And, He Was Led Up By Spirit Into The Wilderness…

Hey Gang!

Welcome to my life…

Where anything is possible and nothing is as it seems. I’m Freedom and I’ll be your host, coming at you from within…

The Depths of Geistopiaaaaaaaaaa

Velcum to my Life ees a prochect, un experiment een Life unt ART, A liwing storyboard, if you vill. Eet’s premise ees zat you can, and do, experience za life you choose. Eet ees based on za Veel of Life unt za ARTs for za New Millennium as life building tools. Ya. Eet’s true.

Welcome to my Life is an ITV Studios/Geist…House production. JustUs Productions, the parent company, would like to give a ‘Shout-Out’ to the following for their ongoing, and oft times unknowing, inspiration and support:

Princess Cuddlebug

Princess Sunshine

Craze & Co.

The Shaman

The Pillar

The Entire Putt-Putt-Putter Clan



The Baker of the Cornbread

The VanMan (may he R.I.P.)

The Messengers of the Galactic Federation

Osteen, the Son

The Sitter

The WhiteRose

The Fallen Angel


Sir Thomas

Jojo Dancer

Mr. NiceGuy

Senior Swankypants

Da Boyz from da Hood

The Witch Dr.

The ‘Original’ Mr. Baggins (and His Wife)

The Socialite


The WhiteGurl

“Ronnie’s Boy”

Mr. Indigo

LisaLisa Monet

The Ziatonic Antagonist


Prof. Siggy Chong


The Piz-Nifer

Dancing Queen

Downtown Donny Brown

Mama Rabbit

And, of course, a very generous sponsor who pretends to want to be anonymous.

(*Semi-Legal mumbo-jumbo jargon fine print – my thoughts, my words. Bug off if you think you theivin’ them.*)

It is Sunday, May 20, 2012. Time….Developing.

This week is a little different. All very much the same…just a little different.

After I finished the post last week I went about my day – doing this and doing that. I was standing in Trexlertown, pumping gas, when it happened. There I was minding my own business. My day had been fairly ordinary up until that point.

All of a sudden I had the thought, “Perhaps I’ll take a drive up to The Knob quick.”

Sounded good to me, but as I held the handle in and the ethanol flowed, I started to wonder if it was something that I really wanted to do. It had been on my list of things to do and I had just taken it off because it didn’t seem the day for it after all.

So, I decided I would let the GPS decide. If it wasn’t too long of a drive I’d make it.

14 minutes.

(Yeah, right.)

“Well, 14 minutes isn’t so bad, sure. Why the hell not.” And I was off.

And….the journey had begun.

I suppose the best description of the experience that follows is – A Prelude to a Quest.

It was a quest, of the mini-variety. It had all of the proper elements too. It took me to the mountain. After, ‘Ask & Ye Shall Receive,’ my favorite Principle is, ‘When All Else Fails – Head to the Mountain.’

I’m not sure what it is about the mountain. I don’t know how or even why it works, but it does. And that is why they have all gone to the mountain – Moses, Jesus, Mohammad, Master Ushi. I’d be willing to bet even Buddha had a mountain or two. The Gods find their home on Mount Olympus.

There’s just something about the mountain. It brings clarity…and peace.

There was the journey ‘into the darkness, to emerge on the other side – transformed and transcended.

What I thought I went for was only a small part of what I left with.

And, with that, ‘The Door’ has been thrown open and ‘The Quest’ has begun.

What I think I loved most about this particular experience was the way it all unfolded – fell into place naturally – to become what you have today. I loved the way it just swept over me out of nowhere. I got so much more out of it than I had even imagined I would. And, as I reviewed and contemplated, I realized that each of the three videos, as they were, averaged about 27 minutes. Almost perfect for upload – as is.

It just seemed destined to be…

It’s Never A Good Time

This Lesson actually came to me 2 or 3 weeks ago, but it has taken me this long to process it. This is not because I didn’t understand it. It is because I didn’t like the way it was delivered. I didn’t like the words. I didn’t like the timing. I didn’t like the timing of the words. It all just seemed so inappropriate and out of place.

I was in a store working a job and I had gotten into a conversation with one of the customers. For the most part it was a good conversation and I was happy for it. We talked on all sorts of things. In particular we had been talking about ‘healthy eating choices.’ I had commented that I have been wanting to do better – for myself and the girls – but that it has been a difficult transition to make.

“Satan will always make sure it’s not a good time.”



How do you make that journey? How do you get from our point A to that point B??

My system shut down immediately.  I was done. I will not deal with man’s Devil. I don’t need that. That’s for other folks to play around with.

However, in the end, I am glad it went down as it did. It made me think. It gave me focus. Because I did think about it. Not about what her point was but about the implications of it all. The reality of it.

I don’t need some “evil” being to blame for my shortcomings and failures. They’re mine. I am perfectly ok owning them. We are our own worst enemies. It is we that get in our own way and make it “not a good time.”

