God Bless Geistopia

Hey Gang!

Welcome to my life…

Where anything is possible and nothing is as it seems. I’m Freedom and I’ll be your host, coming at you from within…

The Depths of Geistopiaaaaaaaaaa

Velcum to my Life ees a prochect, un experiment een Life unt ART, A liwing storyboard, if you vill. Eet’s premise ees zat you can, and do, experience za life you choose. Eet ees based on za Veel of Life unt za ARTs for za New Millennium as life building tools. Ya. Eet’s true.

Welcome to my Life is an ITV Studios/Geist…House production. JustUs Productions, the parent company, would like to give a ‘Shout-Out’ to the following for their ongoing, and oft times unknowing, inspiration and support:

Princess Cuddlebug

Princess Sunshine

Craze & Co.

The Shaman

The Pillar

The Entire Putt-Putt-Putter Clan



The VanMan (may he R.I.P.)

Osteen, the Son



Jojo Dancer

Senior Swankypants

The Socialite

The Nameless One

The Ziatonic Antagonist


Prof. Siggy Chong


Dancing Queen

Downtown Encyclopedia Brown

Mama Rabbit

And, of course, a very generous sponsor who pretends to want to be anonymous.

(There are a few of you I just don’t have nicknames for as of yet. Soon. Very soon.)

(*Semi-Legal mumbo-jumbo jargon fine print – my thoughts, my words. Bug off if you think you theivin’ them.*)

It is Sunday, July 6, 2014. Time….Evolving

Sometimes, The Best Choice Is Not The Easy Choice

A Little Effort Goes A Long Way

Look At What You Have


Feedback has always been my favorite part of WTML, and also, the one I get to play with the least. I have long said that this is actually the most vital part of the project and have strongly encouraged folks to leave comments, questions and the like.

There is no Feedback this week.

I have been trying to sit down and write for quite some time now. Everyday, it seems. Everyday I have told myself I should sit down and write, and every day I have neglected to do so.

Today is the day. Today is the day I must.

Allow me to set the stage for this momentous occasion.  I find myself in the courtyard of Geistopia. It is a very beautiful night really. The sky is overcast, but the temperature seems perfect. Of course, this could be the very nice blaze roaring beside me. Am-bient Radio from iHeart Radio is playing in he background and I was just listening to what sounded like a pretty nice fireworks display somewhere off in the distance. Some of the villagers to the North are still out and about. That’s odd for this hour. Yet, it adds a strange and enjoyable element to what is normally a perfectly illusory escape.

(Of course, no attempt has been made to cast circle yet either.)

I almost feel as if I am expecting a guest. An unexpected guest, at that. I suppose the night is still young enough for anything to be possible.

The tent is set-up (and is looking very much like a small living room at the moment.) Later it will be my bedroom and I will lay down to some movie or another.

A lot has been going on around Geistopia…and yet, nothing at all.

I’ve really kind of been in a mid-grade slump. I mean, things are getting done (slowly but surely), but I’m not seeing the kind of activity I would like to see. Nit that I really know what it is I’d like to see right now.

After Tampa, work kind of went on a hiatus. There were jobs, they got cancelled. That was fine. Did I use that time as best I could?

I don’t know.

Physically, in the material world, things have been very sluggish. It has been hard to get anything done. (Including this blog.) I go in streaks. But there has also been a lot of distraction along the way, like vacation, our annual Midsummer Party/Birthday Party, and the 4th.

Spiritually, however, things have been almost too intense. Just a lot of energy going on, a lot of shifts and things developing. I’m finding, or rather re-finding, my place. The problem is I still don’t know what to do with it.

I know what it is. I understand how it works. I just don’t know exactly what it is I am supposed to do with it. I’m not sure how I make it work for me. So, for now, I will do what I do best. I will take it day by day, moment by moment and try to make the most of it all. When there is activity I will hustle and bustle and when there is a slump I will slump my way through it.

As I said, things have been happening and things have been developing. I can’t really complain about the past few weeks, but I am feeling a little stuck.

Perhaps that is because I am..

