Brief Ramblings

“What a day this has been. What a rare mood I’m in. Why it’s almost like being in….”

Oh nevermind.

It has been a good day though. I got my one job for the day done, caught up on paperwork (including taxes), got some cleaning and straightening up done and just generally took care of business.

Did I mention anywhere that the other day, in one 20 minute drive, I saw at least 8 hawks. That is the second time that has happened when I have been out doing work. I sense good things. But then, I always sense good things. LOL. I’m just not sure they come. (of course they do.)


I think that’s all for now. It’s very cold in here tonight. Brain is frozen I think.

I need to find a way to date these posts. I see it puts a time stamp on but I don’t see a date stamp. Hmmmm.


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