Begin the Beguine

Hey Gang!

Welcome to my life…

Where anything is possible and nothing is as it seems. I’m Freedom and I’ll be your host, coming at you from within…

The Depths of Geistopiaaaaaaaaaa

Velcum to my Life ees a prochect, un experiment een Life unt ART, A liwing storyboard, if you vill. Eet’s premise ees zat you can, and do, experience za life you choose. Eet ees based on za Veel of Life unt za ARTs for za New Millennium as life building tools. Ya. Eet’s true.

Welcome to my Life is an ITV Studios/Geist…House production. JustUs Productions, the parent company, would like to give a ‘Shout-Out’ to the following for their ongoing, and oft times unknowing, inspiration and support:

Princess Cuddlebug

Princess Sunshine

Craze & Co.

The Shaman

The Pillar

The Entire Putt-Putt-Putter Clan



The VanMan (may he R.I.P.)

Osteen, the Son

The Faery-Taler

The Nameless One

Senior SwankyPants

The General

The White Rose

JoJo Dancer

The Socialite




Mudslide Bill

The Cowboy

Danny Boy

The Balletic One

The Original Mr. Baggins (& His Wife)

The Ziatonic Antagonist


Prof. Siggy Chong


Dancing Queen

Downtown Encyclopedia Brown

Mama Rabbit

And, of course, a very generous sponsor who pretends to want to be anonymous.

(There are a few of you I just don’t have nicknames for as of yet. Soon. Very soon.)

(*Semi-Legal mumbo-jumbo jargon fine print – my thoughts, my words. Bug off if you think you theivin’ them.*)

It is Sunday, October 19, 2014. Time….Formulating.

Ya Gotta Bring It Back

It’s very easy to lose sight of things. Life is such a roller coaster ride – fast, furious and full of wicked turns. Sometimes we need to step back from it all, refocus, and then get back in the game.

I get frustrated and irritated with the likes of Mama, or even my father, losing my spiritual self to my more human nature. I get caught up in my physical ‘needs’ – wanting and desiring – forgetting that my true needs are taken care of.

So, sometimes Ya Gotta Pull It Back. Step back. Bring it back into focus. Center the self.

This is not always an easy process, nor is it one that ever ceases to be necessary.

Even in my recent efforts to step up my game and change my life I have had to step back from time to time and put things into better and broader perspective.

The Message Comes Before The Moment

I have taken notice to this several times, not just this week but in weeks past as well. I suppose it started with Baby Steps. This was the Theme or Lesson not too long ago. A week after that, it served as a reminder when I was finding myself feeling overwhelmed. I was pushing and trying and, for a moment, almost taking on too much at once. All in the vein of trying to get the job done. I was feeling stressed…and then I remembered Baby Steps.

Then it happened again with The Power of Forgiveness. I had the thought and the following week it was actually the Theme. Soon after, I was finding myself with the need to put that Theme into practice.

Recently, it happened once more. As I have been noting the past few weeks I have been writing and implementing a plan. Every day I am pushing and trying and striving. Most days, it seems as if I am getting nowhere. This is especially true in the financial arena. I get one thing straightened out and taken care of and another two things take it’s place. In the midst of my frustrations this week I flashed back on the dream and ‘402.’ (Your efforts are being recognized. Just because the rewards have not yet been reaped, or even seen, does not mean they are not there. Things are in the works.) So, I brushed myself off and just kept plugging along. Since then, the frustrations have not gone away. I still feel like I am beating myself against a brick wall most days. But, the same message has returned several times. In particularly, it returned several times yesterday. But, more on that just a little later I suppose.


I often talk about ‘believing’ and ‘having faith.’ These are just the first step(s) in the process. It is one thing to believe in Divinity, to have faith that it works with and for you. It is another thing to trust in it. In the oft times hectic and backwards existence we lead it is easy to forget that it it is all perfectly timed. We must Trust that it is for our best interest – as a child trusts a parent.


Feedback has always been my favorite part of WTML, and also, the one I get to play with the least. I have long said that this is actually the most vital part of the project and have strongly encouraged folks to leave comments, questions and the like.

I’m not sure what triggered the following thought this week, but I had it nonetheless.

Often, in the past, there have been people (such as my parents) who have attacked this blog. In particularly, they would say that I write this blog because I am ‘Mr. Know-it-all.’ That I believe I know so much.

The truth of it is that I write this blog because I don’t have the answers. I am learning. I don’t always understand. Sometimes, I struggle with the things that I do understand. I will always be learning, and I write this blog in the hopes that someone, somewhere, can learn with me.

I had an interesting thought this week. Random, but interesting.

