Maybe Baby

 Hey, gang! Welcome to my life - where anything is possible and nothing is as it seems. I'm The Rev. Matt, and I'll be your host - coming at you from within The Depths of Geistopia.

Welcome to my Life is a project, an experiment in Life and ART. A living storyboard, if you will. Its premise is that life is experiential and that you can (and do) experience the life you choose. It is based on the use of The Wheel of Life and The ARTs for The New Millennium as life building tools.

Welcome to my Life is an I TV Studios/Geist...House production, in association with The Center for Creative Inspirationalism. Justus Productions, the parent company, would like to give a 'Shout-Out' to the following for their ongoing, and oft-times unknowing, inspiration and support:

Princess Cuddlebug

Princess Sunshine

Craze & Co.

The Shaman

The Pillar

The Entire Putt-Putt-Putter Clan

Andy Pandy

The Baker of the Cornbread

The White Rose

Professor Siggy Chong




The Van Man & General Ralph Glossop (May they R.I.P.)

Jojo Dancer

The Looch

Saint Diane…and You

My Salt N' Peppa

The Socialite

The Unc-countant

Osteen, the Son


Dancing Queen

Downtown Encyclopedia Brown

Mama Rabbit


And, of course, a very generous sponsor who (not so much) wishes to remain anonymous.

It is Sunday, May 8, 2016. Time...Intoxicating.

Theme of the Week
Life is Made of Maybes

Lesson of the Week
Give Up & Give In

Observation of the Week
We Don't Know $h!t

It is an almost awkward morning here in Geistopia. The house is fairly quiet. It is the perfect way to start a 'Whole New Day.' I have a small list of things to do today, and I am slowly struggling my way through them. But it is a good kind of struggle. I am striving for consciousness…awareness. It's not just about 'doing' these things, but also about 'being' them as they get done. This, I believe, is the course for the next several weeks.


With the exception of two brief dinner nights, I do not have the Princesses again until next weekend. I also do not have anything in particular scheduled. Again, two small things - Sunshine's concert at school on Wednesday, and a trip to Saint Diane's to finish what was started before this week of rain set in.


That gives me almost two full weeks distraction free. (I also have a doctor's appointment on Monday.) In all I have five defined moments. Four are scheduled - One has its place. So what does one do with such time?


That is a good question.


I have so many answers - heal, create, complete, be, exist, shape, define, accomplish.


The main task before me is to slow down…and to focus. I am actually not very good at either of these things. I am so used to cramming my time and my creativity, accustomed to squeezing in here and there. So I have adapted to that. I currently tend to accomplish in bits and pieces. A lot of set-ups (and set-backs) followed by a push of success and completion.


For example, I set myself up for tasks as I go along - gathering, and planning, and preparing - waiting for that moment when I it can be done - one, two , three. I will set myself up to do multiple projects at once, jumping between them like Frogger crossing the highway.


There's nothing wrong with either of these things necessarily. It's in the follow through. I have been successfully scattered for a very long time and now it is time to reel it in and gain control. (This is not to say my scattered nature will dissipate completely - for it can not.) I need to take a very Zen approach to things (again.)


Be Here Now




'Be' - Here (&) Now


Be Here…Now




Each Moment in its time. One by one the dominoes shall fall. I must remain in the moment - experience it fully. (Slowly…completely.)


I realize this morning that I am no longer aware of the stillness. Geistopia is always a frenzy of activity (and energy.) For so long now, I have been seeking refuge away from - outside of - this. Decades ago it was the bedroom - a place to escape and entertain. [Not what you think.] For the past several years I have been trying to get The Cave up to snuff. (I'd say "unsuccessfully' but the "trying" already implies that, does it not?)


The goal is not to escape it. Instead I must be the stillness within it. I must walk steady and slow and aware. (Just as I did long ago.)


I must wonder in the splendor of each moment, every task.


One Moment at a Time.


Now is the perfect opportunity to do so. Now is the time to get it together. (To 'Be' as I have always been.) Now is the time to finish what has been be-gun and complete the cycle. Now is the time to 'Be' what I 'Do.'


