Trail’s End at the Trial’s Beginning
August 24, 2011 Hey Gang! Welcome to my life, where anything is possible and nothing is as it seems. I’m the Rev. Matt and I’ll be your host – coming at you from within the depths of Geistopia. Welcome to my Life is a project, an experiment in Life and ART. A living storyboard, if you will. It’s premise is that life is experiential and that you can, and do, experience the life you choose. It is based on the use of The Wheel of Life and The ARTs for the New Millennium as life building tools. Welcome to my life is an I TV Studios/Geist…House Production. JustUs Productions would like to give a “Shout-Out” to the following for their ongoing and, oft times, unknowing, inspiration and support: (All of whom I will spare you in this moment…bar one…) A Very Generous Sponsor, who never really did want anonymity. Well, folks, it has been a while since I have checked in with you, and I find it unfortunate that I must do so now with so much negativity and discord in the air. As I have ...