Freedom’s All-American Re-Discovery Tour

Hey Gang!

Welcome to my life…

Where anything is possible and nothing is as it seems. I’m Freedom and I’ll be your host, coming at you from within…

The Depths of Geistopiaaaaaaaaaa

Velcum to my Life ees a prochect, un experiment een Life unt ART, A liwing storyboard, if you vill. Eet’s premise ees zat you can, and do, experience za life you choose. Eet ees based on za Veel of Life unt za ARTs for za New Millennium as life building tools. Ya. Eet’s true.

Welcome to my Life is an ITV Studios/Geist…House production. JustUs Productions, the parent company, would like to give a ‘Shout-Out’ to the following for their ongoing, and oft times unknowing, inspiration and support:

Princess Cuddlebug

Princess Sunshine

Craze & Co.

The Shaman

The Pillar

The Entire Putt-Putt-Putter Clan




The Baker of the Cornbread

The VanMan (may he R.I.P.)

The Messengers of the Galactic Federation

Osteen, the Son

The Sitter

The WhiteRose

The Fallen Angel


Sir Thomas

Jojo Dancer

Mr. NiceGuy

Senior Swankypants

Da Boyz from da Hood

The Witch Dr.

The ‘Original’ Mr. Baggins (and His Wife)

The Socialite


The WhiteGurl

“Ronnie’s Boy”


LisaLisa Monet

The Ziatonic Antagonist


Prof. Siggy Chong


The Piz-Nifer

Dancing Queen

Downtown Donny Brown

Mama Rabbit

And, of course, a very generous sponsor who pretends to want to be anonymous.

(*Semi-Legal mumbo-jumbo jargon fine print – my thoughts, my words. Bug off if you think you theivin’ them.*)

It is Sunday, May 6, 2012. Time….Burnt!

As promised, the main focus of this week’s post is to officially announce ‘Freedom’s All-American Re-Discovery Tour.”

Though, now that I read it a few times, the name makes it sound more intense than it may be…at least touring wise.

For those of you that are unsure of what it is I am talking about, allow me to explain…

(Even for those of you who may think you know…)

I am a Spiritualist – a metaphysician.

I live for this shit. I really do.

So anyway…about two months ago whilst seeking answers in the “Other World” I was asked to take one more trip. Sort of a request to Re-Quest, if you will.

This is a Spiritual Quest. Now, some of you may mistake that for my way of saying ‘Road Trip.’ Though that may be one possible interpretation, I find it somewhat limiting and almost demeaning.

I can not deny that this experience will have all of the elements of a proper road trip. It will be an adventure of the highest magnitude and no doubt carry with it much fun. However, it is more than that. Much more. The thing is, like any Quest, I can not tell you now just how much more. I can only discern from the pieces I have been given that this experience carries much weight…for many.

Perhaps this is a good place for an Observation…

Don’t Look For The Sense

I think too often we sell ourselves short…sell divinity short because we look for all of life to make some sort of sense.

Folks, if it makes sense…you’re doing something wrong. If everything you do, every move you make – every aspect of your life – makes perfect sense and you “totally get it,” you are missing something.

The Bible says, “Do not rely on your own understanding.”

Or, in more familiar words, “Everything happens for a reason.”

Especially the stuff we don’t get. The stuff that frustrates us, scares us, worries us.

I feel it’s safe to say that we easily apply this to the world outside of ourselves, but they are true even for the one within. The random thoughts we think tend to be the really important ones. To demonstrate, let me share with you an example that I am willing to bet each and every one of you is familiar with…because I know I am.

It’s some random Tuesday evening. You are making your way home from work. You are driving along the same highway you have driven home from work for the past two years. Every day, for two years, you have driven to the same exit. Say, Exit 49A.

Today, as you near exit 25B, a voice goes off in your head, “Get off here.”

And, you think to yourself, “Now, why would I do that? This isn’t my exit. I’m not getting off here and dealing with all of that to get home. It’s much quicker this way.”

So you pass the exit by. You think nothing of it. You shrug it off. Then, about a mile and a half down the road, you find yourself sitting in a long, almost non-moving line of double, or even triple-laned traffic.

And, no where to exit until 49A….

It might have just been quicker and easier to exit when you were asked to.

I suppose you could say this is the case with the Re-Discovery Tour. For quite some time it has been that ‘voice’ inside my head as I traverse the highways of life. I will say, officially, for two years. It has actually been much longer. I have known of this destination since Santa Fe…and that is a very long time ago.

(Longer now than it seems. Perhaps in a place you’ve seen in your dreams…)

And, though some may call it frivolity and folly, it is a very serious matter. The Quest is part of my commitment to Divinity. In essence, it’s my job. The Universe telling me to take this trip is no different than your boss telling you to take one. Only, my boss doesn’t tell me exactly where I’ll be going, what I’ll be doing or why…not until I get there and have done it.

