Now That’s More Like It

Hey Gang!

Welcome to my life…

Where anything is possible and nothing is as it seems. I’m Freedom and I’ll be your host, coming at you from within…

The Depths of Geistopiaaaaaaaaaa

Velcum to my Life ees a prochect, un experiment een Life unt ART, A liwing storyboard, if you vill. Eet’s premise ees zat you can, and do, experience za life you choose. Eet ees based on za Veel of Life unt za ARTs for za New Millennium as life building tools. Ya. Eet’s true.

Welcome to my Life is an ITV Studios/Geist…House production. JustUs Productions, the parent company, would like to give a ‘Shout-Out’ to the following for their ongoing, and oft times unknowing, inspiration and support:

Princess Cuddlebug

Princess Sunshine

Craze & Co.

The Shaman

The Pillar

The Entire Putt-Putt-Putter Clan



The Baker of the Cornbread

The VanMan (may he R.I.P.)

The Messengers of the Galactic Federation

Osteen, the Son

The Sitter

The WhiteRose

The Fallen Angel


Sir Thomas

Jojo Dancer

Mr. NiceGuy

Senior Swankypants


Da Boyz from da Hood

The Witch Dr.

The ‘Original’ Mr. Baggins (and His Wife)

The Socialite


The WhiteGurl

Roxie Heart

Mike the Bartender

The Chosen One

My Promoter and Her Pal

Prince Charming

Sir Patrick Wylde

The City of Hospitality

The Gang at Bean Creek

The Prophet

‘On Main’

Chicago Don

Mr. Indigo

The One Who Was Once ‘The Pan’

The Nervous, But Excited, One

Saint Diane


LisaLisa Monet

The Ziatonic Antagonist


Prof. Siggy Chong


The Piz-Nifer

Dancing Queen

Downtown Donny Brown

Mama Rabbit

And, of course, a very generous sponsor who pretends to want to be anonymous.

(There are a few of you I just don’t have nicknames for as of yet. Soon. Very soon.)

(*Semi-Legal mumbo-jumbo jargon fine print – my thoughts, my words. Bug off if you think you theivin’ them.*)

Thou Must Die Unto Thyself

This week’s Theme comes to us via Joyce Meyers on Facebook. Or, at least, I believe that is where I saw it.

(She really should get a mention in the ‘Shout-Outs’ somewhere.)

It is true.

It is the Cycle, or the Circle of Life.

All things experience it. Only, as humans, we are blessed enough to experience it continuously. In order for there to be new growth something must be cleared away. To have a beginning there must first be an ending.

It is the whole point to the upcoming Holi-Day and very much a part of Yom Kippur in my opinion. Samhain is all about the end of the year. The Earth dying into Winter so it may rest and return in Spring to bear more fruit and harvest.

We must constantly die and be reborn unto ourselves, like the Phoenix rising from the ashes.  

It is Sunday, September 30, 2012. Time….Ill

Monday was kind of an odd day this week. My stuff for work came, but not until the afternoon. This meant there was no work for me on Monday. Turned out, this was a pretty good thing. I was sick as a dog.

(Where does that saying come from anyway??)

So, I took the day to rest and recover. I also managed to get a few things done and get a lil more caught up on getting where I’d like to be.

Where I almost was just before I left.

Before the day was out, it would seem that I was in for more than I had bargained for – my “sickness” ended up being something greater than that; my work schedule completely rearranged, giving me three days off in a row; More got done than I had set out to do and I had a great many revelations along the way.

In fact, Monday was so powerful that it easily melted right into Tuesday before I knew it. It felt very natural, very right. It took until much later in the day but I got a good flow going on that I managed to maintain right into Tuesday afternoon.

As I said, the ‘sickness’ was something more. I never really view illness or Dis-ease as a bad thing. By the time we are sick our bodies are already fending off and pushing out that which was bad inside of us. It’s a cleansing, of sorts.

Or, at least, that’s how I see it.

So, I generally just muddle through it and have a good ol’ time along the way. Much like The Quest, I give myself over to the experience and let it guide me through. With this particular cleansing, or purging, there came a very intense energy session – involving stretching and Reiki and massage and such.

This is when most of my revelations occurred. This kind of thing is something I haven’t done since well before I left. And, based on how I felt Monday night, perhaps even longer than that since a deep intensive one.

But, I did feel incredibly better afterwards.


Demonstration–A lil ‘Zenitation’


I am particularly interested at the timing of this cleansing, as it takes me right into Yom Kippur. Which, the timing of also intrigues me because this year it seems to serve as the gateway to Halloween, or Samhain – the time of death.

