A Step in Time

Hey Gang! Welcome to my Life, where anything is possible and nothing is as it seems. I'm the Rev. Matt and I'll be your host - coming at you from within the depths of Geistopia.

Welcome to my Life is a project, an experiment in Life and ART. A living storyboard, if you will. It's premise is that life is experiential and that you can, and do, experience the life you choose. It is based on the use of The Wheel of Life and the ARTs for the New Millennium as life building tools.

Welcome to my Life is an I TV Studios/Geist...House production, in association with The Center for Creative Inspirationalism. Justus Productions, the parent company, would like to give a 'Shout-Out' to the following for their ongoing and, oft times, unknowing, inspiration and support:

Princess Cuddlebug
Princess Sunshine
Craze & Co.
The Shaman
The Pillar
The Entire Putt-Putt-Putter Clan
The Baker of the Cornbread
The Unc-countant
The Van Man & General Ralph Glossop (May they R.I.P.)
Professor Siggy Chong
Jo-Jo Dancer
The Looch
The Girl
Dancing Queen
Downtown Encyclopedia Brown
Mama Rabbit

And, of course, a very generous sponsor who (not so much) wishes to remain anonymous.

It is Sunday, April 10, 2016. Time...Elusive.

So, here we are. Another week gone by. For me it was a fascinating week. Not so much because anything that happened. (Though there were some curious moments,) but perhaps more because of what did not happen. It was kind of a stall of a week. I had a lot of downtime. It is time that I can not, as of yet, explain away or rationalize.

So, at the beginning of the week I had two interviews set up. One job, or company, I was fairly interested in and it seemed there was a connection of some kind. Things were just falling into place for it. The other job, or company, I was willing to accept. Settle or, if you prefer. The second company set up their interview first. I had hoped that the first company would come through with at least an interview set up before I had to go to that interview. They not only called and set up an interview, they set one up for one day prior to the first interview. I saw this as a good sign. Then I went to the interview.

It was a decent position, with a good company. Financially, it would offer me something I haven't had in a very long time. It would not only be a fair amount of income (and benefits), which I haven't had in years, but it would also be a steady stream of income. I would work every week. However, the job would require that I work weekends. Most of the weekend in fact. This is my time with the princesses. I wrestled with it, even as the interview progressed. I made no secret of the fact that I was wrestling with it. They were ready to offer me the job right there on the spot. But, what they were asking me to give up was big. Weekends are all the princesses and I have. We all look forward to that time and need it for different reasons. I explained that I needed to think about it and that I had another interview set up that I needed to give some weight to.

I wrestled with this all night. Big 'D' and Boom-Dee-Ay both said they thought I should pass on the job. That is a significant moment. If anyone should have been encouraging me to take the job it is Big 'D.' She is the one that pays the highest price for my poverty. Yet, here she was, telling me to pass on it. I did put it out to my FB community of family and friends. I'm not sure why I did. I'm fairly certain my mind was already made up but I guess I was looking for something that was going to tweak me in one direction or another.

The responses I got were intriguing. Some were even downright rude. I don't necessarily believe that they were intended that way, but definitely came across that way. Even Redds told me the other night that one of them in particular offended her for me. I will say, it was fascinating to me just how many people would choose money, or the future, over family and the present. I've never understood our fascination with the future or the delusion that we can secure it in any way. I've been thinking about it all week. The General thought he had his future all mapped out and twice he would be taken by surprise. Once was a very good surprise. He lived 18 months longer than he was expected to live. Of course, the other surprise was finding out that he was dying in the first place. There is no future we can guarantee nor secure. Anything can happen. We can be sitting on the top of the world and have it all swept away in the blink of an eye. Of course, that always leaves the possibility that we can be at the very bottom and be lifted up just as quickly.

The second job interview went ok. It was much more laid back. I wouldn't ever say it was an ideal position for me but it was definitely acceptable. It was the same rate of pay. The same 40 (or more hours.) And, most importantly, weekends would be optional.  I left with the same deal as the first interview. I just needed to weigh things. I was told that the information was being sent to HR and that they would contact me by the end of the week, or the beginning of the next, so I would have some time to decide. I left feeling as though I would take this job.

