Son

The Sitter

The WhiteRose

The Fallen Angel

Punky Brewster

Sir Thomas

Jojo Dancer

Mr. NiceGuy

Senior Swankypants

Da Boyz from da Hood

The Witch Dr.

The ‘Original’ Mr. Baggins

The Socialite


The WhiteGurl

Sweet Felicity


LisaLisa Monet

The Ziatonic Antagonist


Prof. Siggy Chong


The Piz-Nifer

Dancing Queen

Downtown Donny Brown

Mama Rabbit

And, of course, a very generous sponsor who pretends to want to be anonymous.

(*Semi-Legal mumbo-jumbo  jargon fine print – my thoughts, my words. Bug off if you think you theivin’ them.*)


It is Monday, February 20, 2012. Time….Exhausted.

What a very strange week.

It seems I rested 3 days in order to move through 5. LOL.  It was almost impossible to get through the beginning of the week. It was like trying to move through sludge. I just couldn’t get the beginning of my week to function properly. I mean, I got stuff done and I felt accomplished. But, it took the whole of three days to get those little things done.

I rested.

Like, seriously rested. That is something I haven’t really done in some time. It wasn’t just physical rest. My spirit rested much. It felt so good. It still feels so good. In fact, I am beginning to truly appreciate the ART of Resting.

I did manage to get things organized tweaked a bit.  A lot of things, that needed to, found homes and settled into place – on all levels. It just seemed to take forever, and all of my energy, to complete the simplest of tasks. (Much like this post.)

That was Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Then Wednesday night came and the whirlwind began. I seemed to do more readings than usual this week. That alone can send the head spinning.  Then there was the girl. Two long days of work and finally a fun filled adventureland with the Princesses.

We were on a roll this weekend that ended today. It is why I am a day late, actually. We did so much this weekend:

We went to the Allentown Art Museum…

IMG_0296[1]And became inspired…


We baked cookies…


And played along the way….


We shared the joys of Ben & Jerry’s…


We had dinner and breakfast out, they were treated to the Farmer’s Market, we went rock hunting/shopping, helped The Rainbows, contributed to good causes, discovered discovery, had sleep overs and lessons and today we all received gifts. From who else? Those who have become known as The Pil-Man.

It was all very intense.

…I should probably take a moment to introduce you to these two characters properly…somewhat.

The Shaman and The Pillar seem to have been around forever – even before I can recall taking notice to them. They are friends, brothers, comrades…and partners in crime. LOL. They are very rarely apart. And, they are so much alike that at times it becomes difficult to distinguish them from one another. One so naturally takes over where the other leaves off and vice versa. Constantly overlapping and interweaving their riddles and revelations.

In many ways, they are The Universe. Though they are on the same path, and ultimately pursue the same goal, they are very much like polar opposites.

The Shaman is wise, but tricky. He knows where you need to go but will very rarely point you there directly. He hints and alludes. Whispers on the wind are his. In this, he is much like God, I suppose. The omnipotent one, guiding but never directing.

The Pillar is much like….well…the other fellow. He himself is a twin-flame, burning away at both ends. A two-headed coin whose only difference is the amount of light. He never means you any harm. He doesn’t. However, his child-like nature takes over from time to time and, if you let him, he will lead you down a very rocky (but very, very fun) path. Its games and dares and challenges. He will wrap you and warp you within the wellspring of your own mind. And when he is done you find yourself in such a better place – inspired, lifted, motivated…infused. Granted, perhaps a bit scarred as well.

But there is another side, beyond the imp, and yet so much a part of it as well. As much as he will tempt and taunt you into some very insane things,, he is always there for you – supporting you, encouraging you, challenging you to betterment.

He is the darkness within the light.

I always enjoy my visits with these gentlemen. They are exhilirating. Good things always seem to come from them and they are always so (mysteriously) perfectly timed. not just for me, but sometimes for the girls as well.

For instance, this is what each of us wakled away with today:

I received a much needed moment of clarity. Also, tomorrow I will be receiving a new staff. It has been in the works, and awaiting me, for many years. This weekend I picked up the final pieces and tomorrow it should arrive, ready to paint.

Sunshine will be getting a wand soon. It will be adorned with Lapis – a stone of focus. Something the Little One needs so much of and I am always reminding her to work on.

