Nobody’s Listening (#10–‘Revisited’)

Hey Gang!

Welcome to my life…

Where anything is possible and nothing is as it seems. I’m Freedom and I’ll be your host, coming at you from within…

The Depths of Geistopiaaaaaaaaaa

Velcum to my Life ees a prochect, un experiment een Life unt ART, A liwing storyboard, if you vill. Eet’s premise ees zat you can, and do, experience za life you choose. Eet ees based on za Veel of Life unt za ARTs for za New Millennium as life building tools. Ya. Eet’s true.

Welcome to my Life is an ITV Studios/Geist…House production. JustUs Productions, the parent company, would like to give a ‘Shout-Out’ to the following for their ongoing, and oft times unknowing, inspiration and support:

Princess Cuddlebug

Princess Sunshine

Craze & Co.

The Shaman

The Pillar

The Entire Putt-Putt-Putter Clan


Mudslide Bill

The VanMan (may he R.I.P.)

Osteen, the Son


‘The Brain’

Jojo Dancer

Senior Swankypants

The Socialite

The Nameless One

The Ziatonic Antagonist


Prof. Siggy Chong


Dancing Queen

Downtown Encyclopedia Brown

Mama Rabbit

And, of course, a very generous sponsor who pretends to want to be anonymous.

(There are a few of you I just don’t have nicknames for as of yet. Soon. Very soon.)

(*Semi-Legal mumbo-jumbo jargon fine print – my thoughts, my words. Bug off if you think you theivin’ them.*)

It is Sunday, June 8, 2014. Time….Disrupted

Blow Off Steam, Before You Blow Your Top


Trust In The Universe


Feedback has always been my favorite part of WTML, and also, the one I get to play with the least. I have long said that this is actually the most vital part of the project and have strongly encouraged folks to leave comments, questions and the like.

Holy Faargenblaatz!!!

All of the above is actually from a post 2 weeks ago. The more I read it, the more appropriate it seemed in the moment.

I most definitely, once more, made the Observation that one must blow off steam before one blows [his] top. I can always feel the pressure building up inside. It is not a luxury to release it from time to time. It is a necessity.

We must.

And, therefore, we must make time to do so. Schedule it in advance, or take it just in the nick of time. Either way, it is not a luxury. Nor is it something we should ever find ourselves saying, “I wish I had time to do that.”

If we do not release what builds up within, it will fester and swell. It will clog us and drain us all at once. It will take form some other way.

For many of us, this happens through physical dis-ease and illness. For some, it may emerge and disrupt in relationships, work, life in general. Instead of within it will cause dis-ease from without. And, still others, may find it as both.

--I need to stop a moment, because I am playing once more. I have decided to sit down and listen to the entire compilation collection. So often, I sit and listen to one disc or another and find it so telling of so much of my life. Sometimes I am astonished at what seems to be the accuracy of prophetic innuendo.

So, I decided that mayhaps it was time to listen to them all, in order, and see just what story they tell.

Currently, I am listening to the 1st made, but 2nd disc in the series – Journey. This is the disc that started it all.

Several times now I have heard it in the background and wanted to comment. So, now I have. The current song is the 4th in turn – Beauty has Her Way by Mummy Calls.

Now switching to #5 – Hero by Chad Kroeger, Josey Scott.

(Watch for the quotes)

“Someone told me that love would all save us. how can that be when look what love gave us…”


Change is still a Theme.

It is upon me and there is absolutely nothing I can do about it. I can not control it, nor shift it, nor morph it. It is here and it is what it is.

It shall have it’s place.

I can accept this graciously, or childishly go kicking and screaming. But, it is happening.

What is disconcerting is that I do not know when exactly it is going to happen, nor what exactly it is.

--Who Am I (Animatrix Edit) by Peace Orchestra (#6)

I’m not even certain I could help you understand it beyond that.

It is happening.

It is here.

Blink and you may miss it.

Everything seems to have funneled down into these next several weeks. I do not know if it is 2 or 4 or the 1 in between. I only know that everything has been focused on and pointing to whatever comes next. And, it is now.

A perfect example of this is my job.

Once again, things have been on an apparent upswing. I have learned in the past that are generally very temporary and oft times just as brief. Since back before the Faerie Festival things have been quite chaotic in this aspect of my life.

Jobs scheduled and unscheduled, changed and rearranged. I have see many jobs come and go. Some I have been able to work others not so. But still…on we go.

Nonetheless, I have seen three change in the past 2 weeks alone. (It might be 3 weeks at this point. Lost time for a bit.)

--The Mission by Queensryche. (#7)

“(Spoken.) Bless me Father, for I have sinned…six days ago my life had taken a tumble. The orders came from high above they say.”

What’s interesting about these three is that there was something in my gut that had told me not to accept a single one of them.

But…what sense does that make? How does one who has little money turn down work?

--What of all the other commitments and things to be done?

But…what of my job?

So, I took them. In fact, one of them I was told I was the only option. How could I not take it? But I was restless. I was not settled. Something was turning in my gut and I could most definitely feel it.

Still, I trudged on. I took the assignments. I made the arrangements.

All the while, moving about and shaking my head at myself. This wasn’t right.