(And, so, Rebirth.)

It always fascinates me how perfectly timed these Holy Days can be sometimes…or is it that my being and it’s experience are in time?

Over the years, Holydays – or, Holi-Days – have become a very magickal and transformative experience for me. From the outset of my Spiritual Path I have let the Holi-Days, like so much else, unfold before and present themselves to me. I do not get quite so caught up in the mythology of them – the deities and what not – as much as I focus on what they mean and the energies and processes with which they are aligned. For each of the Religious Paths that I am aware of, it seems that each Holi-Day is representative of some aspect of being, some process of life and living. 

For instance, the first set of Holi-Days were the Pagan/Celtic ones.

(Looking back, this makes perfect sense.)

They, for the most part, follow the Wheel of the Year. 8 Sabbats, or Holi-Days, dividing the year into the story of ‘Life.’ I know that these Holi-Days tell the tale of the Birth, Life and Death of The Consort, or The God.

(Which has always amused me, seeing how they are a Goddess Culture.)

Nonetheless, each of the Holi-Days also become a strong part of the agricultural calendar.

Imbolc is the beginning. It is the first cresting of Spring. It is the time of year when some animals begin to lactate, signifying the first signs of new life.

Another good example of this is Samhain, or Halloween. It is the Holi-Day of Death.

(For the purpose of rebirth…)

It signifies the end of The Harvest. The time when the earth will rest, or die. It is the beginning of the Winter-Time.

After observing these Holi-Days and their cycles I realized that my life and it’s energies seemed to follow suit. November through January is always a dead time for me. It is a time when things come to an end and new things are on the horizon. However, those things do not seem to really take hold until February. Then they grow slowly until Beltane on May 1st. By then, I am tending to the life that I have created and By August, I am starting to reap what I have sown – The Harvest Begins.

Yule, at the Solstice, is a time of Community and giving – of coming together to see all through the remaining part of the Winter. Each contributing to each what is needed – gifting them. It is a time to acknowledge that the Cycle is almost complete and soon Life will start it’s journey towards newness.

Obviously, there are Christian Holi-Days that I acknowledge as well. Really only two, and I think that is because they coincide with two of the Pagan Sabbats – Christmas and Easter. I won’t get into my beliefs on these. I will only mention that each is similar to it’s Pagan counterpart.

This year, it would seem I am being introduced to some Judaism…

(Another obvious one if you really think about it…)

…hence this focus on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.

I like them. I like them a lot and look forward to learning more about them next year. For now, Rosh Hashanah is the Celebration of Creation. This celebration, this attitude of gratitude, leads on to Yom Kippur – the Day of Atonement.

It is a process of acknowledging the blessings of being which fills the Spirit. Then the Spirit cleanses and purges, releasing all behaviors and patterns that no longer fit. This becomes a vow to grow, to do better, to give back to Spirit for all that it has given.

I really like it.

And, I truly enjoy the first hand demonstration that I have been allowed.

In fact, part of what I would really like to start doing this year is to share with the girls my view on the varying Holi-Days and how/why I celebrate them. And, we are going to start with Samhain – which is also, for me, the most significant.

I also had a chance this week to start looking at The Quest a lil closer. The thing that I focused on the most was the time frame. Or, rather, the change in time frame. Originally I had it scheduled out at 40 days. It ended up taking 7 1/2 weeks or 52 days.

(Which =7)

The number of healing. Also a minor number of completion.

(And, rumor has it, very sacred to the Hebrews.)

Which is fascinating, considering my recent Judaic intrigue.

Using the Day Before/Day of/Day after application, then the ‘Before’ and ‘After’ would also be 52 days. This means that the end of the after should be occurring around October 14. By this time, we should start seeing at least some results of the experience that was The Quest.

Please bear in mind that this time I am including ‘The Void’ into the equation. ‘The Void’ is that time between endings and beginnings when all things are existent but nothing is truly happening. For the purposes of this calculation we are figuring ‘The Void’ to be only one day. So I arrived home late the night of August 21. ‘The Void’ would have been on the 23 and the new cycle would begin on the 24.

Likewise, the ‘Before’ would have started on about May 9. If I go back and look, I should be able to find little hints of what would be to come. I can actually think of one already – a visit from a friend on the trip to Valley Forge.

The influence of the ‘7’ will also play significantly before we are through.

One more thing came of my Monday Hiatus. For quite some time prior to The Quest, and having nothing to do with it really, I had started taking Mondays ‘off.’ By ‘off’ I mean I didn’t do work on the road. I would stay at the House and do things that needed to get done here, including prep for the week of work ahead. In a way, Monday’s had become ‘The Void’ of my week.