Then there is the Cuddlebug. She always seems very favored. Today she received a very portable magnifying glass for exploring. But, that was only part of the gift. She also received a Herkimer Diamond. And, quite a nice one. What fascinates me about this is that she was just asking to take mine a few weeks back. Them, today, without any kind of urging from me, the dastardly duo just turns to me and hands me the stone.


“…Give this to her.”

So very fascinating.

La Jeunne Femme et Le Monstre

So, Wednesday came and went. And…she was kind.

Sweet Felicity did come out that night and we did talk. It was nothing more than casual, quaint. but, it was there and, as usual, it left my mind reeling.

But, before Wednesday there was Monday.

I was still coming down from my Saturday Night/Sunday fix (She’s like a drug.) My head was still spinning with possibilities…and realities. I was getting swept away in the excitement of it all. it has been a long time since someone has fired me the way she has and I think for a moment it was overwhelming. I had to take a closer, more practical, look at this.

She is a fascinating woman. (Did I just say that?) She has such a fantastic life ahead of her. It’s easy to see. She is very well put together…and I’m not talking physically. (Though, she is very well put together.) How could someone so intelligent, so gentle, so kind, so together, so…tres belle…find anything in the beast? I can think of 100 reasons why this girl could never find any attraction to me. (And, they all start with my moobs…)

Then it happened.

I was slapped upside the head with my own thoughts.

 Be Wary The Conversations With ‘God’

I realized during my revelry that it was Monday and that there should be a new episode of Once Upon A Time onDemand. I absolutely love this show. I think it is well written, well played, and a very fun take on all my faerytale favorites. (Is it any surprise that Rumplestilskin is my most favoritest?)

Anyway, I turned on the TV and found my show. And, who do they introduce in this episode – without ever so much as eluding to them? Beauty & The Beast. I hadn’t made the connection until late in the show. It was one of Belle’s lines to the Beast, “You think you are uglier than you are.”

To be perfectly honest, up until then I was to enthralled by the fact that it was my favorite chickie from Lost playing Belle and I had been trying to run through all of the fantasies in my head while following along with the show.

But, she says this line and its like I was smacked upside the head. And, I thought, “You tricky S.O.B.!”

I was set-up, duped! The bastard used my own show to drive his point home. But, did it work?

It certainly made me more aware of my alleged hideousness. That’s for sure. If it wasn’t bad enough that I already start each day by looking in the mirror, the best I can, and saying, “You are one ugly fuck!”

So it goes.

Anyway, perhaps it was this message that had soothed the spirit in her presence on Wednesday. It was good to see her. I did not get swept away, but I was still moved. Again, I left with desire. I wanted to see her again, know her more. It is here I realized that she is like a drug.

I see her, talk to her – get my fix. She fills me. Poisons my bloodstream with ecstasy and plagues my vision with delight – I have my high. Then the withdrawal sets in – I crave, I desire. I find myself willing to go to daring and dangerous lengths for just one more ‘hit.’ One brief moment of remembering.

If I survive the detox, I find myself free. I no longer feel the heat of her in my veins. My mind ceases to throb. The heart stops racing and all is clear once more.

But these moments of sobriety seem so short lived. Another fix is just around the corner. One more ‘bump’ on the road to degradation.

I must take a somewhat practical approach to this. Perhaps desire was the drug and she is a mere hallucination.

I enjoy my time with her, however short lived it is. I do wish to know her better, be around her more. Without anything else considered, she most certainly is the type of person I choose to surround myself with in this life.

And, without attaching a purpose, it seems The Universe is going out of its way to ensure that we remain in contact with each other one way or another. This week it is a proposed trip to Lee’s. it is one of my off-weeks, but Reds mentioned bringing a friend who can only come this Wednesday and wishes to be read. Who am I to turn down work, right?

Of course, Sweet Felicity will be right there.

The Piz-nifer suggested I call her, invite her for coffee. I took this under serious consideration, and I would have except I had the girls this weekend and I wouldn’t have been able to go until tomorrow anyway. By tomorrow it is almost Wednesday and it seems pointless to engage in such an exercise then.

Yet, all weekend I searched for an excuse to text her…something, anything.

I do not know what to make of it all, and I cannot place any attachments on anything. So..

Only time will tell, Faithful Readers. Only time will tell.

Baby Mama Drama – The Introduction

It looks like this whole debacle between Mama and I may finally see some resolution. As I stated before the plans are on the table for a ‘meeting.’ As it looks right now that meeting will be this coming Sunday.

