Just not sure…


Hey Gang! Welcome to my life, where anything is possible and nothing is as it seems. I’m The Rev. Matt and I’ll be your host – coming at you from within the depths of Geistopia.

Welcome to my Life is a project, an experiment in Life and ART. A living storyboard, if you will. It’s premise is that life is experiential and that you can, and do, experience the life you choose. it is based on the use of The Wheel of Life and The ARTs for the New Millennium as life building tools.

Welcome to my Life is an ITV Studios/Geist…House production. JustUs Productions, the parent company, would like to give a ‘Shout-Out’ to the following for their ongoing, and oft times unknowing, inspiration and support:

Princess Cuddlebug

Princess Sunshine

Craze & Co.

The Shaman

The Pillar

The Entire Putt-Putt-Putter Clan


The Baker of the Cornbread

The VanMan (may he rest in peace)

The Messengers of the Galactic Federation

Osteen, The Son

The Sitter

The WhiteRose

The Fallen Angel

Sir Thomas

Jojo Dancer

Senior Swankypants

Mr. NiceGuy

Da Boyz from da Hood

The Witch Doctor

Lil Buff

The Socialite

The ‘Original’ Mr. Baggins

LisaLisa Monet

The Ziatonic Antagonist




Dancing Queen

Mr. English

Mama Rabbit

And, of course, A very Generous Sponsor who has chosen to go by T.O.T.S.

It is Sunday, September 25, 2011. Time…’ignominious.

Wow…that’s an interesting and almost depressing one. I’m almost afraid to know exactly what that means.

It has been a very intense week. Energies have been all over the place and it makes me wonder just what is happening in the sky of late. My Dreamtime has been heavy, perhaps even astral. Sleep in general has been very deep and difficult to recover from.

I had, what I would consider, a very bless-ed week. And yet, on Friday, I had a moment of…down-ness. I just didn’t feel like myself. Saturday that picked up and today I felt very good about everything in general. That is, until I saw ‘ignominious.’ But I am coming to terms with that.

If I had to choose a Them of the Week it would be -


Most of my week worked off of faith. It had to.

You see, just before the starter completely stopped on the van, the windshield wipers stopped as well. Actually, they hadn’t stopped completely, but it was inevitable. My original plan was to get those fixed and then the starter. But life (ahem) seemed to plan things a bit differently.

I began my week wondering just how things were going to work out. In order to get my wipers fixed I needed to make money. In order to make money, I needed to get out and work. However, at the beginning of the week, they were calling for a week’s worth of rain.

Isn’t that a quandary?

I had originally sent an email to my mother inquiring about the use of a car, but I was told I needed to speak to my father about that. Unfortunately, in light of recent events, talking to my father was out of the question. At least, as far as I was concerned. And, right or wrong, so went the exchange with my mother.

Now, I must take a moment to give kudos to my mother. Despite everything that has been happening, I must say that she has been making an effort. She has offered me dinner, even brought me some one night. We have had dialogue, general though it may have been. My father and my sister, however, are a completely different story.

So, as of Monday morning I had no idea how I was going to get through my week and make the money I needed to make.

Monday, itself, was an 11 hour day. But, that may be a story for later. I got through my day with no sign of rain until, that is, I was heading home from Easton late that night. Just as I had started out I had accidentally hit the wiper switch which had caused my wipers to get stuck in the middle of my windshield. (The motor runs, but the wipers get stuck.)

I was barely out of Easton and into Bethlehem on Route 22 when it began to drizzle. I looked up to the sky.

“You’re fucking kidding, right?”

Just as the windshield was getting full of water and visibility down to zero – when I would have pulled over and figured out what next – the wipers moved, clearing the windshield. This was interesting to me, not only because they moved in the opposite direction of that which they should have,  but also because they were turned off.

I laughed the rest of the way home.