As I made my schedule for the next few weeks, I hadn’t really planned any ‘off’ days like that. This was my effort to ‘Do More’ and ‘Try Harder.’ After this recent lil “excursion” through Monday, I have realized just how important that day is to my vitality and ability to perform.

(Easy ladies)

 Much like it’s predecessor, Tuesday quickly became Wednesday. Over this transition I was able to get some more things done around the house. I came back from The Quest to quite a mess. Not only had I left some things strewn about in my frenzy to depart but, also, while I was away, people moved things around on me.

So, basically, I came back and started behind the proverbial 8 Ball…

Prolly could have used one of those to get all the work done,,,

That’ll be enough of that.

Just sayin’.

Anyway…so, just before I left I had started really trying to get things in order around here. Part of the reason I was feeling unproductive was because things just weren’t arranged for functionality. I had just about gotten there too. Now it’s time to do it again.

Perhaps better.

Nonetheless, I got stuff done. I started the “winter” clothes. I got rooms cleaned, finished laundry and just basically got organized – financials ready, schedule arranged, etc.

Also on Wednesday came, what I like to refer to as, a Ritual Bath. This is a cleansing and purging process for me. It’s like meditation and Reiki…but submerged. LOL.


Sorry about the A/V syncopation. Something about iPhone to video through my software. Hmmm.


Thursday becomes a blur. I’m not really sure what happened to Thursday. It was my first day back to working after this intense three days. And, that’s pretty much it. That’s what I remember about Thursday. A whole lotta nuttin’.

Before I knew it, Friday had come and almost gone. I t was another day of work – like any other day. However, I will say that I encountered a most fascinating gentleman. He was looking at The DreamCatcher as I was coming out from one of my assignments. We got to talking and he even signed the van.


I enjoyed our conversation. It was very inspiring and got the creative juices moving. I just don’t know in what direction quite yet.

Anyway, I get home on Friday and I am just…pumped up. I don’t know what it was exactly.

(Perhaps it was that the house was empty for a few hours.)

Whatever it was, I was just ready to go. So, I end up doing one more thing this week that I haven’t really done in quite a while. Again, it is something that I used to do very regularly. In fact, I would do it, generally, at least once a day.

I sang.

It’s kind of hard to explain beyond that. But, this ‘singing session’ is usually another form of meditation for me. I have revelations and insights, I stretch and move and loosen up the beings, if you will. It also becomes a creative process for me.

(Because, somewhere deep inside is a Thespian.)

Trapped in a man’s body.

That’s a Lesbian.

Yea…one of those too.




Each of these things – the bath, the stretching, the…whatever you want to call it – each seems to have it’s place in me keeping my balance. Each is something that has been done for longer than I can recall. And, each keeps coming back. There is something in each of these things that seems to keep me on track.

But to get into that now would be as good as getting into a lesson on The ARTs – why they’re important, how they came into play, etc.

The weekend passed by easily and effortlessly. I can not quite describe the feeling that I had these last two days. I had work to make up from the beginning of the week and I got that done with no problem. Along the way several other things happened.

For instance, I think I may have finally found a way to combat the Cigarette Daemon. I’m not saying I see his defeat quite yet, only that I am sure I am taking a step in the right direction. I have decided to roll my own. This solves so many of the illusions that I associate with smoking.  And, by dissolving the illusions I decrease my attachment to the experience.

First and foremost, this move saves me a great deal of money. Quite possibly up to $120 per month. Rolling is way cheaper than buying packs. Way! And, the money was the issue. It was recreating another illusion in my life – and that was the illusion of poverty. Buying these packs of cigarettes every day, spending what I considered and insane amount of money, to indulge a habit that I know I am better off without. Every week I tense because of money. I declare, “I’m poor,” more and more frequently. And, all the while, I am just throwing the money I do have away. It was a repeated cycle. The more I did it, the more attached I became to the thought that I ‘shouldn’t’ do it.

But, I have noticed something else these past two days. I actually am smoking less – just a bit, but less. I can’t tell you how many cigarettes I didn’t smoke, because I didn’t have one rolled.

So, it’s like a double Win. I am saving money right off the bet. I am spending less. And, I’m doing it less often.


And then, sweeping in, at the end of the week was the final revelation for the week – I am that I am.

It’s really just that simple.

I am that I am…and there’s nothing wrong with that. 

