Here We Go Again...
Hey, gang! Welcome to my life - where anything is possible
and nothing is as it seems. I'm The Rev. Matt, and I'll be your host - coming
at you from within The Depths of Geistopia.
Welcome to
my Life is a project, an experiment in Life and ART. A living storyboard, if
you will. Its premise is that life is experiential
and that you can (and do) experience the life you choose. It is based on the
use of The Wheel of Life and The ARTs for The New Millennium as life building
Welcome to
my Life is an I TV Studios/Geist...House production, in association with The
Center for Creative Inspirationalism. Justus Productions, the parent company,
would like to give a 'Shout-Out' to the following for their ongoing, and
oft-times unknowing, inspiration and support:
Craze &
The Shaman
The Pillar
The Entire
Putt-Putt-Putter Clan
Andy Pandy
The Baker of
the Cornbread
The White
Siggy Chong
The Van Man
& General Ralph Glossop (May they R.I.P.)
Jojo Dancer
The Looch
Diane…and You
My Salt N'
The Rhoads
to Everywhere
Osteen, the
Encyclopedia Brown
Mama Rabbit
And, of
course, a very generous sponsor who (not so much) wishes to remain anonymous.
It is
Sunday, May 22, 2016. Time...Reviewing
Theme of the Week
If You Only Knew
Lesson of the Week
It's a Matter of Choice
Observation of the Week
Idle Hands ARE The Devil's Playground
ART of the Week
The ART of Storytelling
Totems -
Panther - (Reclaim)
Reclaim what is rightfully yours. What has been lost, stolen or broken will be
replaced by something more beneficial.
Hawk - (Guiding
Vision) Spirit Vision and guardianship surround you. Be patient and
observe. You will see the opportunities. Signs are clear.
Crow - (Magickal Help) Unexpected help with problems
and obstacles is at hand to bring relief. Your magic is calling and it will be
Raven - (Shapeshifting)
Things are shapeshifting around you. There is an awakening of magick. Give it
new expression and life will change for the better.
Grackle - (Handle
Emotions) Free emotions and anxieties. They have locked everything into
limbo. Seek out help and advice to uncomplicate your life.
Dove - (Peace)
A new cycle of opportunities is at hand.
They bring a time of peace and prophecy. Mourn and release what has
passed for new birth.
Cardinal -
(Renewed Importance) Accept your life's importance. Accept yourself as a
source of light and do not be afraid to conduct yourself accordingly.
Cat -
(Independence) Mystery and Magic is afoot, but you must find your own
way of expressing it. Develop your ability to be more independent.
Wolf -
(Guidance)Though not apparent yet, change is occurring. Trust in self to
find your path. Take control. Protection surrounds you in journeys.
From Animal Speak
Pocket Guide, Ted Andrews, Dragonhawk Publishing, 2009
Stone(s) of the Week -
Unakite -
to draw negative energies from the body and remove
blockages from the heart chakra.
A good stone for someone with anger issues as it
helps bring out the softer side of your personality.
Helps connect your everyday life and your
spiritual life so you connected to the all that is even when life tries to keep
you tied up in knots. This is exceptionally important in todays busy lives
because the trials of just getting by can make you feel like you have been
deserted by your higher power.
Helps you to move past the obstacles in your past
that want to haunt and hold you back from being all you can be.
So, this week is going to be slightly different than the past several. This week we are going to set the clocks back and re-visit [about] a year ago.
As I was battling
the daemon recently and puttering and muddling through my life, I noticed that
certain things seemed familiar. Certain Themes.
Certain energies. Certain moments. I started to think on this and before too
long I was left with a group of what I had considered individual experiences -
complete and whole on their own. Only now, they appeared to be all strung
I never really saw
them together in order but I did eventually find them all. So much of it goes
back to my death…and that time I was slain. Then there are a few moments before
all of that which may tie in here or there. There are also many moments afterwards
as well…and those do tie in.