But…we do what we must do.

--and how does one determine what must be done?

--Breaking Into Heaven by The Stoned Roses (#8…interesting number, eh?)

I did eventually pop. Like…really popped. Not in a bad way, but more than was needed. I put an end to work. Not that I quit. I just merely let it be known that I think it is time to meet and review where we are, what we need and where we can go. And, I made it clear that after these jobs I wouldn’t take anything else until we had met.

This, of course, was just my way of creating a path to these next several weeks. They must be clear and I do not know why.

I know they must be clear…because all of those jobs have changed. My schedule has been cleared for whatever is to come.

This is further emphasized by the way it begins to unfold.

I am stranded and stuck, unable to do anything for a few days other than be here in Geistopia. Doing…..

Whatever it is I must do.

I start this week and funds are very low. Very Low. By the end of the week this does a complete 180.

By the end of the week I will have so much available to me that, for a moment, I won’t know what to do with it.

This, of course, is only temporary.

I also have returned home to no vehicle. The van went into the garage on Monday of last week and the plan was for it to be back when I returned. It was not…and may not be until Wednesday.

So I am, literally, grounded. I can go nowhere…and even if I could get there I have nothing to spend when I arrive.

At this point, I believe I have a reading on Wednesday and a House Cleansing on Thursday. So, by Thursday funds will increase and on Friday it is payday for The Nightmare from The Beyond.


Also in there, or early next week will be an expense check.

--Wild Child by Enya

“…you don’t need a reason, let the day go on and on…”

So, in just a week, life is completely different…

…In the blink of an eye…

…Before you even know it…

--Watermark by Enya

I feel inspired to switch gears a moment. There is something that has been waying on my for sometime. And it is…

Who am I?

--Beautiful People  by Rusted Root (#11…ooh…ooooh….another interesting thing.)

“Why have all beautiful people brushed you on down…”

“..I saw the Shaman wondered why I shoulda lived and died….”

The answers to this have been…I don’t even know what the word is. I don’t ..

--Whatever(I Had A Dream) by Butthole Surfers

…It’s all been a blur. It has come fast and hard and abundantly. Things have whirled and swirled around my head.

I do not know if I wish to, nor if I could, try to define and explain those things at this time. But I was just moments ago stricken with a statement. And I think it is an important statement of Self.

I think, if you are ever going to know me or associate with me or even just follow me on here, it is something you must know. You must know it, and perhaps you shall choose to accept it.

No one ever…and I do so mean ever….needs to ask me if I believe in God.

I promise you, no matter what else you may come to think of me, I have seen way too much to have a choice in the matter. I have seen miracles and magick.

(And, I can’t prove it, but I am fairly certain I sat amidst angels on autumn morning in Maine.)


Unequivocally, yes.

There is something.

There is something so far beyond our mortal comprehension.

There is a power that moves through and drives our existence in such subtle and yet powerful ways. It is, without a doubt, the most incredible experience I have known in life.

--Pillzz  by DJ Zany (#15 of 15.)

And, now I must shift gears somehow. I must continue to document, but it must happen, at least for now, at a rate faster than my fingers can keep up. It is times like these I wish I had a Bard. Someone to capture what I cannot when I’m ‘gone.’

For now, let it be said that I am setting about to do what must be done. A little bit of something, righting every wrong. (I do so get curious at these little riddles.)




Now listening to Journey IV: Death Revisited. Song number 2. Behind Blue Eyes by The Who.

So, I just spent 2 hours giving the best possible abridged version of my life. It seemed I was trying to put certain pieces into perspective. I had entered circle before hand. It was actually all very interesting. You will see it. I promise. In fact, I am certain that it is of high priority at the moment.

--Hurt  covered by Johnny Cash

“I focus on the pain. The only thing that’s real…”

I’m actually kind of fried from the previous experience. I thought perhaps I would go on forever tonight. Alas, it is not to be one of those trips. Instead, it is the kind where I must shut down. I must settle myself into a place, pretending to distract and amuse myself, waiting patiently for the inevitable journey beyond.

--My Immortal – Evanescence

The more I listen to these CDs, the more I revel in them. Truly, they not only capture what was happening at the time but they do such a good job of telling the story as a whole – from beginning to now. And, all along the way, no matter the CD or the life it captured, they are strewn with similarities and…Themes.

It is the pain I cannot explain.

I do not know who she is, or if I ever even met her.

But she has left me so empty.

--The Ballad of El Goodo by Evan Dando (#5)

But I digress.

Here’s what I know about now:

The next few days are blurrish – much like the days prior to my last trip out of town. I will be between worlds – adjusting, shifting, healing, seeing. And, all the while be-ing – taking care of that which must be done. I am not thinking about it nor questioning the process.

--Captain Jack  by Billy Joel

Life knows what must be done. What it is this time is set aside for. If I were ever to question who I am…who am I to question?

But still, it is that time. The time of the Quest, which always begins with a question.

And so the board is set and the game begun. Down the hall and through the glass…

--Somewhere I Belong Linkin Park


From here in Geistopia, for now and for always, I am your beloved Rev. wishing you…




and Freakishness.

--Medication by Garbage


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