6 More Days

Well, another day has passed…and a fairly good one at that. 6 more days and counting. I have to make it 6 more days until I should be able to just keep moving forward (without accruing any more debt…lol.) 6 more days and I can breathe a sigh of relief. Aw, hell….I’ll breathe one now.

From there it truly can only go onwards and upwards. I still have some things to take care of, but not all at once and the money that will be coming in should surpass that which is needing to go out. Also, when I have more available funds I can work more. I know that sounds odd, but, in my life, that’s just the way it goes.

March should be pretty straightforward with me getting caught up financially and bulking up the work load the best that I can.

April offers some variety. There is a vendor show on April 9 in which I plan to take part. April 8 my Celestine Prophecy Study Group should finally begin. It will run every 2nd and fourth Friday of the month for 13 sessions (6 months??) This will be our 3rd attempt at getting this study group started, only this time there are actually a couple of people interested. And I do mean a couple – 2. LOL. April 30 is my next scheduled DreamWalk.

In May, the festivities begin in Skippak with Spring Fling and the first of four concert series. Not to mention whatever may be going on at Alburtis Park. The end of May brings the show season. Shows mean potential DVD and CD sales. Not to mention, more festivals and shows and opportunities.

In August, I am actually going to Philly for three days to do a holistic show down there.

Yup…it’s all good.

Just 6 more days.


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