A Moment of Clarity

Hey Gang! Welcome to my life, where anything is possible and nothing is as it seems. I'm The Rev. Matt and I'll be your host - coming at you from within the depths of Geistopia.

Welcome to my Life is a project, and experiment in Life and ART. A living storyboard, if you will. Its premise is that life is experiential and that you can, and do, experience the life you choose. It is based on the use of The Wheel of Life and The ARTs for the New Millennium as life building tools.

Welcome to my Life is an I TV Studios/Geist...House production, in association with The Center for Creative Inspirationalism. Justus Productions, the parent company, would like to give a 'Shout-Out' to the following for their ongoing and, oft times, unknowing inspiration and support:

Princess Cuddlebug
Princess Sunshine
Craze & Co.
The Shaman
The Pillar
The Entire Putt-Putt-Putter Clan
The Baker of the Cornbread
Professor Siggy Chong
The VanMan and General Ralph Glossop (may they R.I.P)
JoJo Dancer
The Looch
Saint Diane...and you
The Socailite
Osteen, the Son
Dancing Queen
Downtown Encyclopedia Brown
Mama Rabbit

And, of course, a very generous sponsor who (not so much) wishes to remain anonymous.

It is Sunday, April 17th, 2016. Time...Unique.

Theme of the Week - A Reason and A Season

Lesson of the Week - Follow the Flow

Observation of the Week - Timed to a Tee

What's goin' on? It has been quite a week here in Geistopia. It was a good week. It was a surprising week. It was inspiring and uplifting. It was productive and complete. I think when I am done writing this post I will need to go back and read last week's. I am curious to see not only what my mind set was but also the circumstances influencing it. This week has ended and left me, as far as I can recall, precisely where I was last week at this time...only...elevated.

I am down to no money. (Well, there is $10, but more on that in a bit.) But, I was down to no money last Sunday as well. I had absolutely no idea how I was going to move through the week ahead. Monday was kind of a 'nothing day.' Nothing really went on. I couldn't even tell you what I did on Monday. Perhaps I worried and stressed, looking ahead. But I don't think that was it.

However, on Tuesday, I stumbled into some cash. I rolled off the couch from sleeping and there it was, all but waiting for me. I just had one small thing to do to get it. That was easy enough. Nothing that made me go out of my way, or bust my ass. Just, "Do this...and here's some money."

And...it was just enough.

Just enough to fill up the gas tank and grab a bit of food. Just enough to grab some groceries for me and the Princesses for the weekend - only what was truly needed. (Which wasn't much.) Just enough to treat them a little bit yesterday afternoon and to take them to our monthly breakfast this morning. Just enough to amuse me and move me into today.

Now, here I sit once more, completely oblivious as to how or where or when I will generate more cash. Wondering just how it plays out and whether I can make my bills over the next two weeks. And, for the first time, perhaps ever, I find I am not worried, or concerned.

It Will Be What It Will Be What It Will Be.

The most I can do each day is just show up. All I can do is take it one day, one moment, at a time. To my knowledge, I can manage the week as it stands. I shouldn't need gas because there isn't much driving to do. The next bill due is Thursday or Friday, and it is one that can be stalled for at least a month. Of course, there is the bigger picture, which is quite bleak. But, I am in no way shape or form able to impact the bigger picture right now. So, it seems pointless, fruitless to focus on or worry about. Right now, right this moment, things are good.

A lot shifted around Geistopia this week as well. A lot of miscellaneous things were taken care of or completed...or begun.

Since last November, there has been a pile of roofing shingles along the side of the garage. This has been such a thorn in my side. It has blocked the flow of things, damned up the works. It has been making it difficult to get from point A to point B. It has been slowing down work because of the going out of the way or difficulty in getting things past it. I have been moving it out of here a little bit at a time for months. I was doing what I could, when I could.

When the unemployment happened I jumped on this. I was adamant that we get a dumpster and remove it all in one fell swoop while I had the time to do so. For two weeks, this has been a project. Call after call was made, to no avail. We are not able to get a dumpster dropped off, or picked up, on Geistopia. There just isn't enough clearance...somewhere. At the street, in the back, with the wires. Somewhere was always a problem. Then there was an ad on Angie's List. Someone to haul it all away. The price was good, but due to the size of the pile, if we wanted that price I had to load it all up. This was not a problem for me at all.

Tuesday evening they dropped of the dump bed. Thursday evening they came to pick it up. The pile is gone. The way is clear. The flow is happening.

This truly could have been the only thing I accomplished this week and I would still feel as satisfied as I do right now. It was a long time coming and needed to get done. I feel like I can move onward now.

Of course, it's not just the pile of shingles. More and more everyday it seems as though it is everything - little tasks, bigger projects. All of it seems to be getting done. Things are actually workable around here. As I said last week - Livable Conditions.  Everything is organized, for the most part. This makes the working and tasking much easier to manage. Even the Princesses pitched in this weekend and made sure little things were done.

I'm also re-establishing a routine. I've been going out of my way to do so actually. I've been finding all the parts of my day, all the things I need to do and manage, and I have been finding their place in my day. I have even been drawing on past routines and rituals to keep it all fluid.

I haven't really been pushing too hard. Not at any one particular thing anyway. It's like getting your feet wet. Just a little bit her and a little more there. Slowly, but steadily getting to the depth you desire. The week was focused on the routine and taking care of business.