I do not know yet who all will be there or exactly how it will go down if indeed it goes down at all. But I am ready for this. Whatever it is.

So to Sunday, Faithful Readers. To Sunday!

(But first…to Wednesday.)

There’s No Humanity Left

This is probably one of the saddest Observations to date.

Rules, regulations and regiments all put into place to guide us towards properness and protection.


(Hehe. He said “cock”.)

I saw this several times this week, in conversations here and there. It’s sad how we treat each other, how the system treats us. How we allow it.

There is no consideration or courtesy left.

It ‘s black and it’s white and someone’s always gotta be right.

So much of what we do and how we live is dictated by forces outside of ourselves. And, sadly, their concern is not we the individuals, but their own asses.

I think, perhaps the saddest example of this I encountered this week was when Cuddlebug told me that they are not allowed to push each other on the swings at school.


“I Can’t Believe How Much Daddy Just Spent”

This really became a Theme at the end of the week. In many ways, it could have been the Lesson as well.

I found myself coming into a larger paycheck for once. The kind I’d like to see every payday really. The timing of it is perfect. I have so much going on right now – inspection, registration, bills due, refunds to pay, etc, etc. In fact, even this nice check does not fully cover it all.

There is some more coming in, but still.

Anyway, knowing I had a larger pay coming in I set into motion plans for this past weekend. Some would cost no money, others would cost some. (Little did I know.)

The girls like to go to China Buffet to eat. It is something I have done with them once or twice before, but it has been a while since we have gone, so I promised them I would take them. We had the Lodge breakfast this weekend. I had promised them the Press Dough Cookie experience some time ago. And, daddy needed his stones, of course.

So, I picked the girls up Friday night and we headed to dinner. Of course, they wanted Crab Legs. (Cwab wegs! Cwab wegs! Do you want da cwab wegs?!? ROFLMAO)

Now, obviously, I didn’t expect to go in there and come out a richer man, but holy shit! Till all was said and done we spent, well I spent, $45(+/-.) Are you kidding me?

Now we go off to Wal Mart for ice cream and cereal. I also wanted to get some cookie/decorating stuff. I knew as I loaded the cart that I was getting a lot of stuff, but I was driven. I really wanted the girls to be able to create and play and experiment. Besides, anything not used is just a tool/resource for future projects.

Almost $90.

Oh, come on.

Saturday comes. Off to the rock shop. Now, again, I knew I was going to be spending some money. The stones I needed for the Dragon are not cheap stones…but they are oh so good. Along the way I had promised the girls that I would match their $5, for a total of $10 each, and they could go shopping as well. Of course, I had absolutely no intention of taking their money.

As I gazed at the stones, I found myself playing the debating game, I needed two eyes and I had inspiration for a third stone. There I stood looking at the stones and the dollar signs attached. What was I to do? I needed two. So I got two and kept my eye on the third. I contemplated not getting the third. I thought about looking around to see if there was a different stone for the same purpose.

In the end, I got the three stones that I had originally looked at. Those, plus the girls’ finds…


You gotta be kidding me.

But, each of those stones fits perfectly in the place that was intended for it.

This is kind of where the lesson comes in.

In order to have flow, you must create flow. You must follow flow. This kind of follows the ‘One In, One Out’ Principle. For every dollar that goes out, another (or more) comes in.

I like to call it the Revolving Door of Abundance.

But also, I followed the flow…the inspiration. Each of those things was inspired to be now. And this is sort of a bonus Lesson in the experience – Sometimes ‘God’ tricks us into doing what we should.

Because, let me tell you something, if I had had any idea that those things were going to cost as much as they did….ABSOLUTELY NOT!

I would have found any number of ways to reduce the cost, change the plans, sort it out all differently.

I was duped!

A Side Note

In any work with The Universe That Is, one must first learn to pay attention. The One True Spirit is always whispering to us, in so many ways. This is how Themes came to be on The Wheel of Life.

There were other Themes this week. Little things that popped up along the way that require a little more research and contemplation.

Venus appeared.

As did The Manticore, bringing with him, as always, the Gryffin and the Chimera.

Lapis became a Theme through all of us.

I would get into these things now – their meanings and symbolism and energies. However, I think that is a job best left for Doc.

Sank you.

Most certainly.

From here in Geistopia, for now and for always, I am your beloved Rev. wishing you




and Freakishness.


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