Round and Round She Goes

Hey gang! Welcome to my life, where anything is possible and nothing is as it seems. I'm The Rev. Matt and I'll be your host - coming at you from within the depths of Geistopia.

Welcome to my Life is a project, an experiment in Life and ART. A living storyboard, if you will. Its premise is that life is experiential that you can, and do, experience the life you choose. It is based on the use of The Wheel of Life and the ARTs for The New Millennium as life building tools.

Welcome to my Life is an I TV Studios/Geist...House production, in association with the Center for Creative Inspirationalism. Justus Productions, the parent company would like to give a 'Shout-Out' to the following for their ongoing and, oft times, unknowing inspiration and support:

Princess Cuddlebug
Princess Sunshine
Craze & Co.
The Shaman
The Pillar
The Entire Putt-Putt-Putter Clan
Andy Pandy
The Baker of the Cornbread
The White Rose
Professor Siggy Chong
The VanMan & General Ralph Glossop (may they R.I.P.)
JoJo Dancer
The Looch
Saint Diane...and You
My Salt 'N' Peppa
The Unc-countant
The Socialite
Osteen, the Son
The Piz-Niffer
Dancing Queen
Downtown Encyclopedia Brown
Mama Rabbit

And, of course, a very generous sponsor who (not so much) wishes to remain anonymous

It is Sunday, May 1, 2016. Time...Abundant.

[Well, now that's a curious one. Isn't it?]

Today is Beltane - which helps me understand yesterday a little bit, and makes me curious for tomorrow. Normally at this time I would be engaged in all sorts of fires and festivities. Unfortunately, it is raining which eliminates the fires and funding seems to be eliminating the festivities.

Sunshine has a talent show tonight so that should be pretty fun. We have been working on her magic act for the past few weeks. She has come a long way in just a short time ad I am so excited for her. The whole crew is going and I believe we are all going together, which could be interesting.

I had a week. I can't even find words for it really. Things happened, but not the things for which I was striving. I just don't know what to say, because it seems I just end up saying the same things over and over again. Perhaps that is why this week I was thinking of doing things more in a bullet point style. Rather than ramble on and on incessantly, writing so much and saying so little, just kind of get to the point and the meat of the matter.

But then, there are always stories.

On the job front - Nothing has changed. It's still the same old rig-a-ma-roll. Each day I set out to accomplish something and each day nothing happens. The newspaper classifieds seem to have nothing. The other day there were only two listings and both were for truck drivers. I search Craigslist and put out feelers but to no avail. I post my offerings on Facebook but get no responses or inquiries. I set out to get certain places and never seem to get there. Most frustrating of all is online applications. I sit down to do them and there always seems to be some interference - server errors, login mishaps, running out of time. I have even started the same application over three times. (Perhaps that is not the job that is waiting for me.) Of course, I will try again. Just to try. Other things seem to go awry, or be working against me as well. I have many craft ideas/projects, but each seems to be missing something - some tool or supply - which requires funds to purchase. There are ministry gigs available but I have to put in a quote for each one. Each quote...costs money. I was posting my ability to do certain DVD projects. Easy projects, good money generators. Only to find out that my DVD-ROM drive is no longer working and needs to be replaced. That requires funds. And, so, the cycle continues - trying to find a job while also trying to generate income, and to lift myself up as best I can. 

I cannot complain. Each day, I have what I need for the day. (Which is all that is promised.) So, I give thanks for that and move on. In fact, as I have been doing my daily journaling I have also been including a portion dedicated to '3 things I needed today that I had.'

The Cycle - The Cycle is so much bigger than I had ever conceived. But it certainly has been unchanging. Everything I described above is all part of it. I lose/leave a job, start the job search, try to make ends meet and generate income. I begin to think that maybe I need to just focus on what is right before me, whether it be income related or just a task that needs to be completed. I push to make something of all my odds and ends. None of this ever works out well for me. I decide to accept my poverty and circumstances. And inevitably a certain degree of depression sets in. I find myself in a whirlwind of...nothingness.

So far the depression has not set in, but frustration certainly has.

 Even this project has become cyclical. It seems I say the same things week after week, post after post. It makes me wonder why I am driven to continue with it. The only thing having me hold on right now is the series of upcoming posts. But, that requires me to sit down and actually edit the video together. Something that seems pointless and a waste of time - something that should be secondary to everything else.

The Daemon - This has been a most fascinating experience, both as a person and as a Spiritualist. It has not killed me, nor torn me to shreds as I thought it might. It has been difficult though. He has shown me all of my sins and crimes. He has put before me all of my faults and foibles. Some days it is hard to push past them, to think that I could ever be more than any of that. But, at the same time, I am driven to do so. I wish to be a better person than I have apparently been all this time. He is a Spirit of Ego and he has shown me how often mine has interfered in my life - both in having too much and not nearly enough. The Ego has also contributed to the job situation at times and I have found that both interesting and quite depressing.

Moving Forward - All I can say is that I am going to do all I can do. I just need to get up each day and hit it as hard as I can. I need to push past my limitations and roadblocks and keep on trucking. I can't let it get me down. And that is precisely the message I have been receiving lately.

I think tonight, after the talent show, I am going to lock myself in The Cave without any distractions (distractions have been potent lately) and just see what I can do, what I can accomplish. No phone. No computer. Just time to be and to create. In fact, I think I need to take myself away from electronics as much as I can this week. When I get in a rut like this that is what I usually turn to in order to amuse (or distract) myself.

Tomorrow is the last day of the Holy-day Trinity. It is also the beginning of a new week and for all intents and purposes the beginning of a new month. I just need to hit it all head on and see just how much I can get done.

Theme of the Week - Buddhism


Lesson of the Week - Faith


Observation of the Week - The Heart is where evil lies

I would love to hear from you. Tell me what you think. Tell me what your experience of this is. Ask me the questions you ponder. You can email me @ or You can comment here. You can comment on any of the Facebook pages on which this gets posted. Feel free to reach out and communicate with me.

From here in Geistopia, this is your beloved Rev, wishing you Peace, Love, Light...and Freakishness, Baby.

Rev. Matt can be found on Facebook on his pages - Rev. Matt or WTML. To schedule, or inquire about, a Reiki session, Tarot Reading, House Cleansing or Wedding services you can contact Rev. Matt at


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