The Doo-Did-Cheree of the Didjeridoo

Hey Gang!

Welcome to my life…

Where anything is possible and nothing is as it seems. I’m Freedom and I’ll be your host, coming at you from within…

The Depths of Geistopiaaaaaaaaaa

Velcum to my Life ees a prochect, un experiment een Life unt ART, A liwing storyboard, if you vill. Eet’s premise ees zat you can, and do, experience za life you choose. Eet ees based on za Veel of Life unt za ARTs for za New Millennium as life building tools. Ya. Eet’s true.

Welcome to my Life is an ITV Studios/Geist…House production. JustUs Productions, the parent company, would like to give a ‘Shout-Out’ to the following for their ongoing, and oft times unknowing, inspiration and support:

Princess Cuddlebug

Princess Sunshine

Craze & Co.

The Shaman

The Pillar

The Entire Putt-Putt-Putter Clan



The VanMan (may he R.I.P.)

Osteen, the Son

The Faery-Taler

The Nameless One

Senior SwankyPants

The General

The White Rose

JoJo Dancer

The Socialite




Mudslide Bill

The Cowboy

Danny Boy

The Balletic One

The Ziatonic Antagonist


Prof. Siggy Chong


Dancing Queen

Downtown Encyclopedia Brown

Mama Rabbit

And, of course, a very generous sponsor who pretends to want to be anonymous.

(There are a few of you I just don’t have nicknames for as of yet. Soon. Very soon.)

(*Semi-Legal mumbo-jumbo jargon fine print – my thoughts, my words. Bug off if you think you theivin’ them.*)

It is Sunday, September 21, 2014. Time….Formulating.

The Key is to Believe

Everyone agrees. Every Motivational Speaker. Every Self-Help Guru. Every counselor, coach, and encourager. Every path, pastor and prophecy.

The Key is to Believe.

Believe in yourself.

Believe in what is before you.

Believe in The Almighty.

It almost seems too basic. I mean, obviously. And yet, there it is biting me in the ass.

I have always believed in The Almighty. (Or should I go back to using T.O.T.S.? LOL) That has never been an issue. Understanding exactly what to believe has been a struggle. But, I have always believed that there is a force, beyond our total comprehension, that is interlaced with each of us and woven into our lives – influencing and shifting the whole of reality.

That’s simple. Have you ever taken a good hard look at the splendor of existence. However it came together, however it was formed and formulated – by whatever method conceived – The Universe is a splendid place. In it’s essence it is perfection – balanced, harmonious, and abundant.

It is our ability to think that either hinders us or hurls us forward. Thought is a wonderful process, but so easy to trip over and get tangled up. Thought can guide us through a problem or work us into a corner. It is our consigliere…and our Judas. Thought can solve the riddle or baffle the brain. In either case, it leaves us with more questions.

It gives us something to think about.

So, the cycle begins. Thinking, questioning, seeking. Finding, answering, knowing. Knowing what? Thinking, questioning, seeking…and on and on and on.

Since the day I was slain, I have whole-heartedly believed in the what lies before me. It was easy to conceive and believe. I could see ahead the ‘Me’ I had only dreamed – time and time again. How could I not believe in it? It was simple, elementary, logical.

But, especially as time trudged onward, it became increasingly difficult to believe in the path behind me – the whos, the hows, the whens and the wherefores. If I was to become the ‘Me’ I had always known how could I have been the ‘Me’ I had become?

This leads to questioning the self. Then…well…then it is all over. Once a seed of doubt has been planted it filters its way in to the smallest of crevices, exploits every tiny opening. It takes root and spreads like the weed it is.

For me.,. there can be no more doubt. It has been clear and obvious for a very long time. Only, I have been resistant and reluctant. I didn’t believe that someone like me could be someone like that. I didn’t believe I had a talent or a gift or anything to truly take out into the world, and so, I holed myself up in more ways than should be possible.

I must break this cycle, believe, and open the door to the future.


Instant Gratifukation

That’s exactly what it says. It is so suitable, so appropriate, to life – to what we have become, and what it can do to us.

