A Mystic-al Quest (The Review)


Hey Gang! Welcome to my life, where anything is possible and nothing is as it seems. I’m the Rev. Matt and I’ll be your host, coming at you from within the depths of Geistopia.

Welcome to my Life is a project, an experiment in Life and ART. A living Storyboard, if you will. It’s premise is that Life is experiential and that you can, and do, experience the Life you choose. It is based on The Wheel of Life  and The ARTs for The New Millennium as life building tools.

Welcome to my Life is an I T.V. Studios/Geist…House Production. JustUs Productions, the parent company, would like to give a ‘Shout-Out’ to the following for their on-going, and oft times unknowing, inspiration and support:

Princess Cuddlebug

Princess Sunshine

Craze & Co.

The Shaman

The Pillar

The Entire Putt-Putt-Putter Clan

C.T. Briggs



The Baker of the Cornbread

The Van Man (May he rest in peace)

The Messengers of The Galactic Federation

Osteen, The Son

The Sitter

The White Rose

Punky Brewster

The Fallen Angel

Sir Thomas

JoJo Dancer

Mr. Nice Guy

Senior Swankypants

The White Girl

Lil Buffalo

Oh Danny Boy

General Ralph Glossop

The Boyz from da Hood

LisaLisa Monet

The Ziatonic Antagonist




Dancing Queen

Mr. English

Mama Rabbit

And, of course, a very generous sponsor who, officially, no longer wishes to remain anonymous.

It is Sunday, August 7, 2011. Time…”revealing.”

Before we begin, I think it is important that we take one more quick glance at where we have ended.

I journeyed. I quested and queried. I searched and sought. (Lists to follow.)

I returned.

Did I return in a better state?

(Trick question…)

Did I return more prosperous? Am I wealthy? Did I find material gain?


But then that was not what I went after. I did however return with new perspective and a renewed drive and determination.

Rarely will I state that, “I know.” For I know that we know nothing. (No matter what we know.) Perhaps this lack of statement, of definition, has hindered and hampered my path more than I previously recognized. Today I know.

I know that ‘The Quest’ is a part of who I am. It is a fundamental piece in the construct of my existence. I don’t know what that means. I don’t know what to make of it or how to go about utilizing it properly. (I know what I ‘think’ I could do…lol!!!)

I know I have a lot to do and even more to stop doing. I don’t know how I am going to do with any of that. So far…it’s been a struggle.

I know that I am not a bad person. I am far from perfect. Very, very far. But I am not “bad.” My deep down Intentions are pure and true. (I’m not sure what to do with those either.)

{And now for the controversial…}

I know that there is One True Spirit (energy/force) that runs through, connects, and influences all of life. I will leave the semantics to you folks. For me, there is One True Spirit and He wears many faces. And She loves us, uniquely, through each of them. I have come to know the One “God” (“Goddess” for my Pagan friends) in many forms over the years. And each new one has been as beautiful and inspiring as the previous.

I know that whatever I don’t know or understand, or whatever I may be lacking, this One Spirit has already deciphered and worked out. And, I know that through Faith we can see the vision of our lives as this One Spirit did when The Light first shone upon it.

I know that I am driven to minister this One Spirit in every way  I can find…and there are more ways than you may first think. (Oh, “How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.”)

I know that if I whole-heartedly and truly dedicate and commit myself to the path (The Life) as it has been revealed to me, my life will change drastically and quickly.

I know I wish to.

I know I am very curious and excited by what I see before me.

So, my brethren, now that we “Know” the end, allow me to introduce The Beginning….

(Drum roll please…)


‘The Quest’ is a marvelous, mystical, magickal, mysterious thing. It truly is a beautiful experience. It is an opportunity to open up to the true possibilities of communing and working with The One True Spirit (or energy) that runs through and connects all things. {Hey…did anyone else notice that spells T.O.T.S? Hmmm….}

How that communication happens is entirely up to the questor. Personally, I am fairly open. I accept all ‘Dialects of Divinity’, if you will.

‘The Quest’ is also a great opportunity to experience The Wheel of Life as it turns. In fact, ‘The Quest’ is almost the definition of The Wheel of Life. ‘The Quest’ begins with an inquiry – a who, a what, a where or how. To be. To see. To Know.

A Goal.

My Goal was set for me, or so I thought – Mystic, CT (in particularly the Seaport.) It had come as the answer to a “where?”

Based on where I was in my life and the things that were going on around me, as well as my understanding of the opportunity being presented, I set some of my own Goals:

- I wanted some guidance and direction. What is next?

- I wanted to connect with Spirit again – to feel that flow and the Oneness.

- I wanted to heal. So much craziness going on for so long.

