Building Up To It

Hey Gang!

Welcome to my life…

Where anything is possible and nothing is as it seems. I’m Freedom and I’ll be your host, coming at you from within…

The Depths of Geistopiaaaaaaaaaa

Velcum to my Life ees a prochect, un experiment een Life unt ART, A liwing storyboard, if you vill. Eet’s premise ees zat you can, and do, experience za life you choose. Eet ees based on za Veel of Life unt za ARTs for za New Millennium as life building tools. Ya. Eet’s true.

Welcome to my Life is an ITV Studios/Geist…House production. JustUs Productions, the parent company, would like to give a ‘Shout-Out’ to the following for their ongoing, and oft times unknowing, inspiration and support:

Princess Cuddlebug

Princess Sunshine

Craze & Co.

The Shaman

The Pillar

The Entire Putt-Putt-Putter Clan



The Baker of the Cornbread

The VanMan (may he R.I.P.)

The Messengers of the Galactic Federation

Osteen, the Son

The Sitter

The WhiteRose

The Fallen Angel


Sir Thomas

Jojo Dancer

Mr. NiceGuy

Senior Swankypants

Da Boyz from da Hood

The Witch Dr.

The ‘Original’ Mr. Baggins (and His Wife)

The Socialite


The WhiteGurl

“Ronnie’s Boy”

Mr. Indigo

LisaLisa Monet

The Ziatonic Antagonist


Prof. Siggy Chong


The Piz-Nifer

Dancing Queen

Downtown Donny Brown

Mama Rabbit

And, of course, a very generous sponsor who pretends to want to be anonymous.

(*Semi-Legal mumbo-jumbo jargon fine print – my thoughts, my words. Bug off if you think you theivin’ them.*)

It is Tuesday, May 29, 2012. Time….Launching!

It was a crazy, crazy week and an even crazier weekend. I am quite glad that I had started this post before the weekend got here because as you can see even with that I am behind schedule.

Imagine if I hadn’t typed anything.

The weekend was so intense that I can barely remember the week at this point. The Princesses and I had a wonderful time and if we weren’t in the midst of a Quest I would share more about that. I will only say that this was pretty much our schedule:

Picked up Friday @ 4.

To Hamburg park for “Pappy’s Show” by 6.

Home from show at 10.

Saturday – up and to Renninger’s. Spent way too much time there but got lunch, all we needed and some bonuses – including running into Mama unexpectedly.

(Somehow I think she was less amused by this than I was.)

Saturday Night fireworks at Dorney (and perhaps even an alien visit.)

Sunday morning planting.

Sunday off to Dorney for rides. Cut short by Nyssa’s Schnootzery behavior.

Sunday night at home.

Monday up and unexpectedly off to Dorney Park again. Then to “Pappy’s Show” at Alburtis Park.

I spent way too much time in the heat. My whole being – physical and spiritual - is fried and I can not get motivated towards anything.

(But then, everyone deserves a day of rest.)

It’s About Believing

I would say it is about Faith, but in order to have Faith you must know what you believe in…and believe it. By this I mean you must believe it with all your being. 110%. No question and no doubt. When you achieve that then Belief becomes Faith.

I have always been baffled by folks who proclaim a certain belief system and then seem to have difficulty with what lies within the system itself. This has, for a long time, been one of my gripes. And…one of my missions as well.

I do not care what you believe. Believe whatever you wish…but, please…believe it.

For me, that is much of what the ‘Re-Discovery Tour’ seems to be about. Practicing what I preach, I suppose. It is time to “put my money where my mouth is.”

For many years I have talked on about Divine Influence and how it guides us, works with us and communicates with us. I have spoken of visions and guides and signs and omens. I believe in all of these things. I suppose the question is, “Do I believe them whole-heartedly?”

Acknowledging this trip is Step 1 in confirming this Belief and transforming it into Faith.

When White Rose asked on Facebook, “What is the difference between a "Re-Discovery Tour" to San Diego and a six week road trip vacation to San Diego? (Confused),” The simplest answer would have been, “Because G-d told me to take the Re-Discovery Tour.”

(He also named it, but that’s neither here nor there…)

But, this is the answer that people have a problem with – they never really know how to take it and process it. If I were on video at the moment I would tell you to read my lips or ask you if I stuttered.

Plain and simple.

G-d told me to go.

Now, you don’t have to use G-d in the statement above. Please, feel free to substitute whatever force of your choosing – The Goddess, Brahman, Allah, Wankan Tanka, Divinity, Great Spirit, The Universe, The Great Mystery, The Ancestors, The Angels, The Guides. Or, perhaps you would like to use my new personal favorite: The Phe-Nom-E-Non.

And, If you are a proclaimed Atheist, please, rest assured that pure chance and happenstance have indeed asked me to take this Quest.

(And, I wonder how many of you can read that without judgment or ridicule…)

For you see, one thing I am certain of – after 14 years of poking and prodding, investigating and studying…

(Being fascinated by…)

…The Phe-Nom-E-Non, is that no matter who you are or what you believe…you believe in something. Each of us believes in some power, some force, greater than ourselves that has seemingly masterful control over the existence around us.