Its all very odd to me. I feel ok. Things are going well, in their own time, and yet, something just doesn’t feel quite right. Maybe it’s just me.  (Of course it is. )

I’m being resistant, reluctant. Maybe I don’t think I am ready…or worthy. Maybe I don’t want to be. I can recall in days gone by always saying that I was never going to allow myself to come to full power. I’ve been scared of myself, of the life I know I am to live. A lot of this stems from the visions that first slayed me.

But I suppose there is no success, there is no true living unless I live the life that is mine.

But what is that?

Well, over the past several weeks I have experienced many levels of myself and the world around me. I have been left with a few things.

First and foremost, at the end of the day, above and beyond anything else, I am a Man of Spirit. This is without a doubt. It’s just what I know…and it is a very different life than what most of us are accustomed to, but then isn’t that why we have professions and professionals, so that we do not have to do it ourselves.

A doctor’s life is different from a dancer’s whose is different from your mechanic’s and your hairdresser’s (or barber’s). And each is different from every other life you encounter.

Every life has it’s needs, it’s demands. Each requires certain disciplines and knowledge. Each is it’s own individual path and none can be truly known by any of the others.

So it is for me. And I must now return to those disciplines and teachings. I must return to that frame of mind. I had it once, but, inevitably, I abused it. (Not intentionally.)

Nonetheless, this is who I am – A Man of Spirit. (I Am That I Am.)

But again, what does that mean exactly?

It has come to mean many things to me. I used to say that I was a Minister above all else. I now find that term limiting. My ‘Ministry’ is only a portion of what the Man of Spirit is. Yes, it is there and it is important. yes, it makes up a large portion of this area of my life, but it is not all that I Am.

I Am a Minister of Faith and a Minister of Healing. I Am a Minister of Inspiration and A Minister of Love. (this last one’s a little tough.) These are the things I speak of and these are the demonstrations I do my best to make. I have my readings and my ceremonies and my healings. These will always be.

This is my work as a Minister, but I have discovered that I also have work as a Shaman. And, though they are similar, they are very, very different. I think I have seen many challenges in my life because I have quite often confused the two, either taking lightly that which was important or putting too much weight on a passing moment.

It is the gifts of the Shaman that feed my work as a minister. In the beginning it was easy for me to be open to them and accept them. But then it got stranger and stronger. I was ok with it. Perhaps too okay. I wore the Shaman on my sleeve as though he were the Minister.


Sunday, July 13, 2014. Time…Unsettling.

[So, it has taken me a week to get back to this post. Right now, WTML is the one area of my life that is still way out of balance. I am having a rather unique experience again this week. Last night dad had a show and so the house was empty most of the evening – though I actually went away for a bit. Then, to my surprise, this morning they left for Atlantic City. So, I have found myself alone in Geistopia quite a bit over the past 24 hours and I have quite a groove going on. It is one like I really haven’t seen in quite some time. In fact, I cannot think of the last time. Let’s see where this goes as I try to pick up where I left off and capture what must remain eternal….]

So, as I was saying, lately I have been more accepting of, and receptive to, not only the Minister area of my life but that of the shaman as well.

This has been making a remarkable difference in my life. I wasn’t certain at first. I wasn’t really seeing a change. I was feeling it (and still am,) but I was not seeing it really. Lately I have been seeing it.

There have been many changes and shifts over the past month or so. I have been getting caught up on incredible amounts of work around the property and house. This was one of those ‘blocked’ areas.

I was always aware of the work to e done. I had an interest in doing it. However, for any number of reasons, I seemed to refuse to do it. Often one of those reasons was this feeling of being incapable of getting it done, whether it was because of time, or money, or permission or whatever.

PAUSE FOR STATION IDENTIFICATOIN…actually I just feel the need to get up and move a bit with this music. BRB.

I’ve been experiencing a lot of that random spontaneity lately.

Other reasons were more prideful and stubborn – and not just on my part. The whole thing just grew into a complete Control Drama. (*As introduced in The Celestine Prophecy. ) It was really rather ridiculous to be honest. Again, on every person’s part.

