So long, Farewell
Hey Gang!
Welcome to my life…
Where anything is possible and nothing is as it seems. I’m Freedom and I’ll be your host, coming at you from within…
The Depths of Geistopiaaaaaaaaaa
Velcum to my Life ees a prochect, un experiment een Life unt ART, A liwing storyboard, if you vill. Eet’s premise ees zat you can, and do, experience za life you choose. Eet ees based on za Veel of Life unt za ARTs for za New Millennium as life building tools. Ya. Eet’s true.
Welcome to my Life is an ITV Studios/Geist…House production. JustUs Productions, the parent company, would like to give a ‘Shout-Out’ to the following for their ongoing, and oft times unknowing, inspiration and support:
Princess Cuddlebug
Princess Sunshine
Craze & Co.
The Shaman
The Pillar
The Entire Putt-Putt-Putter Clan
The VanMan (may he R.I.P.)
Osteen, the Son
The Faery-Taler
The Nameless One
Senior SwankyPants
The General
The White Rose
JoJo Dancer
The Socialite
Mudslide Bill
The Cowboy
Danny Boy
The Balletic One
The Original Mr. Baggins (& His Wife)
The Ziatonic Antagonist
Prof. Siggy Chong
Dancing Queen
Downtown Encyclopedia Brown
Mama Rabbit
And, of course, a very generous sponsor who pretends to want to be anonymous.
(There are a few of you I just don’t have nicknames for as of yet. Soon. Very soon.)
(*Semi-Legal mumbo-jumbo jargon fine print – my thoughts, my words. Bug off if you think you theivin’ them.*)
It is Monday, November 17, 2014. Time…Defeated.
Feedback has always been my favorite part of WTML, and also, the one I get to play with the least. I have long said that this is actually the most vital part of the project and have strongly encouraged folks to leave comments, questions and the like.
There is no Feedback this week.
Who would have thought that just a few days could be so intense?
I am going to warn the readers now – if negativity is not for you, then turn away now.
The past several days have been very difficult. Over nothing really. As someone pointed out to me on Friday it could be much worse. I am not sitting in the hospital next to the bed of a very ill or dying child. I have my health…sort of. There are many things I could give thanks for really.
I just don’t care to.
I have had several thoughts on how I wanted to approach this post, what things I wished to cover. And yet, here I sit with no clue. This really feels more like an obligatory writing than an impassioned one.
I have been thinking about the major points in my life. including the one I am at now. It seems it is going to be a very big turning point – the change to end all changes.
28 years ago I fell apart. That was definitely a moment to change the course of my life. It stayed with me throughout my school life and haunted me for far too long in my home life.
Yeah. No. That’s not doing it either.
I don’t care to share the story anymore. I don’t care to drone on trying to explain how I have reached the point I am at currently.
So let’s just suffice it to say that this is the final post.
I no longer care about much of anything anymore. I have nothing positive or uplifting or inspiring to offer.
It has simply come to an end.
From here in Geistopia, for now and for always, I am your beloved Rev. wishing you…
and Freakishness.
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