Such was the case 12 years ago for the trip that took me to Santa Fe, Taos, Flagstaff, Phoenix and more. I saw three lives transformed on that trip (as well as my own.) The timing of my arrival in each life I could have never planned on my own. It was precise…perfect. One of those people looked at me upon meeting me and said, “They told me you were coming.”

(That’s funny cause nobody told me anything.)

And yet, there I was.

Another had told me how I had brought the answer to every question asked that morning.

(And, I don’t even know what I said.)

In fact, that was the stop I didn’t want to make at all. But…it was where I was sent. So, I went. And, I didn’t know why until it was done.

You Never Get It All At Once

When it comes to working with the Phenomenon (I almost forgot, lo) this is an important thing to remember. I don’t know why it is, but they will never tell you everything all at once. It’s always just enough to whet your appetite, or nudge you in a direction. But, it is never definitive.

Perhaps The Phenomenon just wants us to see if we can trust and have faith. Perhaps it’s along the lines of, “G-d helps those who help themselves,” and we are expected to do a little investigation and research…exert a little effort.

Whatever the reason…it works.

Do not want it all at once. It is much more fun to watch it unfold and to have those moments of revelation and realization when you think, “Ahhh…that’s why I listened. That’s what I’m doing here. That’s why I went that way. “

For 14 years The Quest has been my passion. If I could actually earn my Doctorate of Metaphysics (as opposed to the honorary one I have now) The Quest would be the topic of my ?thesis?

I have investigated, and researched and tinkered and toyed with it. I have taken it apart piece by piece and reassembled it. The Quest truly is an amazing thing. It is an experience we should all indulge in and, also, is one that we could have daily. There is no need to leave your life in order to Quest.

(But, that is a topic for another time.)

However, every so often, one should put it all aside and turn the experience of life over to a higher power – even if that power is mere chance and happenstance. When The Phenomenon calls – answer!

Of, course, I am more prone to answer so I generally need less convincing. The Re-Discovery Tour being the perfect example.

I don’t remember exactly what the question was or what I was meditating over. I just remember being told, “Now it’s time to go to San Diego.”

I wasn’t surprised by this one bit. San Diego hit the radar 12 years ago and hasn’t gone away. I only muffled it’s cries because…well…sometimes life interferes with living. There were always plenty of valid reasons not to go – time, money, family, commitments, etc.

But…now it would seem…it is time.

It seemed to take ‘The Pil-Man’ by surprise when I told them.

“Why San Diego?”

“I don’t know, but it’s been the answer to every question for at least 2 years.”

So, accepted it. None of it was really a surprise – not San Diego, not the trip, none of it. I said last year when I went to Salem that there was one more trip to be made…and this is it.

As I accepted it and opened myself up to it more information rolled in. The trip is to be 40 days, approx. 6 weeks. I have a very specific place to go in San Diego and there I must wait until I know why I am there. Though finding that particular spot could be much like finding a needle in a haystack.

The original timeframe of the trip looked to be the beginning of July through early August.

I am to attempt to do as much I.C. work as I can while traveling.

As I accepted and processed all of this – forcing it into my reality – more information was to come. The itinerary would grow…exponentially. It started with Seattle.

A friend had just returned from Seattle and was trying to tell me how wonderful it was. I didn’t want him to, because I knew I would want to go. And, go I will. After all, it took me 40 years to get to the west coast…perhaps I shouldn’t risk needing a return trip.

Also, there is a small stop in PA I would like to make since I am going that way and something just over the Ohio State line that deserves a lil prodding. Not to mention a day of attempted work in Pittsburgh in between. 

The Ohio stop, once investigated a lil deeper lends itself to some very interesting possibilities.

A stop in San Francisco…since I am passing through.

With these things in place, other things began to open up.  And, as long as I am in Ohio…I want a Dagwood Sandwich, dammit!!!

The trajectory of this path opened itself up to several other stops along the way. Stops I think everyone should make as long as they’re headed that way. (And, I am.) Stops like Mt. Rushmore, Yellowstone Park and Devil’s Tower. (Though that one is just more because it has the word ‘devil’ in it and that amuses the hell outta me….errrr…into me…..)

While in San Fran…I might as well swing by Modesto and visit my church…right?

And, then, suddenly I looked at the path and what was ahead of me and I realized that this is the very trip I was told about and set out to take 14 years ago. Suddenly, it was all making sense. There was no doubt left that this is something I must do.


This is exactly what another of my associates asked me, “How do you even begin something like that?”

I took a deep sigh and he laughed, “Yup. That’s probably how I’d start.”

And, 14 years ago, that is exactly where I started. And, 12 years ago. And again 2 years ago. Then last year. That always seems to be my first step, because these things are never timed appropriately. It’s not like they come up and I can just be like, “Oh yeah. I’ll do that next week.”