I suppose it was this moment that put me in the right frame of mind to face the rest of my week. Tuesday I had had a pretty full day of work scheduled, only it was raining early in the day. When the rain stopped I headed out and did what I could and the rest of the work found its place in my schedule.

Wednesday was a nice day. I made it through the day without a worry. It wasn’t until later Wednesday night that the rains came.

all the while, I am telling myself it is Faith that is pulling me through this. God knows my situation. God knows what I need. And, God’s promise is that all of our needs will be met. And, so I faced each day with a bit of confidence.

Thursday became the hump – the day to get passed. You see, Thursday was a beautiful day. Perfect for going out and driving. But I didn’t have enough gas to get where I needed to go and no money until Friday morning. I knew the rains were coming Friday and I wondered how I would ever pull this off. What miracle would find me?

Then it happened. $20 found its way to me. I didn’t ask for it. It just came. That $20 was Just Enough for me to get the gas I needed to allow me to go and get the work in. Then Friday, I rested….sort of.

On Friday I had a mini Pow-Wow with Professor Siggy Chong and The Pillar. All seemed well at first. Then I came home and it was time to do some Zenitation.  When I returned from it I was not quite feeling like myself. I was very disoriented and extremely irritable, which both of my daughters will attest to.

The rest of the weekend seemed to roll pretty smoothly. Everything was fairly perfect actually. Though, as I discussed with Cuddlebug this weekend…

Perfection is imperfect

You know dat’s right!

And its true. There is no perfection in creation. Everything has a flaw.

It’s actually a trait I have found in Makayla. She is always so worried about things being perfect. Some of this I suppose is the Cancer in her. But some of it also comes from her mother. That’s actually how the conversation began.

Makayla was looking for shoes to go with her dress for the Daddy/Daughter dance we had and she couldn’t find ones that matched right. This became a whole ordeal. When I sat her down to talk to her about it she said that her mom is always making a big deal about things matching so perfectly. Even went into things she couldn’t wear together.

I told her that was something she didn’t have to worry about here.

Moving on to other things….

Like I said, Dreamtime has been very intense and even bizarre of late.

Today I had a ‘Lost’esque sequence. But it was more like Astral then a like a dream. I don’t even think I could fully describe the events of it, but there is a moment that sticks out to me more than any other. I was on a road, crossing a bridge. It was a complex highway really and I was being followed. I came to a y in the road. I looked a the signs above, and though I could read them then I can not recall them now. I only remember that either way would get me where I was going.

Friday’s Dreamtime was probably the most interesting to me. When I entered it I was still in that bad space. When I came out of it I felt much better.

There was an image that was shared with me. One that I found very interesting. I can not give it words now, but I am going to try to draw it out later and I will share it.

But there was something else. There was an image of 8 pictures, 2 rows four each. The images cycled through, much like a slot machine. I could not see any of them. Then it stopped and one lit up. All I could make out from it was that it was a portrait of a man. And with it, the words spoken were, “4,000 years ago…”

Needless to say, I had to find some sort of timeline that could give me some clue as to what was going on in the world 4,000 years ago. I was quite intrigued actually. but there are two points that stick out to me.

One was this was the time of Malchezidek (spelling may be off.) I know very little about him. I only know that there are a whole bunch of New Agers that love the guy.

The other thing that stood out was it was also the time of Mithra. Mithra is one of my favorite gods because he raises some very interesting questions. Or, at least, I think he does.

Mithra was Persian god, later adopted by the Romans. his story goes a lil something like this….

Born of a mortal woman and a god father Mithra was supposed to be the savior sun god. He broke bread with 12 of his followers before being crucified, buried in a rock tomb and rising three days later….

I can’t quite put my finger on it, but that story sounds so familiar to me.

*big ass grin*

Well, I am running out of steam and not quite sure what I need to write from here. So I will bid farewell. I know I dodn’t share an Observation of the Week. Perhaps I did not have one.

So, for now, and for always, from here in Geistopia I am your beloved Rev wishing you Peace, Love, Light and Freakishness


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