I don't know which night the message came - if it was Tuesday or Wednesday. But, when it did come it was very clear.

"It won't be either job."

So far, that is holding true. Despite a phone call I made in the morning and a conversation that led me to believe I did indeed have the second job (excepting the need to pass a physical and drug test,) I received a letter of rejection on Friday afternoon. They would like to pursue candidates that are better qualified.

I still need to call the first interview back. I won't take the job they wanted to offer me. My time with the princesses is just too precious and, sadly, will be short-lived all on its own. They did have another position available. It wouldn't be as many hours. I don't believe it would be a set amount of hours each week, nor am I certain of the pay rate. It would require some weekend time, but it wouldn't be as intensive. So, we shall see.

Wednesday is kind of a blur. I know I did things. I just cannot recall what I did. Set. Organized. Readied, I suppose. I do know that I got to visit The Professor and that is always an enjoyable time for me. He is a brother. His health has had him a bit haggard of late, but he is improving and that is good to see. Of course, Wednesday night the princesses were here for dinner.

Also, on Wednesday night a door opened. A personal one. No one has actually walked through it yet, but someone did open it giving us the opportunity to do so in the future. I can't really say much about it because I am, in a sense, sworn to secrecy at this time. But, to quell your curiosities a bit, I will say that a piece of my past reappeared. It is one I thought was dead and gone long ago. And yet, here in the midst of this chaos and disorder, there it was. It came to me. I didn't seek it out. I learned from that mistake a number of years ago. Instead, someone brought it to me. And, actually, the more I think about it I believe that was Tuesday night.   

Thursday was a day that I cannot really describe. It was a shaman day. I went to Redds to perform some Reiki on her youngest son. He has been battling illness for several weeks now. So, Thursday during the day I pretty much just readied myself for that. I got into my Zen place. I also started cleansing on Thursday. It seemed an appropriate time for it, what with the Reiki that night. I greatly cut back on the number of cigarettes and coffee I consumed that day. I also drank a good deal of water. On Thursday, I also began cleaning the house. It had to get completed in stages this week which is not my preferred way. But, it worked.

Thursday night, after I returned home from Redds, the night turned into something I was not expecting. It was filled with quite a bit of energy and revelation. Fortunately, I caught it on video. Unfortunately, it will be quite some time before we get there. Also, the Daemon returned to challenge me once more. I didn't think he was gone for good. Nor do I believe that is the last I will see of him. The challenge was almost too simple.

If I'm not mistaken, I spent most of Friday in bed. Not for any particular reason other than it seemed the place to be. This did help me in my quest to change my habits, such as smoking and drinking coffee. My counts were below even what they had been on Thursday.

Oddly enough, I can't seem to recall yesterday either. It was kind of a void. Oh...now I remember. I got work done in the basement that has been long overdue.

Today was a powerful day though. I finished the cleaning and then cleansed and charged the house a bit. I know which mix I used to cleanse the house, I just don't recall what is actually in it. I have it documented somewhere and will eventually look it up. I got some laundry done and I set my sights on moving forward. I also took a little step into the past. (But more on that in a moment.)

I know that this recap may seem trivial but nothing is unimportant. Everything Happens for a Reason and Precisely on Time.

There are forces at work in my life right now. If I had any doubts on that they were eliminated with the arrival of the Daemon several weeks ago. Whatever is happening right now is precisely what needs to happen. I am certain there are greater things at play tight now than I can currently conceive. Pieces are lining up. Pieces from across the whole of my life. Things are being connected...and directed.

I can't say there is anything happening right now that was not foretold. It was laid out pretty plain. Messages, signs and omens all pointing to what is now unfolding. One of the messages was to, "Let go of fears and do not resist change." It was not long after I received this message that I lost my most recent contract and found myself looking for work...and income.