Friday was my day. I took it very easy on Friday. I moved slowly and just tweaked the system a bit. It seems to have been determined that I must get back into my cleaning regimen (now that I can) and that Thursday night into Friday morning is the time. And, until something changes, Friday is the day I do anything that needs to be done to the van. Which, right now, is quite a bit. Things are leaking and not working and all sorts of funness.

I know that last week I said I was going to start posting videos this week. After further consideration, I decided that it was best to wait just a bit longer. I need to give myself time to be organized and productive and ready to face the challenge that it will be. I am now thinking that it will come in about a month. I think that was part of the message behind, "Two months." Not only do I suspect that things will finally be moving the way they should be at that time, but it seems an appropriate time to really set forth on this journey. The time frame is just too accurate across the board.

There was a great deal of energy involving the Shaman this week. He and I have not really spoken since October and there has been definite tension in the air. I do not have a particular feeling nor opinion about this at the moment. It is what it is what it is. But I could feel him this week. Feel him, like I have so often over the years, pulling on me. Even watching.

He won't come to me though. And, at his point, I have no need to go to him. For me, if it all ends here and like this then it is complete. I have been trying to gauge my feelings on the whole of My Shaman experience. There have been many good times. But, there has been much challenge and strife as well. I'm not sure anymore which carries more weight with me. It was one of those relationships that you just have to step back from and analyze for a bit. Re-asses, as it were. I have come to no definite conclusions or feelings. I only know that it may not be a path I wish to continue along and with or without it my life keeps moving. I must move with it. If this situation resolves itself differently that it has that is wonderful. If it does not, then so be it. I believe there will be a conversation of some sort sooner or later. Or, at least, that is what the Daemon said. But, perhaps, it is the Daemon bait that keeps me from bridging that gap in the first place.

I just want to say that lately, today especially, I am just trying to mark and document the significant energies and moments - large or small. I just feel this overwhelming desire to capture it all as it happens right now. I can tell that today's post is fairly static, and that is why. I am jumping from point to point, trying to make sure I get each point in and do not delve into that realm of my mastery, the ART of 'tangentry.'

During one of my many vision quests of the week, I thought about how it has never really been about me. None of it. Not this project. Not my path. At the core, it has always been about lifting people up. That's how it started and, no matter how diluted or convoluted it became along the way, that is what it has remained. I mention it, because I think it is a point of focus moving forward. Perhaps it will serve as an anchor for me in those times of stress and worry and confusion.

The Daemon's challenge is really just beginning, even though it has been in affect (or is it effect???) for several weeks. Now is when it will get real. Now is when the challenge will become challenging. There is nothing left to distract me nor hold me. There is nothing left to keep me from facing him. Staring with my habits and addictions.

I struggle with this every day. I always think I am going to totally own it...tomorrow. That tomorrow never comes. This must change.

The last thing I want to mention this week is the $10.

For several weeks now I have been striving to just Follow the Flow, to listen to the messages and guidance and actually follow it. It has been happening more and more with each passing day. More messages, more following - even when it has been difficult to rationalize. It is how I stumbled upon cash this week, and why I was not surprised when I did.

So, I have $10 in cash. That's all I have. But this $10 is unique. If I am understanding the puzzle correctly, this $10 has a purpose. I have been asked to do something very particular, and rather peculiar, with this $10. It was put before me days ago. Wednesday, perhaps Thursday. I knew right away not to run out and follow this message. I needed to give it time. I needed to understand it the best I could. Each day I seem to have received another little fragment of the equation. So, now, it is just a matter of waiting. Waiting for that moment that is correct. I have one thing to verify and clarify, but once I manage that then I can proceed. If, indeed, I choose to proceed.

It seems an odd request at the present moment - circumstances what they are. Spending the $10 could yield some income. But, it could also result in "throwing away" $10. As I worked my way through that thought, as I tried to rationalize away not listening, I realized it is no different than if I had been asked to do a Flea Market. It costs $10 for a space...and I may or may not make money. If there is a difference it would be that this wouldn't require me to give up almost two days to make happen. Nor would it require me to bust my ass and stress.

So...why the hell not.

I lied, by the way. There were two more things I wanted to point out this week.

1 - I had my "final" doctor's appointment concerning my passing out episode. The tests are done. The results are in. There is no conclusive evidence that it was anything more than a "freak occurrence."

(We'll just let the doctor keep thinking that for now.)

The other thing is Feedback. 

I was going to get into some past Feedback, but decided it is more appropriate when dealing with the videos. So I will save it for now. In the meantime, I would love to hear from you. Tell me what you think. Tell me what your experience of this is. Ask me the questions you ponder. You can email me. You can comment here. You can comment on any of the Facebook pages on which this gets posted. Feel free to reach out and communicate with me.

For now I am off into the week ahead. As usual, the timing is perfect. I am finishing this as dinner hits the table, then off to a shower, and then it is time to close it down and settle in for the night.

From here in Geistopia, this is your Beloved Rev wishing you Peace, Love, Light, and Freakishness...baby.

Rev. Matt can be found on Facebook on his page - Rev. Matt. To schedule, or inquire about, a Reiki session, Tarot Reading, House Cleansing or Wedding services you can contact Rev. Matt at RevGeist@gmail.com



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