I find this especially true in matters of inspiration, but it seems to ring true in all arenas.

Meeting up with friends – there’s work and family and commitments and…well…”we’ll work it out some day.”

Changing direction or habits.

Whatever it is, there always seems to be a reason to not do it right that moment.

Such was the case with this day. I had a thousand other things I wanted to do and work on. But going was so worth it. And I am glad this Lesson came now. It is a good precursor to the Re-Discovery Tour – something I will need to remember and take with me.

Led By Spirit, Pt. 1 of 3 - Following the Call

This was the drive up to the mountain. It was a crazy time. I was totally just rolling with it. It is a good sampling of what a lot of the video may be like from the upcoming Quest. It is just me driving and rambling and riding the wave of the moment. Spiritually ‘Hangin 10,’ if you will.

For the most part, it is just nonsensical whimsy. But, as usual, there are important things weaved within.

The first totem actually announces himself in this segment but is not acknowledged until late into the 2nd segment.

Also, you will hear me reference “Them,” “They,” and “The Voices in my Head.” This is my fun, and yet very real, way of acknowledging communion with The Phenomenon.

Divinity has 1000+ faces and names…and just as many voices. In-spur-a-tion is combustible.

All along the way during this video, in particular part 2 there may be slight references or subtle moments that seem odd, out of place. For as random as they may seem, they are there for purpose and they are there for me.

In this Episode: Starting it up; "Auto Mechanics with Moron"; 'August Burns Red'; Where am I going?; Whirred vs. Word; "A plethora..."; Trying to keep a straight face; More on the motivation; Sheep in New York; More than 15 minutes; Tricked me again; Finally acknowledging 'Them'; '10 Sure-Fire Signs...'; No Clue Where I'm Going; Stopping to Ask; The Brilliance of it All; Spooks; Duh!!!; "I sneak out with the laundry"; 'Scouting the Location'; The Dukes of Hazzard; "Don't get lost up there"; 4th Grade


You Don’t Know Till You Get There

This could have just as easily been the Lesson of the Week, for it was atop the mountain that it really sunk in. However, this was not the only place that I took notice to it this past week.

I made the journey. And, though it may not seem so at first, I did so reluctantly. I almost didn’t because I thought I knew something…everything.

I knew nothing…till I got to the top of the mountain.

Mama and I have been dealing with something as well that I feel falls under this Theme and it appeared twice this week.

Long story short…

(Yeah right.)

…We made arrangements for Sunshine to test into Kindergarten. She misses the “birthday” cut-off. But I think she might be ready.

Nonetheless, we made the arrangements and set things in motion. The test is administered by the school psychologist and the requirements were that she must score 2 (grade levels or years…can’t remember) above her own.

From day one all Mama did was talk about how difficult this would be and she would hate to see Sunshine be disappointed and they were expecting a lot and on and on and on.

On Monday’s Dinner Night, Sunshine told me she didn’t want to take the test.

“What if it’s too hard?”

I told her she didn’t know what it was going to be like until it was done. And, she wouldn’t know how she would do unless she tried. I told her I thought she should take the test and see. I told her she needed to be nothing more than who/what she is and that if she didn’t get into kindergarten it didn’t make her any less of who she is.

She had the test Wednesday morning and apparently she loved it. She said it was a lot of fun and that she got two prizes. She made sure to tell us all that she did very good.

When I asked her how she knew she did well she looked at me strongly and said, “I just know I did.” Later, she did say that ‘The Lady’ told her she did very good.

This conversation eventually brought something up that had me texting  Mama because I was very confused. And that brought…what it always brings. But through that dialogue it came out that, after the test, Mama told Sunshine, “Well, when we get the results we’ll know what to work on for kindergarten next year.”

I asked if she meant for this September. She said, “No. I mean next year.”

WTF are you doing?!?!?!?!

I told her I thought she was selling the kid short, which of course pissed her off, but I don’t care. That’s precisely what she’s doing. The test results hadn’t even begun to be processed and she has her not doing well enough to make the cut.


We don’t know until we get the(re)sults. We don’t know how she did until we receive the letter in the mail. We don’t even know what the test was. All Sunshine could tell me was that she was asked questions…and somewhere along the line I had deduced that she had done some counting. How can we assume how she did?

And, I certainly don’t think we should e making any statements, assumptions or plans based on what we don’t know…especially not to the child.

But the ultimate point being…you just don’t know until you get there…

 Led By Spirit, Pt. 2 of 3 – The Quest

I soooo did not want to do this. It’s not even that I didn’t want to…it’s just not “where I was” until I was “there.”

I wasn’t prepped for it. It hadn’t been in the scope of things to do that evening.

I went ‘kicking and screaming’ as it were. I cut a good deal of that out…because you don’t need to know what kind of a whiny bitch I really am.