For the most part (there are always exceptions) we are a very ‘instant gratification’ society. We want what we want and we want it now. Despite any patience I may ever exhibit with my life, I am no stranger to this desire. It has always been a weakness for me.


I see the vision and I like it. I want it achieved. But, I never take into consideration the need for “growing things.” All Good Things Take Time.

I see a project, I begin to tackle it. I see a goal, I strive for it. I see an action, I take it.

At first glance this may seem a good thing. And, perhaps they are good qualities…poorly used.  I see it and I want it done. I want it done ASAP. Why not? I most certainly believe in what is before me. I do not doubt its possibility. So why can’t it be done…and done now? I have been blindly running through things, through the whole of my life, never realizing until recently what it was that was blinding me. It was this desire -the need to instantly satisfy it, for it to know itself.

This is where the other part of the word play enters the scene. That drive to satisfy leads me to carelessly bounce through life. I make quick and rash decisions or changes. I am sometimes blatantly defiant to society as a whole just to express my being. I take risks that aren’t worth taking.

This all usually leaves me...well…f*@$&d.

I find we do the same in society.

For instance, and perhaps this is a stretch, this week we were talking about GMOs. Yes, I believe the hype. They’re bad for you. Duh. But, the reality is, they are everywhere and in everything. Perhaps even in places we have yet to suspect.

The harsher reality is…we did it. WE did this. Blame major corporations till the cows come home. That’s not going to change the fact that their development of things such as GMOs was nothing more than a response to our need as a society for gratification. We want it faster, better, cheaper…and now.

We did this.

What did we think the corporate world’s response to such a demand would be?

And now, it has left us…well…you get the idea.

Our need for everything in hand and on demand is slowly deteriorating our entire existence. With online ordering more and more stores close. Netflix toppled Blockbuster, the last of the chain video stores. iBooks and Kindles are burning books around the world.

How long will it be until radio stations start to “sign-off” for the last time?

How long until we no longer recognize, or actually enjoy, the world we live in, because everything that gave it life has no more place or purpose?

The Truth Will Set you free

Yea, this was definitely lesson of the week. The Truth Will Set You Free. It will. Every time.

I didn’t actually register it as a Theme in the week until after the Princesses and I went to hear the Faery-Taler “preach” at a friend’s church. (I say “preach” because his is definitely a different way. An enjoyable way, but different.)

He told a great tale to demonstrate story to demonstrate the point. He was very Parabl-egic.

(I am so sorry I have n idea where that came from.)

The Truth Will Set You Free. he didn’t say it that way, but he did keep driving the point home. tell the truth. Always tell the truth. The truth gives one something with which to work. trying to move forward on a lie, or deception is like trying to build a house without pouring a foundation. There is nothing to give your actions stability or strength. It may get done. It may stand for an impressive amount of time, but eventually it will all collapse on itself.

I have always told the Princesses this very thing. For as long as I can remember I have stressed to them that they should always be truthful with me. Always. Even if they think they will get into trouble. They haven’t always, and I have been very forgiving considering their age.

But, I used this sermon to stress it to them one more time. They are getting older. They are learning to understand cause and effect and the impact, or course, of things. Always tell me the truth. Tell me what you’re thinking, what you’re feeling, what’s going on inside your heads. Tell me if you’ve hit your sister in this last fight. Tell me and we have something we can work with. Tell me and we can work through it.

I found immediate place for the Lesson this week. As soon as I knew what it was it went into action. Sunshine has been sick quite a bit lately. Enough that I am actually quite concerned, but that is neither here nor hare.

So anyway, she is on medication, which came to me this weekend. It came in her suitcase, something I have begged to cease. (and, for this very reason.) yesterday was very busy and insane and chaotic. The girls had a lot of commitments, plus going away last night and today, plus trying to catch up and catch on.

Life around Geistopia is shifting.

Nonetheless, we were all over the place. Several times in the day I would think of her medicine. I would always turn to her and say, “when we’re done with this (or we get home) you have to get me your medicine.” Then we would get done or get home and it would be forgotten until thought of again at the next inopportune moment. This is how the entire day went, until it was this morning and I realized she never took it once yesterday.

