Just a Quickie
Tuesday, June 10, 2014 (5 day)
So, I’m really going through this unmotivated stage right now. Today especially.
I am just feeling really run down and tired. Now, today, I suspect it is because I am having tooth problems and fighting off an infection. In fact, I am quite surprised that I am not in great pain yet.
I don’t know what the problem is or why I am feeling so foggy and disconnected. However, my plan is to go inside and settle in someplace. Just settle in and drift off. I do not know if this means the couch and gaming or the bedroom and something else.
Hopefully, whenever I awaken from this I will be feeling more like myself and ready to get some stuff done around here.
I have a reading tomorrow. Girls tomorrow night. House cleansing on Thursday.
The reading and cleansing alone can explain some of what I am experiencing…but not all of it.
Well, let us see what the future holds.
(I really need to lay down again)
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