Of course, this is focused in one particular area. I believe, last week, I shared the story of my friend who seems to be having a business idea tossed at her frequently by the Universe. I couldn’t understand why she hasn’t pursued it more seriously. If I did share the story, you may recall that I had trepidations about sharing my ‘insights’ or ‘opinions’ with her.

Well, on Sunday, that is precisely what happened. It came up. So…I spoke. In the end, she told me I was right and she knew. She also….thanked me. She said that I am the only person in her life that will ever call her out on her shit.

I was hesitant to do so because it is this same quality that has found me in so much trouble time and time again. I have wrestled with it more than people may know. I’ve always been one to shoot from the hip, as it were. I just call it like I see it. I try to keep it real and just bust through the blocks on things.

It’s just who I am.

I had a slightly similar revelation prior to leaving for The Quest. I had been talking to The Pil-Man about it for some time. They are quite the opposite. Smooth, subtle…almost sweet. Most of the time you don’t even realize that they have given you a push in the right direction until you have already arrived there. I’ve always admired this about them. I have tried time and time again to emulate – to use riddles and rhymes and little hints.

It just doesn’t play on me.

So, as I told them before I left, I am the one ‘they’ send to say all the shit other people won’t. I’m like a last resort. My job takes over when gentle nudges are no longer a feasible approach.

(Of course, that is the very over-dramatic interpretation.)

I have been thanked for this in the past, many years ago. Pretty much the same thing. I was thanked and appreciated for being the one to say what I think and feel instead of what the person wanted to hear. She, too, had said that that was why she came to me. Why she always came to me.

And yet, this quality is not always appreciated. In many instances I get a very opposite reaction. This is what had me struggling with it all in the first place. It certainly isn’t my intention to offend or upset – only to speak. Speak, what I feel or what I see.  

 Feel Your Own Natural Way

This is another one of those Lesson’s that, I suppose, could be interpreted any number of ways.

I mean, first comes to mind, feel your way – the way you want to feel. The way you feel you should feel. Feel the way that suits you. Be who you wish to be. Feel your own natural way.

But then it gets a lil deeper, a lil more metaphysical.

You can feel your way through life. You can feel out the path that is right for you, that is yours to have. You can feel it because it matches your vibration. It is like a flow that you can find and follow. You can feel your own natural way through life.

(You know when it doesn’t feel right…when it’s time for a change.)

I find that when we are on our path and doing our thing, our Spirits rise as does our vitality and ambition. We are healthy, happy and harmonious. Conversely, when we are working a different path then our own natural way that is when dis-ease and problems set in. That is when we become sluggish and disengaged. So…you can feel your own natural way.

I find the same is true in your body. When we take the time to relax into ourselves – do a little Zenitation, if you will – we can feel our bodies shift. As we release the tensions and the doubts and the worries and the fears and the angers we can feel our bodies pop, snap and stretch back into place. We can feel our own natural way.

Abundance is our natural state of being. It is the promise of existence. Struggle and strife are not natural. Where there is struggle there is an undiscovered blessing. Find the blessing and find the abundance.

Feel your own natural way.

It Seems Wiser to Focus Less on The Source And More On The Solution

I’m not sure what it was, really, that clued me in to this Observation. But, the more I looked at it, the more I realized that it is very true. If we focus on the Source of our troubles than we will only ever see the troubles. The Source of the problem will never change. It will forever be as it always was. However, solutions are bendable, flexible, adjustable.

The Source of a problem only tells us what the problem is…not how to fix it. So, why focus on it when we already know that what we feed energy into grows. Feeding the Source will only make it more obvious and obnoxious. It is what it is.

So let it be.

Move beyond it and see what develops. Look for the ways around the obstacle you know to exist.

It’s like Mama and I constantly focusing on our ‘difference in Spiritual Views.’

(Every view really…)

We already know we have differing opinions. That is not going to change and all of the arguing, discussing, debating in the world isn’t going to change her view or mine. So why keep focusing on it. Now we need a solution.

For me, an obvious solution would be to just accept that we have different views and that our daughters experience both. And then, to respect each others views by allowing the girls the experience of each that they choose rather than limit them or hinder them or discourage them in any way.

We added some new elements this week – meaning the metaphysical references of the body. This takes us into the ARTs…

(Several of them)

…as well as the whole Physical/Spiritual correlation. I don’t know if I have it in me at the moment to really get into all of that. However, I also feel that the project as a whole will not make any sense if I do not.

Prolly won’t make any sense if you do.

 Whoooooo….woke you up?

Heh. It’s just that time, Brother. Just that time.