My presence here, and my ‘contribution’ to the household have always been pressure points. They are issues un-discussed until it is advantageous to someone’s argument. It has surfaced for a long time. As I reflect on it now I realize just how eternal they have been. They have always surfaced along the way. As far back as 14…and then some.

At one point in history, I mowed the yard. I can remember this. I haven’t always done it. But there was definitely a time when I had done it regularly. But, that was long ago.

I also used to be in charge of cleaning. Again, this goes way back. I cleaned for special occasions. I cleaned for allowance. I cleaned for work. I cleaned because I wanted to clean.

Both of these became ego games. There was a time I couldn’t get the lawn done because I had 2 choices in how to go about it. First, I could just plan on doing it whatever day. But then there was always the chance that dad would do it before I did. The solution seemed simple – tell him when I was going to do it.

Here’s what I learned:

If I tell him when I’m going to do something it is guaranteed that he will do it first. I once told him that I was going to mow the lawn the next day when it was cooler. It was 104 that day. Twenty minutes later he was out in the yard mowing. This is what I have dealt with that no ones really knows let alone understands.

Couple this with all the times I have been told that I didn’t do anything to help. It was this argument that eventually led to my strike on cleaning. Like I said, though it has been on again/off again, over the years cleaning was primarily my thing. So when confronted with my lack of contribution I would point this out.

“Maybe I don’t clean regularly, or often enough for you, but if I didn’t clean this house who would?”

The answer to this question was no one. Except for special and rare occasions no one in this house actually cleans this house. My sister, from time to  time makes an effort to clean the downstairs bathroom, which is the one she uses to shower and such. But no one cleaned the house.

In fact, that was the problem with my ‘strike’ as a whole. No one really does anything around here. Oh, don’t get me wrong, they take care of the basics and the essentials. The dishes get washed. The trash gets taken out. My father generally mows the lawn, though he doesn’t always finish it.

This is something he is famous for – starting a project and not completing it. But he always leaves it, tools included, in mid-project. Then he starts another and leaves it. And another. And another. And, before too long Geistopia is nothing more than a trail of incomplete projects.

Things will get fixed, if there is no other course of action., and not always then either. Today I fixed the back door which, for two years has not latched right. It’s not perfect but it is much better than it was before.

But this is my new attitude. I have had enough of this nonsense. This is a fantastic property and a grand house with phenomenal potential – not only in design and function, but in spirit and energy as well. Someone needs to make the most of it. This is something I have never had a problem with and has always been a problem with my family. I have always enjoyed utilizing the blessings that Geistopia has had to offer over the years. This was always seen as me ‘taking over the house.’

So I have been slowly getting things done. Which has not only been good for Geistopia but has been working its own magick on me as well. There have been great changes around the property and there have also been great changes within me and about me.

Bit by bit I have been getting the rest of the beds mulched. This is a project started last summer and never completed. So, I have been finishing it. But, I have been doing it my way.

I have cleared beds and laid mulch. I have added beds and taken some away. I have transplanted flowers. Slowly but surely it is taking shape. Even The Pillar has noticed and commented. He has asked a few times if anyone in the house has said anything about all the work I have done in cleaning things up.

I just chuckle at that.

I have been getting the trash out more weeks than not.

For the past few weeks I have managed to get the whole house cleaned.

And, this week I once again took over mowing the lawn. Though I don’t know how long that will be allowed to last.

I have made changes to the workshop.

Little projects have been getting done.

I realized in this that one of my hang-ups was always feeling restricted in some way. Lately, I look beyond the restrictions. If I can’t do something for some reason or another what can I do?

So, little by little, often in interesting and amazing ways, things are balancing and shifting. There is a noticeable difference around here.

Well, I feel the need to leave it here. I know I probably didn’t follow through on things as I should have but getting this written has been a grueling process and I just want to end it now. I hope to pick up with this regularly again next week. Let’s see if I can keep the roll moving this time around.  

From here in Geistopia, for now and for always, I am your beloved Rev. wishing you…




and Freakishness.


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