Day 2 - Journal Entry

July 2, 2012; 1811
Full Moon is looming
Sunny and Hot
Relaxed and Curious

I thought perhaps it was time to take a moment to touch base with everything. Slowly, moment by moment, the system and process reveals itself to me.

Day 1 was much as I expected it to be. But, more on that later.

At this point, many things are beginning to develop. As I said, though, I do need time to straighten it all out. There will be an official posting when I do. I have enjoyed my time in Johnstown. There is still more to see, I just have not yet decided when I will try to see it. I think it will be tonight and I will spend tomorrow in a new town.

(But I am not attached to that, either.)

Nonetheless, the next Station is Indiana, PA. Then from there to Lisbon, OH (through Pittsburgh.) I am not sure what any of these places hold for me. But, only time will tell.

Many things have unfolded in the last 24+ hrs. This is why I talk about 'The Decompression Chamber.' The S.S. DreamCatcher has shifted some more...or at least the stuff inside her did. I am pleased with the way it has turned out. I'll Share a picture at a later time. It is the perfect traveling vehicle right now. I learned today that I can function perfectly along the way - while still remaining comfortable.

I am curious to see how I will lose weight along the way. (Because I think I may have to.)

I have a better understanding of how to travel. By this I mean what kinds of cities/towns are my best to stop in for longer periods of time. Johnstown was perfect. I also got a notion of what to mark in each new town. This way I can better gauge and guide myself.

I think I understand (a little) better some of the purpose of this trip. There has been much inspiration on the different way to capture and share the experience. I do hope people enjoy this journey along with me.

There have been many totems and signs along the way. It has all been a good reminder of what to watch for and of what to be aware.

Well, I think that is all for now. It is time to grab some dinner and make some decisions about tonight/Tomorrow. Can do more research at next stop.


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