A Blog By Any Other Name


Friday, May 31, 2013; 0802

(I remembered to use the correct font today.)

So, here we are – Day 3, which also happens to be a 6 day. I’ve never been so good with 6. I just don’t seem to understand it. (Which is funny because on a numerology chart it is Logical Creativity.)

Instead, today, we will focus on the day of the cycle – 3. 3 I know. 3 I understand. 3 is the number of creation. 1+1=3.

Let’s see…so far we have had 22 (The Master Number of The Apostle), 5 (The number of Coming Into Being & The Underworld), and 3 (The Number of Creation.) Add in 6 if you like, but I cannot help you with it. Of course, as I always tell my daughters, “You will never understand it if you don’t try.”

If I reference Animal Speak by Ted Andrews I find that 6 is equated with Home, Service & Family (for positive aspects) and jealous and worrisome (negative.)

Sigh. suppose that makes its own degree of sense. As we enter Day 3 I am definitely in a place where I could find myself worried.

Currently, I have $40 in one account, $2 in another, and $.70 in yet another. I have $20 in cash on me. From there it gets interesting and complex.

I haven’t really done much work this week (other than on myself) so there are no paychecks slated. I do have a session this afternoon and a house cleansing in the works. There is about $40 pending in an account and when it has cleared I can move it and use it. I don’t know when that will be. I believe, there is a $30 pay I have not received as of yet. There is a $20 pay (minus taxes) slated for sometime. I completed a $10 assignment on Monday and today I will do a $25+ job. I do not know when I get paid for those.

In the next few days I must feed the girls dinner- twice; as well as a breakfast, take care of an unnecessary payment,  and spend money on my $25+ job (which is then reimbursed).

I have plenty of gas for the moment. And, I will not starve.

I’ve been here before. I’ve been here plenty of times before. The quandary a situation like this leaves me in is in order to work I must have gas. In order to have gas I must have $$. In order to have the mammon I must have work.

And, so, the Merry-Go-Round is off once more and the cycle begins again. It’s the same old story. The same old song & dance. (My friend.) Except for one thing.


I’m not going to worry about it. I am not going to stress over it. The way I have it figured all of the worrying and stressing and plotting and planning and projecting over the past number of years has done nothing for me.

The situation hasn’t changed.

I have extended and exerted and exhausted myself, but nothing has really changed. Overall, it is true, that things are slightly better but as recent event have shown things still fall prey to unfortunate disruption. Only now when it happens it hurts more.

In the past, I would already have set about making a plan and plotting my trajectory. I would have been jumping all over every possibility.

Not today.

It is step by step, moment by moment – from now until a time indeterminable. I will take each as it comes. Doing then what is right then. If it cannot be done with ease then it will wait until it can. If it causes even just a brief moment of stress then it is put away until it does not.

Today, my day is planned. I have a session early this afternoon and at 4(ish) I pick up the girls. They must be fed and be ready for their morning by the end of tonight because they have quite the day tomorrow. Somewhere, amidst all of that, I must complete this assignment for today.

From there, I know that I have a butt-load of a backlog of work with two different companies. Though this must get done as soon as possible I cannot commit to it until I can ensure that I will have the gas to do it. Some can get done as early as Monday, or perhaps even Sunday. But then, until I have some more income flow, it will have to take a backseat.

I have an assignment I must revisit. It will not take long, but there is a lil bit of a drive involved. This is my 1st priority after the To-dos of today.

From there it is anyone’s guess.

My number one overall priority is me – my spirit, my being. I have been slowly building a flow and a routine that makes me feel whole and complete and balanced.

If a thing, done or approached, would disrupt that then I will not do it nor approach it.

The whole point of NOW is to remember how to walk before I try to run again.

I want to touch on something I was thinking about yesterday. It is another of the ‘revelations’ of late.

Though I believe we have seen Observation of the Week already this was an Observation. Perhaps it will become Lesson or Theme.