Anyway, so I thought I would take a deeper look at some of the things that came up this week. First there are the cards that I pulled before ‘The Bath.’ I used two decks – The Archetypal Reiki Cards  and Ask & It Is Given. I will begin with the latter.

The Ask & It Is Given deck was designed to go along with the book by the same name which I actually have not read. Nonetheless, it is one of those books on abundance and vibration and attraction…and ‘The Laws’ thereof. So here they are:

All That Is…Is Benefitting From My Existence

No matter what has caused your unique point of view to come about – It has come about. You do exist; You are thinking; You are perceiving; You are asking – and you are being answered. And, All-That-Is is benefitting from your existence and your point of view.

I Will Never Get There So I Will Enjoy The Journey

You can never get it done because you can never cease to be, and you can never halt your awareness. yet, out of your awareness will be born another asking, and each asking always summons another answering. Your eternal nature is one of expansion – and expansion is the potential for unspeakable joy.

 I was very fascinated by the drawing of both of these cards. The first was intentional. The second card…just kind of happened. I found them both very appropriate. In particularly, the second one. It’s true. Where are we rushing to get to? The end? We can’t even see the end. Every time we get to an end, inevitably, we discover a beginning. It is an endless cycle.

(And, so it should be.)

I pulled two cards from the Reiki Cards as well.

10. Intent & Purity (Purposelessness)

Examine your own motives to be sure that your intents are not contaminated with your own greed, and that what you desire is in the interest of your soul’s highest purpose. You may be contaminating the healing situation with your own agenda. Examine your motives more deeply.

1. Cho Ku Rei (Darkness)

Be receptive to the gifts of SpiritGod, something (body, finances, car, home) needs attention; Something may be wrong and you are “in the dark” (unknowing) about it. Embracing the dark means being willing to look at your dark side and acknowledge the messages from your unconscious.

Definitely both things to be aware of and to which I should be open.

Now, let’s check in with The Rev who is reviewing some of the finer points of this week’s episode with our ‘in-house’ metaphysician, Dr. Hans Franz von Lichtenschteiner…

…So, what you’re saying is that we can map our “Spiritual Progression”, as it were, by being aware of what is going on with our bodies.

Zat is correct. Vhat affectz us on vun lewel vill affect  us on all lewels. Zat vhich is unzeen  - our fears, unt our hurts, our doubts, our vorries, unt even our choys unt our hopes – can be known srough ze experience of ze physical body.

So, in the first video, when I was stretching, I was putting a lot of emphasis on my legs…

According to Louise L. Hay in Heal Your Body: Ze Mental Causes for Physical illness unt ze Metaphysical Vay to Overcome Zem, ze legs “carry us forvard in life.”

Okay. That makes sense.

Unt leg problems – in particularly ze lower legs – represent a fear of ze future.

Ha. Alright, I can go with that. But, now, what if we get more specific. Earlier, in the first video, there was an emphasis on the knees, and the ankles and the toes.

Vell, again, going vis Louise’s book, ve find zat ze Ankles represent inflexibility unt guilt…

Guilt, huh? Interesting.

Zey also represent ze ability to receive pleasure.


Ze Knees are our pride unt ego…


Unt ze Toes represent ze minor details of ze futchure.

Very interesting, Doc. Like…I’m feelin’ it. I get all of that. But, I think I want to take it all and process it a little bit.

Of course.

Will you come back again and maybe we can look at things a little closer then?

I vould love to.


What is it I am holding on to? What are the guilts and the fears and the worries of the future?


Feedback has always been my favorite part of WTML, and also, the one I get to play with the least. I have long said that this is actually the most vital part of the project and have strongly encouraged folks to leave comments, questions and the like.

I think, moving forward, I would like to also use Feedback as a place to share, what I like to call, ‘Director’s Notes.’ These are thoughts or notes on the project itself. These notes could be behind the scenes information, observations, or thoughts on the formatting. Basically, they could cover any number of topics.

Here are this week’s thoughts -

You may have noticed the date for this post is two weeks old. I think this is the way it will be for a while. One of the things I have always struggled with is having the time to live my life, take notes on it, process it and put out a post on it all in the same week. So I thought I would try it this way. I concluded notes on Sunday and began the post. I have worked on it throughout the week.

I am hoping this will keep me making posts on a weekly basis now. It also allows me more time to be a bit more thorough in my presentation. I have also looked ahead and began a system of note-taking, in the hopes that it will make it easier to put it all together in the end.

From here in Geistopia, for now and for always, I am your beloved Rev. wishing you…




and Freakishness.


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