And So The Door Has Been Opened


August 7, 2011; 2245

Ask & Ye Shall Receive

What can I say? I mean, it really was made so obvious.

So, part of my 3-Day challenge is also to be very regimented in the ARTs of Old – Meditation/Contemplation; Movement; Record Keeping; etc. These were the things when I was ‘right on the path.’ A daily regimen, routine.

Way back when (I was so ‘young’) I used to begin each day with a journal session – dreams, thoughts, concerns, daily what-nots. Just a way to flush the brain and start clear. (“Cheking in with who I am,” if you will.) Tonight I do this in place of the morrow. I would like to begin tomorrow very fresh and clean.

So tonight, I purge.

I release.

I enter The Underworld released and detached. No fears, or worries or thoughts. No addictions. No needs or wants or desires. Just each moment as each moment comes.

What’s funny is that I can actually do that this week. The week is just…well…structured right. If I keep my focus and maintain my current momentum I should make it without much difficulty. And, on the other side of the river (Kwai?), Redemption may be mine.

But such a gift comes at a price. There is a covenant (a Coven??) to be made.

{I think that is one deal that I am ready to make.}

‘The Journey’ north truly was just the beginning of ‘The Quest.’ It is an intense feeling I have this night. One I have not known in about a decade. I used to fear it.

It was so vibrant, so present, so….powerful.

But tonight, I face it differently. Tonight I sit here reminded of what it can do.

Before I forget (once more) there was another Theme to ‘The Journey.’

It Is Always Seen First.

{Way, way back in the day – and I’m talkin’ like “Perkins on Cedar Crest” back in the day – I called that, “Life Foreshadows Itself.”}

And one more – Just For This Moment:

‘The Truth’ Shall Set You Free

Random thoughts for the moment -

Feeling balanced; Feeling ‘There’

Perhaps Salem was “Just One Moment” (more.)

I Feel Blessed.


Well, folks…

The Door has been opened. (That still makes me laugh.) And, ‘The Quest’ has begun.

If you have made it this far, believe it or not, you are hooked.

Please shut The Door behind you…

and enjoy your stay.


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