We Take So Much For Granted

I’m not using this in any kind of materialistic sense. I’m talking about knowledge, about the way things are – how we live and what we believe.

In a recent conversation with The General we had agreed that to truly know or understand something you must study the history behind it….and there is a history to everything. (Perhaps this is how an Observation leads to a Lesson…)

There Is A Story To Everything

It’s true. To everything we know belongs a lineage of developments.

Take today’s cell phones. These are nothing like the first mobile phones I remember. They are more compact. They do a lot more.

They are….smarter.

The next time you pull your phone out, take a bite from that Apple and ponder. What is the history of what you are holding? It is the history and development of cellular phones, of course. But it is also the history of communication and of computers and operating systems and technology as a whole. It has been morphed over the years to suit the history of our needs and wants, all influenced by histories of cultures and practices.

If that’s all too much for you (cause I know I got lost) let’s return to the ‘Moment of Revelations.’

The other night the girls and I had been listening to the kids programming on 88.5 WXPN (104.9 in the Lehigh Valley.) This is something we do whenever I take them home from dinner. The program is on Mon-Thurs 7-8PM. So, this is the only window of opportunity they have to hear it. It is the only time they are with me to hear it. Of course, they could listen to it with their mother, but, despite my attempts to communicate this to her, my understanding is they do not get to listen to it on Mon, Wed or Thurs. Not even on the way home Tuesday.

Whatever…that is what it is. (And I think it is a waste.)

But I digress, once more. So, as usual, after the girls left I continued to listen to it on the way home. I truly do enjoy and have an appreciation for children’s programming. (Won’t you be my neighbor?)

So, anyway, they were doing this special on Memorial Day.

You know, Memorial Day – The day we remember fallen soldiers. It falls on the last Monday of May. We have picnics and parties and parades.

But…when did Memorial Day start? And, how?

I am 40 years old. I have lived my share of Memorial Days. I never knew ANY of what I learned on that drive. And, it is not the history one would imagine. It shifted and changed many times under varying influences. Until, voila, the Memorial of to-Day.

It starts after the Civil War 188- something. It is actually a Union holiday. The confederates did not acknowledge it, nor were they even allowed in Union cemeteries, such as Arlington, on that day.

It was a day to remember and pay homage to the Union soldiers felled during the Civil War.

It begins as Decoration Day. On this day you would go to the graves of said soldiers and decorate them. A practice some still hold to this day.

It has its frenzy and its fury for some time, as all things do. It also, inevitably, fizzled out. It became something folks just didn’t think about much anymore.

It was always May 30, no matter the day of the week.

At the end of WWI, Decoration Day sees a resurgence. It becomes very popular.

Now, from here, my recollection is very hazy but I remember the finer points.

At first it is managed by a group comparable to the VA. Over time it grew. Now it becomes a national holiday for Union and Confederate alike. (*wink.*)

It’s history as the big picnicking, parading, car selling holiday we know is fairly young. In fact, it doesn’t even become a stable holiday (on the last Monday of May) until something like 1968 under the government’s Holiday Something or Other Kind of Law.

1968 is the first time we have a Memorial Day ‘Weekend.’ 1968. I was born in 1972. For 40 years I have thought that’s just the way it was, the way it has always been. In 40 years I have never, until that moment, heard anyone talk about, think about, remember it.

“Remember when Memorial Day always fell on May 30?”

“Do you remember when it was called Decoration Day? I do, sonny.”

Never. Never once.

How quickly forget.

How adaptable we are as a species.

Before I leave today, allow me to introduce our Guest (or guide) of the day – Spider.

KEYNOTE: Creativity and the Weaving of Fate

(I actually, have this one highlighted.)

Other points of interest:

Multicultural lore.

The number 8 – infinity and abundance (The formula for Divinity.)

Past and Future

Know Thyself and Thou Shalt Know the Universe (who said that?)

Death & Rebirth

Language and Writing

Gentleness and Strength

(Observed – duality and the Yin & Yang. All things polar and opposite. Truly, the Wheel of Life.)



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