My first post

As much as things change, they remain the same…

Or, is that…as much as things stay the same, they always change? I never could keep that straight.

Hey Gang! Welcome to my life, where anything is possible and nothing is as it seems. I am the Rev Matt…and I’ll be your host. It is Tuesday, February 22, 2011 and it has been an interesting day.

I woke up much earlier than I thought I would, without the alarm anyway.  Then I just kind of chilled this morning, waiting for the mail and procrastinating work. Eventually, I gave in and headed out.  The day wasn’t as bad as it seemed on paper. (It never is.) Overall, I enjoyed the day. having the opportunity to go out and work after three months of nothingness is a true blessing. However, I find myself anxious for the payoff – the day the checks really start coming in and I can start living again. Ahhh, but one day at a time. Enjoy it as it comes I suppose. At least I have been able to meet my current obligations – such as the half of a parking ticket that I paid today. Or, the car insurance/registration I will be able to pay on Monday. From there, it is only about 5 days until I can feel like I am somewhat back in the game. I’m greedy though. I want more. I want more…sooner. LOL.

All things in their time though.

Good things come to those who wait. (Boy, have I been waiting…)

It was a beautiful day. Even through the wintery chill you could sense spring. The sky was blue, birds were chirping and you could smell it on the air.

My nose is running something fierce today. Clearing I suppose.

Well…I think that’s about it for now.  I didn’t really have anything to say. I’m just trying to get into the habit of journaling, or in this case blogging, every day.  I’m feeling very worn out. But, in a good way. I’ll take it. Should be a good night of sleeping. Dreams have been getting increasingly intense.

Yeah…I’m ready for bed. Goodnight all.


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