For instance last
Last year I started
yet another series of video posts. This has been the cycle for some time now. I
do nothing, Then suddenly inspiration and I am off. Before I know it I am
buried under a [literal] week's worth of video (spanning several weeks of
time.) I get some edited together and then….I stop. I get distracted. I get
bored. I don't know what I get, but I stop. Videos left unfinished and unseen.
Last year was but
another cycle of this.
Now, I haven't
watched any of them since last year. Until recently. I wasn't sure what was
going on last year, but I knew something had to have been happening. If for no
other reason, because I videoed. That means there was something to capture.
That's the only time I turn the camera on - when there is something to capture.
Typically, it is the only time I am inspired to turn the camera on. It's when
there is something that should be documented, recorded, remembered. I don't
always know what it may be, but I know when it is happening. I actually make
this a point early on in the first video.
"I don't know
why you're here."
I have to admit,
watching it all a year later brings with it different perspectives. When I
originally edited this video together it was just a few weeks after it was
shot. I was still attached to the experience. A year later, not so much. Perhaps my viewing experience now is more
akin to what you may have.
In reviewing and
re-posting these videos I am hoping to achieve two things. First, to set the
stage for whatever is going on currently in my life. I see a connection. I just
don't know what it is exactly. I am hoping to uncover it, for all of us, as we
go through these next several weeks.
Second, I want to
respond to some Feedback that I received
from Redds quite some time ago. Whereas White Rose commented on 'The Sameness'
of it all - the repeated cycles and conversations - Redds commented that,
basically, there is a lot of dead space. "Perhaps," she suggested,
"shorter videos."
She also mentioned
that there seems to be a lot "private" moments or inside jokes. In
particularly in my moments with Spirit. (I hope to clear some of those up along
the way as well.)
As I explained to
her after her comment - not all dead space is dead. Sometimes it is there for a
reason. For example in this next set of videos, I play a CD. It is a
compilation CD that I had put together a number of years ago. It tells a story.
It tells the story of my 'Last Great Love.' So, in order to allow the viewer to
follow the story I needed to make sure that at least some portion of each song
made it to the video. Even if there was nothing else going on in the clip I
needed to capture the song.
However, there are
places where things could be different. One example is the Shout-Out section of the first video. The list
is way too long. Waaaaaaay too long. In fact, I believe I comment on this in a
later video. When it is that painful to get through, that is when you need to
comment and let me know.
In one of the videos
in Episode I, pt. 2 (which will be coming next week) I get on a creative streak
with something. I set out to capture the process, how it develops and grows and
happens. I did this. But, I also over did this.
Typically, the
videos are edited to fit the current television standard for an hour program.
Perhaps an hour is too long under current conditions. However, in the
beginning, with the original vision, it had purpose. Unfortunately, there are
many parts of that vision that never really came to fruition. (Maybe they will moving forward…Maybe they won't.) Anyway, each episode is
then divided into 3 segments, approx. 15-20 minutes each.
I don't know that I
ever intended, or even expected, that you folks would watch all three in one
sitting. In fact, the whole idea was to split things up so you wouldn't have to
just that. With Moments of Freedom I really wanted to try for each of the three
videos be almost whole and complete on its own. But, each a part of a larger
I also wanted to try
to define some of the segments. So, with Moments of Freedom, I included title
boards to tell you where you are and what is happening. I divide the program
into segments [just as I do when I edit] from the prelude to the opening monologue
to the closing and all the clips and stories in between.
I took each of these
segments then and associated them with particular editing effects, for future
reference. However, with the loss of the computer last year and the inevitable
software changes that happened with it, I do not have all of those video effects
anymore. Sadly, the "recording camera" effect is one of these. I
really liked that one and hopefully one day I can replace it. I think it adds a
certain depth to the experience - across several levels. For instance, since it
is primarily used with the random Clips, the effect can be used as a sort of
guide or gauge as to where things are actually taking place in my day. There is
a battery indicator in one of the corners and I would manually set it to try to
indicate just how long into the program something is placed. (In the raw
But it also added
that separation between clips and other segments of the program. I miss that.