Tuesday I have, what I hope will be, my final doctor's appointment for a while. About a month ago, I lost consciousness for a moment. There are about five steps of time for which I can not account. I was at the doorway between two rooms and the next thing I knew I was picking myself up off the floor next to the couch - bloody nose and all. Several tests later and so far nothing conclusive. The first two tests came back fine. Nothing out of the ordinary or causing concern. On Tuesday we will review the third. I'm not surprised that nothing has shown up. I said then, and I hold to it, that it was a purely spiritual moment. It was nothing different than what had happened to me 20 years ago.

As the weeks have passed, I have come to the conclusion that what is happening now starts in the past. I'm not exactly sure where though. I could start it a year ago when things really started to change. I could take it back to my death when things certainly changed. I could take it back to that very moment 20 years ago when I first picked myself up off the floor.

Today I took a look at a year ago. I know there is something to it. I just don't know yet what it may be. A year ago I started posting a series of videos. Somewhere in them is an answer. I was going to post the first of them today. I had intended on incorporating it into this post, hence the title of the post. However, I think it may be a bit much all at once. The first episode is split into three 20 minute(ish) videos. As they all are really. But it is also a two-parter, which means in order to get the whole picture of that night we are looking at six 20 minute(ish) videos.

I've been wrestling with how to approach this. I want to take these videos apart. First, spiritually. See if I can find a connection to now. I want to see if the moment of initiation can be determined. But, I also want to take them apart from the view point of the project itself. Perhaps I can shed some light on why certain things are done the way that they are.

I think all three videos of an episode may be a bit much to take on all at once. On the other hand, I don't think that the parts can be separated by a week in between.

The other complication that arises is trying to find the answers in my journal as well. I realized that if I really want to get a feel for what is going on in the videos I need to look at what was really going on in my life at the time. For instance, in the first episode I make mention to the fact that what was happening was prophesied at the end of the previous year (2014.) I took a look at that time in my journal. There wasn't much to go on, but enough to pique my interest and for me to realize that the whole of this pursuit could become very complex.

So, I think the way in which I am going to handle this, at least for now, is to take one part of each of those first two episodes and post them individually each day over this next week. This will give me an ample opportunity to dissect each one as needed. It will also afford you the chance to follow along on the journey without being overburdened or feeling overwhelmed by the viewing experience.

In the meantime, let's review a bit:

So, once again things have flipped around and I find myself unemployed and mostly lost. I'm not feeling any panic or stress at this point which intrigues me. You would think I'd be going out of my mind. I have held on to the same $20 for about two weeks now. That could change tomorrow. I haven't quite made that decision as of yet. I am just about completely out of tobacco. Since my goal is to quit, or at the very least, reduce my intake a GREAT deal it almost seems foolish to go buy more. But, I'm not sure that I am quite ready to completely quit just yet.

I have had all sorts of things going on medically from the passing out to a varicose vein that is causing me a great deal of discomfort lately. Both can be explained spiritually.

My spiritual experience has been intensifying. Dreamtime has been almost...real. (I was going to say surreal but that kind of goes without saying, ena?) In fact, just within the past few days I had a dreamtime that was almost as creepy as the dream within a dream from a few weeks ago. I was someplace talking to someone. It seemed fairly important. Then things got weird. At first (in the dream) I felt as though I was tripping. Everything started getting distorted, almost melting. Then I realized that I wasn't tripping. I was fading out of existence. With that I awoke.

I am currently working under a list of messages received:

     Let go of your fears and do not resist the changes.
     Do more of what you love.
     Prepare to have your mind blown.

And my personal favorite, the only answer I receive when I ask WTF is going on right now -

     Just wait.

From here in Geistopia, this is your Beloved Rev wishing you Peace, Love, Light...and Freakishness, baby.

Rev. Matt can be found on Facebook on his page - Rev. Matt. To schedule, or inquire about, a Reiki session, Tarot Reading, House Cleansing or Wedding services you can contact Rev. Matt at RevGeist@gmail.com





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