I knew this wouldn’t sit well with Mama. Typically, this is exactly the type of thing she likes to sink her teeth into. I decided immediately that I would just text her and tell her. I would tell the truth. I didn’t get in to details, only that the dose was missed. I told her the truth.

What I found interesting, or perhaps disturbing, was that Cuddlebug was all set to “cover my tracks.” (At least I know the kid’s got my back.) She devised this whole plan of no one telling her mother and even dumping out whatever was left of the medicine after today’s dose. (It was a 5 day prescription.)

I laughed and told her, “No.” I asked, “What was the message last night? Tell the truth? Always tell the truth?”

I also found that this ‘Honest Lesson’ became practical advice when dealing with the Princesses.

Once again, there was a lot of discussion about their mother, their homes, their lives. My poor children wrestle with things well beyond their years. I do feel bad them. Often. But, on the bright side of things, these struggles have challenged and enhanced both their critical and creative thinking processes. They have taught the Princesses to approach things from different angles – to have patience and forgiveness and understanding.

But, anyway, they talked much this weekend about things they were thinking and feeling. All I could do was tell them to tell their mother. Tell her the truth. From there we have something to build on.

Then I flashed back to earlier this week – to prior week’s blogs. Know Thyself. It is the hardest and harshest truth to endure – The Truth of The Self. Everything. All of it. The flaws and the foibles. The fouls and the fumbles.


Feedback has always been my favorite part of WTML, and also, the one I get to play with the least. I have long said that this is actually the most vital part of the project and have strongly encouraged folks to leave comments, questions and the like.

There is no Feedback this week.

Dare I say…it has been a very intense week. And, this week, that is an understatement. I started  my week by adjusting to the end of last week. By the end of last week I had had a complete break-down and 4 teeth pulled.

I started the week in very poor shape.

But, I started the week with hope as well. I believed in what was happening and what was just around the corner. I experienced pain and discomfort on all levels of being last week. I endured more than I truly care to think about.

But, I know it was perfection.

I spent a a few days recovering from the surgery, worked a day, then lost a day before I was back on track.

I had a Reiki session on Monday – receiving, not giving. This was the first session I have really had in a very long time. In fact, I couldn’t even say when the last time actually was. But, I enjoyed it. I needed it. It was brief, and barely scratched the surface of it all.

But…it was perfection.

It did the job. It inspired me and touched me and cleared me. It set the stage for more to come…and I do hope that means more sessions.

I came into the week accepting the answer to, “What can you do differently.?”

I’ve always had that answer…or so I thought. It is a cycle I go through several times a year. What I can do differently is get some control over my life. What became difficult to discern was which areas I could influence and which I could not.

For instance, I can pursue jobs of all sorts, but I cannot control what actually comes back in a viable form. More often than not, what comes back is something part-time, flexible, fill-in, substitute. This is what I get. This is what I am given. I can’t control that. But, I can control what I do with it.

That is the process I am engaged in currently. I am placing everything, taking what I have and seeing where and how it fits. I am going through a re-structure. This isn’t anything new. As I said, I go through it several times a year…and wouldn’t want it any other way; However, I never seem to complete it.

Perhaps, that has been due to the Theme of the Week. I do have a tendency to bounce around so much. I’m always looking for the best option, the greatest and quickest pay-off, I suppose. So, I get caught up in something and focus on it and focus on it and obsess over it. I work until I become frustrated in the work.

Then, I find I have let everything else get away from me in the process. I find that I am behind and out of sync. So, I stress and I panic and I worry trying to fix it fast.

The same thing happens when I work at this plan. It is so involved, and has never been completed properly, that I can get sucked into it. I tear apart the fabrics of my life, thread by thread, and then should try to sew them back together. I’m not always so good at the sewing…or the sowing, even.

But…things are shifting. I don’t feel as though I can understand enough at this time to tell you what to expect. I only know that piece by piece everything takes its place. Everything shifts and morphs and changes.

I know what the foundation is I have to build upon. Instead of looking to get it done as soon as possible I am going to extend my vision and take smaller steps along the way.

For now, we will call this current process ‘The Freedom Challenge.’

I hope you are as intrigued as I am.

From here in Geistopia, for now and for always, I am your beloved Rev. wishing you…




and Freakishness.


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