Another guide to
following along with the videos is to follow the description as well. When I do
the description section of the YouTube posted video I always try to break it
down with key words or moments to help you find your place as you watch.
I had to go back and
look at where I was in life at this time. I seemed so relaxed in the videos, so
confident and so sure. I found myself curious as to what I was doing for work
and income at the time.
The answer is - I
was collecting partial unemployment and working part-time for a retail
merchandising company. So, at the time, I had any number of various things
going on at one time. I remember this time last year being productive and
active across the board. I was doing a little of something in each of the areas
of my life. I was working, I was doing ministry things and seeing some clients,
I was doing some crafting, I was starting to get things into order around
And that is what
becomes curious at this time in life. I'm in a similar situation right now. So
much going on across the board. So much shifting and settling. The exact same
experience and emphasis of paradigms. Only, this time, I don't have the work or
the income. (Hmmm?)
I don't know what
had happened that day. I only know that at some point it was time to turn the
camera on…and this is the result of that.
So without further
ado, I present the re-boot of Moments of Freedom, Episode I, Part 1.
(Commentary and explanations included.)
Here is the original
commentary section for Moments of Freedom, Ep. 1, pt. 1-a:
this Episode:
Prelude - Setting the stage for the 3 videos (Or, a taste of things to come.)
Intro - Same old. The Intro really says it all. New Shout-Outs
Lesson and Observation of the Week
Opening Monologue - Telling you what you need to know[about the moment.]
Body, Pt. 1 - For the Record, Senor Swanky; It's Been Crazy; Prophecy; The FB
Post; Pink Floyd - wrong trip; Response 1; "This is a test"; Great
Debt; The Polka Hour Begins
here is the video:
And now for my side
Prelude is exactly as it was described - a slight sampling of what the night
truly was for me. The thing to remember is that I turn the camera on and just
go. There is not usually a script or guide of any kind - excepting an actual
Sit-Down Post. So, I turn the camera on and just let it run, later taking from
it what I can.
Intro is based on the usual intro, the very one you read at the beginning of
this post. It has worn many faces over the years but the core of it has not
Theme/Lesson/Observation of the week are based on points on
The Wheel of Life. Whenever we are moving through life, doing this or
accomplishing that, these are things that come along to help us and guide us.
Little bouys of direction on the ocean of life, as it were.
Opening Monologue is fascinating, in particular in this video. It, just as most
other segments, is taken from moments strewn here and there throughout the
night. Little snippets I find here and there that seem to sum up the whole of
the attitude of the journey. In this particular video, most of it is done at
the end of the night. I actually take the time to sum up, the best I can, what
I just went though…or as it comes across in the video, what I am about to go
through. The thing to remember here is that I call it, "One of the most
incredible nights of my life."
question is…why?
Body is the meat of the moment. It is just me chit-chatting and doing my best
to put things into perspective. A little dialogue from me to you. In this video
I make a reference to Senor Swankypants (now known as The Looch.) He had an
improvisation gig that night and I had said I would go. I had planned on
going…and then the video happened.
also make reference to a 'Prophecy of Change.' I have not located it yet. When
I heard this I became intrigued as to when it had come across. I have been
searching journal entries, but to no avail.
Debt' mentioned captures my attention. If for no other reason than because it
is something that deals with The Shaman…and I'm not sure it was ever tended
to….or perhaps it is being done now.
And now on to pt.
The original
this Episode:
Body, pt. 1 (con't.) - What's goin on?; General Response; More going on...and
loving it; Release & Revelry; Is that a wood joke?; The Fiddle Man
Clip Seque - (To break up the monotony and fill in the gaps. These are little
moments along the way.) Miscellaneous; All Dressed Up; The Lord's Name; CD
Body, pt. 2 - New Albumin; Finding 'the CD'; Kickin' & Screamin'; Gettin'
Serious (Yeah, right); 1st Confession; The Roller Coaster; 2nd Confession and a
poem; Takin' it to 'The Man, or Kickin' & Screamin' pt 2; 3rd Confession;
The Lesson of it all; The Three-Fold Song
Clip Seque - St. Paddy's Day Redemption
In this part of the
body I made a reference to The General. May he Rest in Peace. He is greatly
missed and I know there are many more references to him and video directed
towards him.