Nonetheless, I went…and interesting things happened…

In this Episode: Surprise!; Warning -- Littering Prohibited; "Let's get this job done"; The Light in the Darkness; "Let's do the math"; My Breathing; Pushing Ahead; Totem 1 Sensed; "The last time you took me off..."; Back to Business; Kickin & Screamin; Guardian Encounter; And...The Theme; The View; "Oh ye of little faith"; More Inspiration; Who's GB?; THE Spot; "Take some lessons from the Dons"; And On This Rock; "Prom?"; Heart Attack; Phe-Nom-E-Non; Totem 2 Acknowledged; The Guardian – Reviewed


Listen, Process, Respond

I wish I could remember what exactly spawned this particular Observation. I’m fairly certain it had something to do with the Princesses.

Nonetheless, I think the point is fairly clear.

It is very easy for us to hear, whether it is other people or The Phenomenon, and then quickly respond. For instance, when told, “Go to The Knob,’ it was easy to respond with all the reasons I didn’t want to or all the other things I had to do.

What is more difficult is to actually take a moment to listen to what we are hearing…and then to actually give it a moment (or two) to process. We need to give it time to settle into the being, meld with it. Then, and only then, can we truly respond.

When I took the time to listen, it was clear there was purpose. It was at least worth investigating. And, the more I processed it, the more I realized it was the thing to do – even though I didn’t know why.

It is much the same with ‘The Re-Discovery Tour.’ Practically…realistically…it makes absolutely no sense. It is truly an absurd notion.

It’s very easy to say, “Absolutely not,” but the more I listen – the longer I let it process – the more I know it is what must be done. I had even tried, for practicality sake, to push the journey back 6 weeks. Basically leave when I would have returned and all on its own it made its way back to the original time frame.

 Led By Spirit, Pt. 3 of 3 – The Return

‘The Return’ was exactly as I would expect. It was still fun. There was still plenty of randomness and insanity. But, there was also plenty of revelry.

In this Episode: A Brief Review; “G-d Bless G-d”; The Filming; “Put up the wall!”; Workin It Out In My Head; Resisting Temptation; Then Giving In; Reveling Once More; Church Rd.; “Wow…”; Grad Party; Bite My Head; On That Note!; Who’s Shooting at me?; ‘Au Natural’; ‘The Tale of the Mysterious Seat’; ‘Dunevella’; The Angry Cat; “I’m a fat old man…”; Looking Ahead; Another Coffee; Just Throw Me A Bone


Feedback has always been my favorite part of WTML, and also, the one I get to play with the least. I have long said that this is actually the most vital part of the project and have strongly encouraged folks to leave comments.

So, my first order of business under this heading is to ask about the censorship. What do you think? Though it was a definite failed attempt the idea was to clean things up just a little. The thing is…I don’t like it. And…I’m not actually under any FCC jurisdiction that I know of.

So should I bother?

Next, there was a question posed on the WTML Facebook Group page. It was posed by White Rose.

What is the difference between a “Re-Discovery Tour” to San Diego and a six-week vacation to San Diego?

I’m so glad somebody asked, because I know it’s on a lot of minds. I hear it from time to time in the likes of, “It must be nice.”

I know it’s on Mama’s mind. I’m sure it will be on my parents’ when I ‘officially’ let them know.

A vacation is planned. It is all about relaxing and unwinding. It is of your own whimsy.

This…is destiny.

The journey has been on the docket for a many years, but, as The Lesson says, it was just “never a good time.” And suddenly it seems there is no better time. I can’t say that I should have made this trip long ago or that I somehow have put it off for too long. Much like Arizona, as late it seems it is perfectly timed.

I thought Arizona was this trip – the one I had committed myself to 14 years ago and thought I had failed at twice. But Arizona was just another stepping stone guiding to me the trip that was to be made – this one.

I will be working along the way. Real, legitimate work. I am already putting the wheels into motion. That is the plan as it has been handed to me. I am to work and make money along the way…because I can.

But, also, this is my work. I am a minister and a spiritualist. I agreed to work for The Phenomenon a very long time ago. If I am going now then there is a reason – much like Arizona. To my knowledge, as it has been handed to me, the purpose of The Quest is completion. And yet, I know, there is so much more. I am to Re-Discover myself – something I lost a very long time ago and have been searching for ever since. I need to remember Freedom…or my Spirit will extinguish.

I need to Re-Discover America and the people in it. I do love this country…and it’s people. But, much like myself, I have lost quite a bit of that over the years.

But mostly, it is time to Re-Discover The Phenomenon. All of us.

Think what you like.

Question if you will.

But, if you truly want to know what the difference is, there is only one way to find out. Come along with me. Take the journey and you’ll know when we “get there.” 

From here in Geistopia, for now and for always, I am your beloved Rev. wishing you…




and Freakishness.


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