Oh, I know. There’s a group of Atheists taking up their pitchforks and torches right now. They, most certainly do not believe in any of that malarkey or hooey.

(Fooey on the hooey…)

Most Atheists at least believe in Science, perhaps even Chance.

(I highly doubt they would call it Fate…)

Both Science and Chance are powers greater than ourselves for Chance cannot be controlled and Science we are still coming to understand. But Science is dictated by the same Principles as Spirituality. In fact, I recently read a quote by Albert Einstein in which he stated that “All of life is energy and that is all there is to it. If you want something you only need to adjust yourself to its frequency and you will draw it to you.” (Ok. So not an EXACT quote…but I have the basic gist of it.)

That is part of why I am taking this trip. That is why I write this. It is time to close the Gap. It is ok to believe what you wish. It is understood if you do not want to be told that you must believe something else. But we will never know the World we should as long as we continue the Separatism. I have often said that we must stop looking at all the differences and find the similarities. Perhaps then we can begin to understand each other. But this only matters if we have firm grasps on our own beliefs.

I wish to challenge your beliefs – not in an effort to change them, but to make them stronger. 


You’ve Got To Give It Time

This is a notion I came upon quite some time ago in my reading work. I have a very strict rule that I will not do two readings for someone within three months of each other. The reason for this is simple – it will take about that long before the client starts to see the shifts in his/her life. To come for a second reading before then would be premature.

I’m not sure if it is only Americans or if it is just what the world has grown into but it seems we are a society of “Nows".”

We want the answers now. We want the solutions now. We want the results now. Whatever it is we are asking for, dreaming of, pursuing – we want it right now. Sadly, life doesn’t always work this way. In fact, it never works this way. Even if I ask for something right now and it immediately manifests, the reality is, it took at least a moment. It is a moment later, even if that moment is a spit-second. There is no getting around that. Call it ‘Reaction Time’ I suppose. And, the larger or more complex ‘thing’ you are seeking the longer the ‘Reaction Time.’

(I’ve often thought this was my problem in life…for I have forever been seeking ‘Perfection’ – The Ultimate.)

This is not to say that the ‘Response Time’ isn’t immediate. For it is. The moment you ask, the wheels are set into motion and the Universe responds. But…all good things take time.

(Even a moment is a measure of time…)

How much time is determined mostly by your own receptivity, but there are so many other innumerable factors involved as well – The people, the places, the times, the things. Every moment perfectly played out to your own whimsy. With all of those things in mind it is best to just let it go, take a breath, relax and know that if you have put it out there it is on it’s way back to you. Maybe not today. Maybe not tomorrow.

(But soon. And for the rest of your life…)

I have an observation for this week, but I am not too sure what exactly to say about it so I will merely make it and move on…

Magick Is A Delicate Matter


Feedback has always been my favorite part of WTML, and also, the one I get to play with the least. I have long said that this is actually the most vital part of the project and have strongly encouraged folks to leave comments.

This past week, Mr. Indigo commented to me personally about last week’s series of videos. I had asked him to post those comments but he seemed reluctant. Perhaps he felt his insight was too sensitive. Perhaps he is just not a “public speaker.” Nonetheless his insight was interesting.

It is precisely the reason I encouraged him to post it. I thought it was fun insight and perhaps something others may have thought as they watched. But also, I was hoping his posts would encourage others to do the same. As I told Mr. Indigo I can’t explain it or define it or describe it for you – I can’t comment back – unless you let me know what’s on your mind.

You must remember that I have been Questing for 14 years. Things that may seem out of the ordinary to you, or throw you off, or even seem elusive will make perfect sense to me and seem so perfectly natural that I would never even think to comment on them.

Mr. Indigo said he enjoyed the first video very much but that he had to stop watching the second video. He said I seemed, “out of sorts,” out of my element, he even said I looked worried or disturbed.

Each of these Observations is fairly accurate.

I certainly was out of sorts. I always am when I deal with The Phe-Nom-E-Non. I am out of sorts when I do readings. The reason for this is that as much as I am in this world, there is a part of me on the other side…listening. People often come to me and ask if I remember telling them this or that during a reading.


I’m not really there. I’m merely a vessel. Such was the case with ‘Led Up By Spirit.’

I was out of my element. I haven’t been to that spot in 30 years, so it’s just as good to say that I have never been there.

And as for “disturbed.” Well, there are always a number of Spirits and Beings lurking about. Unfortunately, I tend to sense most of them. On this particular Quest, one of those was the unspoken Totem. I don’t like when he shows up because one day he’ll show up for real and I know what comes next. So, whenever he alerts me to his presence I do tend to get a bit nervous. I also encountered at least one Guardian along the way. Guardians are funny because they come on strong even though they are like perfectly harmless. They won’t disturb you unless you disturb their space first. They’re there to keep an eye on things. To protect and serve I suppose.

Not every step of the journey is for everyone.

From here in Geistopia, for now and for always, I am your beloved Rev. wishing you…




and Freakishness.


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