And before I would leave I would receive one more – To come to understand, and work with, The Christ Light and Jesus.

The questor knows that no matter what he ‘knows’ he ‘knows’ no-thing. He must rely on The One True Spirit (T.O.T.S.) to guide him along his way. He must be like the hunter of the wood. He must learn the natural rhythm and flow of things and track his conquest, sniffing it out.

Enter the spoke on The Wheel called Themes. The questor must recognize the things that come up a lot along the way. They may be images, words, people, places, things, repeated messages, animals, etc. Each will be a clue to the energies at work in the journey. And, somehow, all will help guide you to the destination.

‘The Quest’ is like a Divine Scavenger (or Treasure) Hunt. {Go left where the sands blow red and walk twenty paces to your next clue….maroon!}

There are things on The Wheel of Life that the questor will naturally carry with him – Intention, Principles, Resources. And, there are those that will be gained or determined along the way – Lessons, Observations, Commitment.

Whenever there is a Goal, a destination or objective, there is an Intention behind it. There is a reasoning, a rationale. The end has been seen. Gains determined. I’m not entirely sure what my Intention was. Originally, it was to do good works to benefit a community. But that changed when the journey changed.

I suppose I wanted to heal and to grow. I wanted to experience T.O.T.S. once more.

{Oh those days when it would pour through me and radiate beyond me. How I miss them.}

I wanted to feel that flow and connection – that oneness. I wanted to feel like myself again. And, I think, I wanted to know my true place in this crazy hullaballoo known as Life.

I packed and plotted and prepared as best I could. I begin looking for the Themes, gathering the Resources (or drawing upon them), and making Observations. I began to mark ‘The Quest’ as I saw it unfold.

The Principles from which a questor will work are unique unto each questor. For Principles are merely our beliefs about the way life works and how we work within it. And, these are gained from the Lessons we learn along the way. Since each questor is unique, as is each quest, the Lessons each learns are just as unique.

I do have a list of Principles that I try to adhere to, especially in regards to quests.

Ask & Ye Shall Receive (Seek & Ye Shall Find)

Everything Happens For A Reason

Follow The Flow


As I prepared myself to go the Resources were plentiful and varied. Each determined by the many faces of this journey. There were cameras and batteries and cords and reference books, the GPS. There was resolve and determination. There was past experience. And on and on and on.

The Goals have been set. The Intention is vaguely clear. Resources have been gathered and the time to leave is drawing near.

Now what?

Now we wait until it is time to go and in the meantime we see how things begin to reveal themselves to us.

During the interim a very interesting synchronicity occurred that had me heading to church on the Friday before I left and this is where ‘The Quest’ would begin and I would receive my final Goal.

The Experience was inspiring…uplifting…intriguing…Divine. (To say the very least.) I began receiving messages that night:

Thine, O Lord, is the greatness, and the power, and the glory, and the victory, and the majesty; For all that is in the heavens and in the earth is thine; thine is the kingdom, O Lord, and thou art exalted as head above all. Both riches and honor come from thee, and thou rulest over all. In thy hand are power and might; and in thy hand it is to make great and give strength to all.

                                              1 Chronicles 29; 11, 12

And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.

                                              Acts 2;4

{And he DID speak in tongues that night.}

There were repeated messages about riches and prosperity and expected miracles and how Knowing Makes Manifest.

I clarified my Intensions/Goals – Redemption; Forgiveness; Connection; Truth; Cleansing; Direction; Clarity/Focus; Strength**

There was even a “List of Instructions”:

     1. Trust in God

     2. Practice God’s presence

     3. Experience God’s joy

     4. Go to Church

     5. Think Godly thoughts

     6. Bear one another’s burdens

And so, ‘The Quest’ had begun with a day until ‘The Journey.’

Many things came of this journey. (As ‘The Quest’ continues.) There were lots of messages and the energies were intense. Which I believe is evident by the fact that it took me a week to transmute them.

From the outset, the main Lesson of the journey was Faith. (But then isn’t it always?) Other Lessons would develop along the way. Some would even cross the lines into Themes or Observations.

God Is Never DirectExpect the unexpected. (Anything is possible and nothing is as it seems.) Expect to be surprised, fooled, misled, misguided. Expect to go out of your way to discover what seems like just another cryptic clue in the Divine Scavenger Hunt. Until finally “it” is there and you almost miss it.

Detachment – This was one of the Buddha’s things. “Detachment.” Detachment from what? Desires, hopes, fears? “Everything” Say what? But it is so true. Detachment does not mean unconcerned or unconnected or unaffected. It simply means you are detached from these things. You experience each for what it is as it is and then you release it.

“The 12 Teachings of The Christ”  - This is still a work in progress, but the foundation has been laid.