I forget exactly what I was doing or where I was. But I do know that I was thinking about my life and what I am trying to lately. It has been challenging (and stressful) to say the least. As I said earlier, some days it feels as though I am just beating myself against a brick wall. ‘Baby Steps’ seems an understatement in regards to the progress that I feel I’m making.

One moment I will be feeling very confident and comfortable. I get charged at making things happen. Then, I sit down and take a look at things and realize I haven’t come that far at all. So, I get stressed. I get frustrated. My mind run’s in circles to the point that I almost can’t think clearly. I bounce back and forth.

The other day I was in one of those moments. I was just so exasperated. All the effort I have been putting in seemed to have gotten me nowhere. Suddenly, I had the thought. What if I am getting myself all stressed out, worrying and wondering, for nothing. What if I continue at this hectic, frantic, and erratic pace and its all for nothing? What if one day it all just changes…POOF!

I chuckled at that because it is a similar thought to something I once read. Sort of from an opposite approach, but along the same path. I believe I read it in Conversations with God, Book 1. It said not to worry about bills that are due next week, or next month. Do not spend endless moments fretting over them, because you may walk out the door today and get hit bus. In the end, you will have spent your last precious moments in worry and fear instead of beauty and bounty.

I realize that is a rather morbid approach to the concept but it is very true. Anything can happen at any moment. So, the only moment is now. The past is long gone and the future is far out of our reach.

I like my way of describing the phenomenon a little better but the other one is still very powerful on its own.

It has been a trying time. I believe I have been very plain about that throughout this post. This past week in particular has been difficult. I feel like I have been pushing so hard and accomplishing so little. (I know. I’ve said that several times already.) That is how it has been going. It’s not just financially either.

I don’t feel like I have been accomplishing much across the board. I get a mess around the house cleaned up and just as quickly there is another one to take its place. I clear a moment in my schedule and it doesn’t stay free long.

At times it is very discouraging, but each day I get up and go at it one more time.

A few days ago I started to ‘Bring it Back.’ I looked at things a little differently. I put things into perspective.

First, the clusterfuck I have been experiencing is only temporary. Things are piling up around me because I am focused on something in particular and, though I have been saying that can be an approach that messes me up, this time it is necessary. Once I finish this particular project things will return to normal.

Second, despite any frustrations, despite any challenges I have in my income, I am truly blessed. How could I not feel blessed? I struggle to find work and make money, yes. But, I always make it. Sooner or later. Just Enough. Sometimes it is by pure effort alone. Others it can only be seen as Divine Intervention. Though, I suppose it could all be seen as Divine Intervention.

Though I can control what I do, I cannot ever control when it is available to me. That is how my entire week has gone. I would get something taken care of then find more to take care of…and then find what I needed to take care of it. Little jobs here and there. Always in the right place at the right moment. Always the pay coming in at just the right time.

Even the reassurances are perfectly timed.

There were many messages yesterday. I found them all very interesting.

I had taken the Princesses to a birthday party for a friend of theirs. It was a good time and I am glad that we went. The home sits on 19 acres, up on a mountain. It is just the type of place I would love to live. It is the kind of property I have always dreamed about.

I find myself feeling restless. I experienced a twinge of jealousy. Why this man and not me? I worked through that easy enough. I blessed him for his blessings. That was easy, but still it worked on me a bit. I questioned my path momentarily. I questioned the possibility of ever having anything different.

When we left, I turned the wrong way out of the driveway and we were re-routed to get home. After driving down the road for a while we spotted something moving in the brush in front of us. Cuddlebug knew what it was instantly. It was a deer. A buck to be exact. He stood there as we approached, watching us. As we rounded the bend past him his head turned, As we moved further down the road and he could no longer watch with merely a turned head, he turned his whole body. He just stood there, watching us until we were out of sight.

Cuddlebug was quick to grab the book and look him up. Deer is significant to the Lure to Adventures. Telling us to move gently into new areas. Follow the lure to new studies. And, practical pursuits bring surprising results.

Shortly after that we turned on to a new road and there was a hand made sign, painted on a pallet. ‘Almost There.’ We commented at how odd it was, just sitting there in the middle of nowhere. Again Cuddlebug was on top of things saying, “maybe it’s there for us.”

And this is the way our drive home went. I pointed out to them later that none of it would have been seen if I had not gone the ‘wrong’ way.

There were other totems since then including Cricket, Blue Jay and Hawk. All of whom carry the messages of leaps forward, doing what you’re doing despite others’ apprehensions.

Well, for now I must be off. It is getting late and if I do not try to sleep soon then my day will be off to a rocky start tomorrow.

From here in Geistopia, for now and for always, I am your beloved Rev. wishing you…




and Freakishness.


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