I received, what I am going to consider to be, Feedback this week. It was a message from The White Rose. It spoke of two things - allowing the Angels to override Free Will and the concept of a "Professional Victim.' This is a 'soul' that will not listen - no matter what 'others' may say/do to help. The 'Professional Victim' repeats the same cycle over and over and over again - the same situations, scenarios and stresses; the same problems, patterns and lack of progress.


Well, White Rose, here is my response to that message, and the experience as well:


After I received your message I did precisely as you said - I gave the Angels permission to override the Free Will. Granted, it was faint and half-hearted, but well intended. Also, unbeknownst to you, it would be the second time that day that I would do so. I had already said it once, having seen a similar message on your Facebook page just earlier that morning.


My faint-hearted statement, and lacking Will (which is different than Intent) was fueled by the realization that I have already [kind of] been doing just that. For months now I have been letting the Universe shape and define. [Which has been quite an experience.] Still, onward I went.


So, that was Tuesday.


Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday were filled with a deep(er) cleaning around Geistopia. It was a very intense process actually. Nonetheless, it was done and certain other cycles were finding their way to Completion & Return.


I'm fairly certain I said it one more time between Thursday and Friday. I just couldn't tell you when. But, on Friday, I got zapped. I got zapped hard. To be honest, it was pretty friggin' awesome. But it wiped me pretty good for the rest of Friday and most of Saturday.


Saturday I had a very intense and beautiful Spirit Quest.


And, today, I am doing my best to follow.


Along the way, though, I got to thinking about the 'Professional Victim.' I began to look to see if that is indeed what I had become, or perhaps always have been.


Maybe that is what I am.


But, then, Maybe it is what I chose…and, Maybe, I chose it for a reason.


Maybe it is a Lesson to be learned for 'Future (Re)Generations.'


Maybe it is karma for past ones.


Maybe it is "punishment" for sins or crimes in this life or another. Maybe it is what I must endure.


On the other hand, Maybe it is all self-imposed. Maybe I AM choosing the cycle over and over again. In that case, Maybe I haven't understood yet what is needed…Or, Maybe I don't want to.


Maybe it is not about me at all, but instead (as The Pillar once stated) about my daughters. Maybe they are getting the life experience they need to do what they must do in this life. Maybe they couldn't get it in any other way.


Of course, Maybe my Reiki Master was correct when she said, "You keep that house together." (I know what she meant, and she was so correct.) So, then Maybe I have been kept where I am with purpose. Maybe my family benefits more than any may be realizing by my presence.


Maybe they don't accept it.


Maybe I don't either.


Maybe we are caught in the cycle together. Maybe one side of things needs to break free from the cycle.


Maybe I need to return to 'The Vision.' Maybe I have allowed myself to forget what I knew then.


Maybe I need to finish what I have started.


Maybe I need to let go of pasts that were long ago and futures that may(be) not arrive.


Maybe I need to forgive - myself and others. (Our Trespasses.)


Maybe I need to love (and accept) the same.


Maybe my Life's Purpose has yet to be discovered. Maybe it will never be known by any but myself - and only then when I make that final voyage across The River.


 Maybe it was all so I could be in certain places at certain times to accomplish certain tasks for Spirit. Maybe my life circumstances have been what they have been for a reason.


Maybe they will change.


Maybe they will not.






Maybe…I am delusional (and diluted.)


I really am no good at focusing on one thing. LMAO. I had to distract myself twice during this writing.


And, now, I must move to the next part of my day and Be It.

From here in Geistopia, this is your beloved Rev wishing you Love, Light, Peace...and Freakishness, baby.

I would love to hear from you. Tell me what you think. Tell me what your experience of this is. Ask me the questions you ponder. You can email me. You can comment here. You can comment on any of the Facebook pages on which this gets posted. Feel free to reach out and communicate with me.

Rev. Matt can be found on Facebook on his pages - Rev. Matt or WTML. To schedule, or inquire about, a Reiki session, Tarot Reading, House Cleansing or Wedding services you can contact Rev. Matt at


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