Themes emerged:

“Slow Down”



“No Smoking”

“Onward ‘Christian’ Soldiers”

Observations were made:

Every Choice Is The Right One

There Is Something To Be Found Around Every Turn (Even The “Wrong” Ones.”)

Sometimes Life Makes The Right Choice For You

When ‘The Journey’ Ends ‘The Quest’ Is Just Beginning

The Intention found words and took on greater definition:

To cleanse, purge and heal clearing my mind and spirit (and heart) that my life may move forward fully and abundantly.

The lines of communication were opened and the spirits began to appear. Like I said,, the communication happens in many ways, each unique to the individual – songs on the radio, signs along the road, conversations heard, repeated patterns or images, animals crossing your path. Through this communication the questor can not only gain a vague insight into the true nature of the quest but the energies involved and the guides along the way will begin to make themselves known. This can happen, again, in so many ways – Animals, Angels, Saints, Deities, Numbers, Colors, Stones, Flora, Elementals, Mythical & Magickal Creatures, The Heavens, famous people, stories.  Whatever systems the questor understands Divinity uses. In my case, I like to use them all to some degree or another. And, believe me, the Spirits, they were not shy. They came in all shapes and sizes. Some very random and obtuse. Others connected so well. I joke that it was like a ‘Spiritual Roll Call'.’ Every county, sooner or later, was heard from.

In Colors we had Orange.  Plainly and simply. Orange. (2nd Chakra. Creativity. Sexuality. Promotes General Sense of Wellness. Personal Power.) {Also, this connects to the original “statement of healing” way back in Week 1 videos.}

If I had to guess, the Element was Wood. (**Chinese Elements** Symbolic of Life and Process of Renewing Life; Assertiveness; Aggressiveness; Strong Drives; Anger.)

{Interestingly enough there is a gallbladder Theme  between them as well. Better look into that.}

Numbers chimed in from time to time. {Sadly, I no longer have my number book.} 33, 22, and other random combinations of double numbers like 77, 44 and 88; 111 {This one catches my attention…}

The “Peanut Butters” were there.

In the Sainthood we find – James {Not sure which one}, Stephen {Again unsure, but leaning towards the original (Acts 6-7)}, George (Yup. That’s the one) and Raphael {Though I feel like Raphael was the angel in disguise, for the angels made only one brief but brilliant appearance.}

(And, so it seems, that would be a fair and accurate assumption.)

Raphael as an angel – meaning “God has Healed”; He is the healer and the messenger. {Oddly and curiously enough there is a passage here that reads, “Curiously enough…”

{didn’t mean to do that….lmao}

“…Curiously enough (because, perhaps, Raphael has been called a guide in Hell) an ophite diagram represents Raphael as a terrestrial daemon with a beast like form.” – A Dictionary of Angels; Davidson, Gustav; Free Press

The Faeries and Dragons and all sorts of mythical folk appeared (in various forms.)

The Goddess approached as The Maiden.

The Herald of The Land of Flora was Juniper (not Jupiter, though he was there too.) Juniper (Protection, Love, Exorcism, Health.)

The Hebrews always have their say (one way or another.)

The Greco-Romans came by way of Pandora

{I stated at the time that, “there is more to that story than meets the eye.” Having reinvestigated it, I would say this is very true. Probably the most obvious thing to me, as well as the easiest to phrase, is the obvious misconception that must occur. According to the Greeks, Pandora was the first woman of Earth. The first wife, if you will. Many would look at this and instantly connect her to Eve. But this would be a mistake for Eve was not the 1st wife of Adam but the 2nd. Lilith was the first, and so Pandora becomes Lilith. Which incidentally alters the tone of each of those stories just a bit and makes them a bit more curious. However, truth be told, in my Observations thus far, Pandora is more of a perfect balance between Lilith and Eve.}

…And also through the 3 Faces of The Pan….

The Hindus sent Lord Ganesh (Wisdom of a Man, Innocence of a Child; Lord of Success and Destroyer of Evils & Obstacles; God of Education, Knowledge, Literature, Wisdom & Wealth. Invoked at the outset of new undertakings.)

The Egyptians were not to be forgotten with their ever so odd quartet of fiends – Bast ( “Lady of the East”; Sun/Moon Energies; Patroness of Dance; Encompasses The Dichotomy of The Universe), Anubis (Assisted with Entrance Into Underworld)

{Preservation in death for power in the after-life? resurrection?}

Horus (As both ‘The Sun’ and ‘The Son’), and Khnemu (“To Build”; Water-God; The Architect – 7 Forms.)

Even Kokopelli danced his way onto the scene.

