Day 5–Journal Entry

Thursday, July 5, 2012; 1500
Moon - Full...ish
Feeling very at ease and ready to go
My nuts hurt today

So, I am sitting in Grove City, PA waiting for a gentleman who says he needs some work done around his place. This has been a Day's long process, but, so far, well worth it.
I really needed to get caught up with myself and grounded once more. The past several days have been nothing like I would have thought - but each has been beneficial in its own right.
I have been coming face-to-face with things I needed to be aware of and hadn't thought of...or didn't know enough to think about properly.

There certainly is work to be had. Getting it, doing it, and making it worthwhile is something different.

There is a lot of life to see and experience. Finding it and actually having the time to appreciate it could be challenging if I wish to move onward.

There are many levels to the story telling portion of this Quest...and I have only tapped into a lil bit of them.

There is still much to come, but if the past few days are merely a preview, it is going to be a truly bless-ed journey.

I'll check in again later.


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