I’ve never really had the money to take one of these trips and yet, I always make them and make it back somehow. I’ve never really had the time and yet the time seems to find itself.

This is why my second step is always the one forward.

Just Do it

You can only sit around questioning and wondering for so long and then it is time for action. Do not think I have not validated this trip…more than once. It’s always a good idea to take a notion and sit with it for awhile. Let it soak into your system and see how it feels deep within. Question an idea and see what sorts of answers The Phenomenon provides. But when you have done this then it is time to ‘Just Do It.’ You won’t really know how it all goes until it is done.

Have faith. Have strength and confidence. It would not have been handed to you if it were not yours.

And so, the plan is set into motion.

I have a basic itinerary, though outside of stops like San Diego.

(Side note: Twice now – once in conversation and just now as I typed – I have wanted to put forth the words ‘San Diego’ and my mind puts forth ‘San Francisco’ and I wonder if San Francisco doesn’t hold more than I am anticipating.)

It’s not like it’s beyond The Phenomenon to do that – point you in some random direction because it will get you where you need to be. “Go here…but only because you need to be there and there is along the way.”

Only time will tell.

As I said, I have many questions as to how exactly this goes down and I pull it off – especially from a financial sense. Not only is the trip itself going to be costly what with fuel prices these days, but in it’s original slot it falls right in between my two (non-consecutive) weeks of vacation time with the Princesses.

I did try to look at this practically. I looked for an alternative time frame. Perhaps I could push it off until next year? Nope. That just isn’t right.

I could do it after Halloween….

I could, but I’d miss something. This trip needs to be taken during warmer, more active weather.

Finally a possibility. I could start it when I was going to end it. The trip would then run early/mid August until almost the end of September.

I decided that, unlike past trips, I would be more receptive to assistance. I know that sounds odd, but I always very much wanted to forge my own way on trips like this and it was in Flagstaff that I learned that is not how you get anything done. Be open to help and accept it when it comes.

It is in this vein that I open those doors to you once more, Dear Readers. As this process moves on and you follow along, if you find a way to “send” me some help…please do.

Perhaps you have a contact in or near one of my stops. Maybe you will have one of the supplies for which I will soon start hunting. Mayhaps you have a $1 or a $5 looking for a home. (I am not asking for money…but I learned in Flagstaff that I can not limit how the help will come.)

I’m just saying that should the moment strike you, however it strikes you, please follow through and help a brother out.

There is one more possible factor that has arisen and at this writing I am still waiting for conformation.

Prof. Chong may join me. He finds himself in a place in life where he could use a clearing of the head, as it were. His decision will impact several different things.

Should he decide to join me then the trip will definitely be July into August, which is when I really think it should be. If not, then I will most likely look at August into September. (But that July/August time frame, man…)

If he goes, we would take his truck with a pop-up camper. This would change many things. I certainly wouldn’t need a place to sleep along the way.

His going would reduce the financial strain incredibly. It’s not just the fuel cost. With a camper, food is a whole other story as well. Not to mention I wouldn’t have to worry about getting too much work done to the van before I leave.

With the Professor along the rate of travel will change as well. No need to always stop to sleep when there’s two to drive.

So, until I hear from him – which should be today – there are many specifics I can not give at this time – such as my list of things I am looking for or a more precise itinerary.

Recently, I have had one other revelation regarding the trip – I’m not ready.

Because The Quest is so transformative and powerful, one can not enter into it lightly. You must be in shape – not just physically but mentally, emotionally and spiritually as well. I have really gotten off all of the things that made me strong. I have noticed lately a sort of “training regimen” developing and I hope to follow it better with each passing day.

I must fix my body. It needs water and nutrients and rest. (As well as a damn good massge, Mr Indigo.)

I must release my issues. There can be nothing clouding me as I travel. It is not that I must resolve anything, I must merely resolve everything within myself. Let things be as they are and just accept them with as much love and light as I can muster up. I can take no extra baggage.

I must focus on my spiritual exercises so that my senses are keen. I do not wish to miss anything this time around.

(Especially since I am sensing many great adventures along the way.)

I must be done with doubt and fear and adhere to knowing and faith.

Basically, I need to totally Zen out.

There is one more factor to The Quest and it is one I am most interested in. I must document it every step of the way. Not just here on WTML or on Facebook, but in journals and writings and whatever else.

(There is much more to this trip than just the travel…)

And, each of you is invited…nay, encouraged….to follow along and join me the best you can.


Feedback has always been my favorite part of WTML, and also, the one I get to play with the least. I have long said that this is actually the most vital part of the project and have strongly encouraged folks to leave comments.

From here in Geistopia, for now and for always, I am your beloved Rev. wishing you…




and Freakishness.


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