And then there were the Totems. Totems are generally my prime system of marking the archetypes/energies involved in an experience. (Or as the Native Americans would call them, “The Medicines.”) For me, Totems are the first choice for communication from Spirit. I get them. I don’t always understand them, but I get them. On this journey, in particular, I was blessed enough to learn more about working with them. On ‘The Quest’ I found that Totems were appearing in Layers & Levels (Principle.)

There were appearances by my regular guides, as would be expected. Each day seemed to have a grouping of Totems unique unto itself. And, ‘The Journey’ took on a Totem Pole – Guides overseeing ‘The Quest’ as a whole.

There is a trio of Totems I would expect to see, sooner or later, on any ‘Quest’ – Hawk, Wolf and Eagle. Years ago, when I was still such a neophyte (not that much has changed) I sought out my personal Totems. The two that walked on my left and my right. In several subtle ways(and one very, very dramatic one)  Hawk and Wolf revealed themselves to me.

{I’ll never forget that day.}

Over the years, through association, Eagle has come to represent Spirit for me. (I was gonna write T.O.T.S.) And, so, the ‘Trinity’ was born.

{Interestingly enough, when all associations are said and done that works out to be ‘The All’, ‘The Sun’, and ‘The Moon’. Hmmm…ever so curious.}

I will not get into their definitions in this writing. More critical to our current inquiry are the other Totems that appeared along the way and the stories they formed. As well as the ever so fun and curious ways they chose to reveal themselves. (Including the “fucking bear!”) Those Totems I would like to touch on now.

{Please note I use Ted Andrews’ Animal Speak for reference in regards to Totems. He gives “Keynotes” and, sometimes, lengthy descriptions and histories for each Totem. Here I will only list the “Keynotes.”}

‘The Totem Pole’ was a very fascinating revelation along the way. For some time I have been aware that any moment or experience (any statement of life) can carry a ‘Totem Pole.’ I just never delved into the depths of the impact of that. On this ‘Journey’ I was given little choice.

‘The Totem Pole’ will always be comprised of 7 Totems. 7 Guides. 7 Medicines.

These were (in no particular order) as follows:

Owl The Mystery of Magic, Omens, Silent Wisdom & Vision

ButterflyTransmutation and The Dance of Joy

TurtleMotherhood, Longevity, Awakening to Opportunities

SquirrelActivity and Preparedness

DeerGentleness & Innocence – Gentle Luring to New Adventures

HorseTravel, Power and Freedom

FoxFeminine Magick of Camouflage, Shape shifting and Invisibility

However, in keeping with The Wheel of Life’s Principle, “+1,” there must be one more. One common energy (One True Spirit, if you will) that runs through and connects each of these, individually, random medicines. (In this case, it would be the “Fuckin’ Bear!”)

BearAwakening the Power of the Unconscious

As I said, each day also had its own set of medicines. The first day seemed to carry the most. Following is the list of Totems that, for their own reasons, appeared on Day 1, July 24:

Raven/CrowMagic, Shape shifting, and Creation/ The Secret Magic of Creation is Calling

Hummingbird Tireless Joy and The Nectar of Life

LionAssertation of the Feminine and the Power of the Female Sun

Rabbit Fertility and New Life (Also, Fears)

Swan Awakening the True Beauty and the Power of The Self.

HeronAggressive Self-Determination and Self-Reliance

Dragonfly The Power of Light

And on July 25:

SkunkSensuality, Respect, and Self-Esteem

WoodchuckMystery of Death Without Dying – Trance – Dreams

Cardinal Renewed Vitality Through Recognizing Self-Importance

Spider Creativity and The Weaving of Feet

RamSeeking New Beginnings

And the 26:

Gull/HerringResponsible Behaviors and Communications

Coyote – Wisdom and Folly

Whale – Creation, Power of Song, Awakening Inner Depths

Cricket Movement Forward

(I feel as though there were more but I won’t know for sure until I watch those videos.)

So, there you have it. All that I have been left with after this statement of faith in The One True Spirit. This is the story of my life (at least for this ‘Quest’) as it has been revealed to me through, what I can only describe as…..well….T.O.T.S. (Gives that old George Carlin line about, “tits for tots,” a whole new meaning…don’t it?)

I could tell you the stories of these things and the events of those days, but then there would be no need  for you to watch the videos…and you must see for yourself.

I will say this – At the end of every good ‘Quest’ there are always straggling pieces. Fragmented remnants of Prophecy.

Here is what I have been Left with:

The Letter ‘A’


Return Trip?

Another Quest??

‘Playing with Numbers’

‘Tumbling Stones’


A Larger/Group Quest

“Charley says….”

And now, Brothers & Sisters, though I hate to say it…


For now and for always, from here in Geistopia, this is your beloved Rev wishing you Love, Light, Peace and Freakishness.


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