Gettin' A Jump On Things


July 31, 2011; 2334

I felt inclined to write. I suppose this is technically my writing for Aug. 1st (Lammas.) {What a very funny time for all of this.} I foresee a night of lateness ahead and so I thought I would get a jump on things and clear the mind and spirit for the morrow.

I decided to move myself to the front porch for this writing. Partly because I could. Also in part because it is truly a beautiful night. But, mostly because, as the quest revealed, I must return to the way things were back when I thought I still had time. I remember those days. I was young and eager. I had had a taste of the Divine Power in our lives. ‘Twas a mere sip, but I pursued it with such passion and vigor one would have thought I was drunk on it. (And, perhaps, some days I was.)

Music for the Moment: 90.3 WZBC Boston College, Newton, MA

Back in those days it was nothing for me to sit like this – quiet and still. Especially on the front porch. (And yes, for those that have experienced the front porch it is still as entrancing as ever. If not more so these days.)

I enjoyed these moments so. They were an opportunity to get in tune with existence without the “disruption” of…well…everyone else. The world is so still at this time of night. Even when it moves. The hustle and bustle of the daylight hours is chaotic. The sun makes us mad. It gives us hunger…craving…desire.

But the night, the night she feeds us – nurtures and soothes us. At night we are blanketed by what can only be described as “The Caring of [the] God[s].” {I bet there’s an angel name for that.}

(I bet there is.)

Perhaps it is because at night The Spirit can move freely about the world uninhibited, and unchained from the needs of man. It is at night that Spirit can truly work.

(Sayeth the shoemaker…)


{Holy wow! I just totally wrote the most intense beginning to something that has been in my mind for a long time. Many connections made and turns twisted. It almost seemed a shame to stop. But….}

(Spider webs, Spider webs clinging to my skin. Wrapping round ………. and letting …………… in?)

As I said earlier, I have what appears to be quite an intense week ahead of me. I have work to return to, work on my desk, work around the house and work on myself – Mentally, spiritualy and physically. {Mayhaps, even emotionally. But why bother? We already established back in Video – Week 1 that I AM “emotionable.”}

I have responsibilities to meet, tasks to accomplish and challenges to face.

(All of this in response to one request.)

I must remember and bring forth that which was learned in this most recent Dreamtime.

I must live the Principles and practice ‘The 12 Teachings of The Christ’ in the hopes that I may better understand them.

I must decide if I truly wish to devote myself to The One [Spirit.] {As I did so many years ago.}

And I must offer a demonstration of my commitment to that devotion.

So tomorrow I must rise and face the world.

I must live and carry myself as a father…

and as a son…and as a holy spirit. (For aren’t we all?)

I must awake in just a few hours, with no exception. It is my duty. I must tidy and prep and clear – myself, my home and my day.

Then I must set off and face the mundaneness of my day – the driving and the work and the reporting and the editing and the cleaning up.

I must do so with Grace. I must embrace ‘The Teachings’ and face each task, each moment, each person with Love and Blessing and Acceptance. Each of these for what they are. And thanks as well. I must also Pray for every one that passes as well.

I must heed the first Lesson of ‘The Quest’ and live each moment slowly. {Later validated by the Cuddlebug as she explained to me that she learned on Strawberry Shortcake that “it’s the getting there that’s the fun part.”}

So often we speed down the highways of life so hurried and harried to reach the next goal – the next peak or pinnacle or accomplishment – that we so often bypass the out of the way experiences that make getting there oh so much sweeter.

There once was a man. A good man. He could travel by any means he wished. He rode a bus, with his friends and companions. He could have dined in the finest of restaurants. He chose a diner, in some small out of the way town. Inside he became smitten with the waitress. She was pretty, and innocent and sweet. She was all that a man could desire. He wished so much to whisk her away and satisfy her every whim and desire. But, alas, this was something that could never be. As he left that quiet little oasis in far away nowheresville he turned and promised to remember her and the way she had moved him, this heavenly lady of the night, and to share it with the world. And so it came to pass, as each week he turned to the eye through which they watched him, paused in a moment of true revelry and said, “Goodnight Mrs. Calabash…wherever you are…”



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