The morning after…

I wish I could find the right word to describe how I feel this morning. It’s almost as if I partied too much yesterday, and yet, I didn’t party at all. I slept heavy, very heavy. I know I dreamed but I do not know of what. When I awoke I spoke a name. What that name was does not matter at the moment but I did find it interesting.

My head is so foggy. I just can’t seem to get grounded this morning.

I’m holding out for the mail again, then I have to drive to Temple to do a quick job. Days like this can be frustrating. I will spend more time driving than I actually spend working. Yet another reason I am ready for things to move forward and for the cash flow to be a bit better. If I had extra money for gas or other expenses I would have picked up some extra work down that way today. But, everything is as it is for a reason.

Well, that’s all for now.


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