You've Got To Ac-cent-uate The Positive

With all of the chaos of the past several days/posts, I thought it might be a good side step to stop a moment and take a look at all the good things. I had wanted to do this post last night but it just didn't work out that way. So, I am going to write about yesterday as if it still were yesterday. (Does that make sense?) So here all the good things of the day (9/13/2011):

  1. It was an absolutely gorgeous day. Bright sun, warm day, beautiful skies.
  2. I have my health - despite any issues there may be, I have my health.
  3. I was able to get some work in today, earn some money.
  4. I found flexibility in my schedule. The flexibility I enjoy so much. And, with a clear head I may find more and be able to manage things quite well for at least a week or two.
  5. Moving backwards another day, I was blessed enough to once again see the Principle Ask & Ye Shall Receive in action. I went to sleep Sunday night wondering how I would manage until Wednesday, until I saw more money. I awoke Monday to a text message which led to work which gave me Just Enough to get through. Well, that and a little recycling money.
  6. I had a woman cat-call me from the street. I was driving through Allentown, well, stopped at a light. Two women, fairly attractive, were crossing the street and the one actually cat-called me. It actually took me a moment to realize that it was me she was calling to and I noticed as she walked further down the street she kept looking back at me. I have honestly never had that happen before.
  7. It was Nyssa's official first day of preschool and I was able to get there and see her and share the moment with her.
  8. I found true peace with the whole debacule happening around me.
  9. I had wonderful conversations with beautiful people.
And I think we'll call it good at that. Life is a marvelous experience. So...

For now, and for always, from here in Geistopia, I am your beloved Rev wishing you Peace, Love, Light, and Freakishness.


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