The Clip Seque is
pretty much as it is described. These are just little moments throughout the
night that I use as filler and to show the many variations of my time of
Freedom. Pay particular attention to the 'CD' Disclosure. For many years I made
compilation CDs together, either for friends or just to capture a feeling. Many
of them were part of a project to tell a story and over time I realized they
are all telling part of that story. These CDs will come up a lot in My Life.
Again, I talk about the CD after I had
come through the experience of listening to it.
In the body, pt 2 I
make a big deal out of switching CDs. The Magic
is in the Music after all, so the musical selection can be important for
these moments. The rules are simple. I let Spirit pick the music and then I
listen to it, from beginning to end. I get 1 (maybe 2) skips. This is where I
can skip a song if it really isn't doing it for me.
It was difficult to
have this particular CD chosen for me. This is the story of my last great love.
This is the last person to make my head spin and my heart race. (Well…there was
one more, but that is a different story entirely.) This was the story of 'The
Girl' - The 'Last' Time Stopper. I really did not feel like reliving it at that
moment, despite, as I said, how I had been reliving it from time to time. This
is the 'Kicking and Screaming' in the 2nd part of The Body.
Again, some of the
clips that seem to be dead or be drug out are there to help tell the story.
They are there, mostly, to give you as the viewer a fuller scope of what I was
feeling when I created that CD. Also, some of those clips are demonstrating the
variety of my life at any given moment. Pay attention to what I am doing…or not
And, finally,
Moments of Freedom, Ep. 1, pt. 1-c:
original commentary:
this Episode:
Sermon & The Rant
Body, pt. 3 - Theme Song for my love life; Love the loves I had; All her;
Anticipation of a need; Tracing the story; A Real Moment; The Curious Song;
Starting the Bag; "Nasty Shit"; A message for Jo-Jo; The
"unofficial" closing
'The Sermon &
The Rant' is a good demonstration of what I struggle with. I do not necessarily
have a problem with any particular religion. I just feel, sometimes, that
practitioners in all religions…I don't even have a way to say it. It is
something I should have patience with, something towards which I must show
understanding and acceptance…but it is definitely something that troubles and
frustrates me. [And, it's not any one particular religion. I see the same hate
and discord and disrespect from practitioners in many religions.] I guess if I
had to break it down I would say that the problem for me is that we tend to so
strongly 'embrace' our beliefs that we blindly cause harm…all the while
accusing everyone else of causing the harm.
(Even that doesn't
do it justice.)
But, rest assured, I
am a follower of all faiths. I enjoy them all. I learn from them all. And, I
revel in them all. Spirit can reach us in so many ways if we let it.
'The Sermon &
The Rant' is something I would cut out now. Or, at the very least cut back on.
In fact, if it weren't for the story of the CD, there is a lot I would have cut
from this part.
The rest of The Body
of this video is self-explanatory.
For this video
series I started adding 'previews' of what was to come next. The next video is
Moments of Freedom, Episode 1, part 2.
Next week we will
look at the rest of this night. There was so much more to it than what happened
here. It truly was a night unlike any other.
From here in
Geistopia, this is your beloved Rev wishing you Love, Light, Peace...and
Freakishness, baby.
I would
love to hear from you. Tell me what you think. Tell me what your experience of
this is. Ask me the questions you ponder. You can email me. You can comment
here. You can comment on any of the Facebook pages on which this gets
posted. Feel free to reach out and communicate with me.
Rev. Matt can be found on Facebook on his pages -
Rev. Matt or WTML. To schedule, or inquire about, a Reiki session, Tarot
Reading, House Cleansing or Wedding services you can contact Rev. Matt at
You mentioned the Bible you have had since you were a kid. What version is it? I still have my childhood one too.