A Day Late (And Most Definitely A Dollar Short)


August 3, 2011; 1730

Hey Gang! What’s goin on?

So here we are, another day…almost done. So I’ve been doing a slightly horrible job with my challenge, and yet, I feel as though hat was expected.

(After all, there is no such thing as failure if something was learned. Right?)

Also, it’s been a strange, rough (in its own way) road. I have been coming down from this trip ever since I returned home, and that was a week ago. I’ve never had such a difficult time getting re-grounded before. I don’t know if it was he intensity of the energies of the trip itself, or the fact that this is the first time I quested and actually had to return to “reality.” Every time I think I am good to go there is a bump in the road. For instance, on Monday, I went and did a small job and suddenly felt myself drawn to return home. So, I did. I proceeded to pass out…for 8 hours.

I can’t tell you the last time I slept that soundly and undisturbed for 8 straight hours. I would normally say, “Well, I musta needed it.”

But, much like this morning, it was not really a “rest” sleep. It was something….deeper. I’ve been experiencing a lot of that since my journey. If I had to put words to it (which I suppose I must) I would say I am going through some reprogramming. I am aware, very aware, that I have not yet fully experienced the truth of this most recent quest. It is beyond my understanding.

But, in regards to understanding, I can only reference this picture….

On Understanding & Living

Live and Love. How many different ways can be said?

Love is one of ‘The 12 Teachings of The Christ.” This is something that has been working on me heavily.

Not just the concept, or understanding what it is and why it has come to me, but the teachings themselves, as well as my other Lesson on the journey – Slow Down!

Over the past week, as I have faced each new day, I have been becoming more and more aware of just how fast, furious and frantic as I move through my life. I get up and go. There was a time that wasn’t so. I would get up and take the time to greet the day, to really be with it. I did this at random times (some not so random) times in my day. I took the time and everything came else came next. Some would say that is why my life is in the state is today. (Or, is it in the state it is today because I stopped doing that?)

But it's more than that. The rest is in ‘The Teachings'.’ There are several things that Jesus of Nazareth had in his daily routine that we should all strive for. We will start (for now) with Prayer and Blessing.

Every action, movement, moment and person encountered was blessed. Blessed for what each was. This includes all of those little, passing aggravating moments we encounter each day in our lives – traffic jams, bills, mishaps, mistakes, illness, demanding bosses, and on and on and on.

It also includes the mundane, routine actions we perform daily and take so for granted – showering, eating, driving, walking, breathing.

Think about that. Think about taking a moment, before you do anything, saying a prayer and blessing the moment. Think about blessing the asshole on the highway who is pissing you off. Think about blessing the checks you write each month for your bills.


On ‘The Challenged, well, let’s just say that I have a lot of habits that I need to break and release. I know I can do it. It is just a matter of when and how. I face each day as though it is the one.

“Today I can do it.”

Thus far, I have failed miserably. [Shrugs and sighs.]

But, have I?

Through my “failure” I was allowed a message. One that I knew once before, and needed again now.

“God” loves us. (Even with all the faults, flaws, flubs, failures, mistakes, mishaps and sins.) “God” loves us just as we are, for we are as “God” made us. We are a living breathing image of The One Spirit That Flows Through All. “God” knows each of those moments, each of those “failures”, long before it ever happens. “God” knows where our hearts lie as we traverse this crazy highway of life.

I think I am about ready to work on and post a “Technical Breakdown” of ‘The Quest’ – Totems, Guides, Archetypes, Messages, Themes, Lessons, and Observations. I need to tweak some “real” work on my desk and then I can focus on it hardcore, and hopefully the videos will come shortly thereafter. I hope to get to this over the weekend. {Though I still don’t know what my weekend holds.}

So for now let’s leave it with this:

Theme: Just This Moment.

I came upon Just This Moment, first, in my Reiki training. It is part of the Principles. Just This Moment I Do Not Anger. Just This Moment I do Not Worry.

I then came upon it in Rehab. The intention was slightly different. Just for this moment I will not use. (And, of course, that is how you face the next moment of temptation as well….just that moment.)

Which leads me to….

Lesson: Each As It Comes.

Each moment, each person, each experience just as it comes. Not before, not after. Not too much or too little. Perfection in each…as it comes. Every moment/experience of our lives is perfectly planned just for us, whether we like that moment or not. And, each moment, is passing. A fleeting glimpse at the life that is. So, don’t sweat the small stuff and bless everything for what it is. For it is perfect.

And finally….

Observation: Old Habits Really Do die Hard!

(The Bastards!!!)

For now, and for always, from here in Geistopia, I am your beloved Rev, wishing you Love, Light, Peace and Freakishness.


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