Closing out Day 3

Tuesday, July 3, 2012; 1750 Warm, poss. T-Storms Feeling good overall -Ph./Em./M./Sp. A 'curious' feeling. It's funny how illusory and misleading timeframes really are. For instance - I am calling it the 'end of Day 3' but, technically, only 56 hours have passed. There are still 16 hours to go before 3 full days are complete. It's easy to see why we get confused and how we miss things. Nonetheless, the past 56 hrs. have certainly been 'action-packed.' I hesitate to even so much as comment on it because I realize (now) that there is still more to come. I'm having somewhat a V-8 moment. When I let the itinerary form I, personally, didn't take into account the 'Shifting Period' or as I like to call it, 'The Decompression Chamber.'This is the period of adjustment - from one reality to another. It is when we slowly become aware that things are shifting around us...and how. Every journey has this transition. It is Alice falling down the rabbit hole. Tomorrow I should find before me a tiny door and a single small table. I'm not sure why I didn't think about it, but it makes perfect sense now. 3 is the correct number for this. It has been a learning and remembering period. (Almost like a trial run.)Each day, piece by piece, the things I will face and need to be aware of have shown themselves to me. It is going to be a lot more than just driving from point to point (or port to port.) Each port is going to have to have what I need at the time. It's kind of difficult to explain. There is the matter of funds - which are currently in very decent shape, considering- there's also the matter of how far I can get on a tank of gas (and the distance from one point to another. The potential for work. The ability to get online...or not. And so on and so on. However, I am confident that, if I allow myself to be led, it will all be fine. Though this transition and training have thrown my "schedule" behind quite a few days, it has been well worth it. I have picked up so much and it truly has been a blessed experience this far. I will try to list them now: 1 - It is called 'The All-American Re-Discovery Tour.' I should rediscover it. This can be best accomplished by staying to the types of towns I've been in so far. much for a list. I'm wiped. You got one anyway. More later...


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