The Door: Quest in Order; Chapter ??–Addendum


Friday, July 13, 2012. Time…Catching up.

(I love that it is Friday 13th…)

As I stated in the previous post – I just didn’t do it all justice. After I had written last night, I began my drive westward once more and along the way I realized that there was so much more to Columbus and Newark than I had really put out there in the writing.

For instance, there was the employee at the McDonald’s where I had begun my day.

It was a day like any other day…

(What a ‘stock’ opening…)

…And, yet, that is what it was – a day like any other. I woke up, got my groove goin a lil bit and headed off to a McDonald’s to take care of any and all internet work I had on the table at the time. I got in line and just chilled.

The woman who waited on me was so energetic and alive and pleasant. I couldn’t help but disclaim out loud that, “I really like Columbus.” Of course, then the curiosity left was where did I come from. So, I told my story, in brief. Later, when we were both outside, the same employee approached me.

She began to tell me that I had touched her, inspired her. She said that she has recently begun to rediscover/redefine her faith and spirituality. For her my presence, doing what I am doing on this journey, had given her a bit of hope, she said.

Later in the day, in between work assignments, I made the trek I had really been in Chicago for…or at least MY reason for being there. The Ohio Deli & Restaurant and The Dagwood sandwich. While there, I met a wonderful young gentleman and his lady. They chose to share a Dagwood. The young man and I had talked some before his lady arrived and he told me I was a champion for even trying to eat the Dagwood alone. They signed my van. Smile

It was after this, on my way to Newark that I had met the last gentleman. He, too, left his mark on The Magic Bus. We ended up sharing a power outlet at McDonald’s. (I think they should sponsor me since I am in their restaurants almost every day.)

Anyway, he was there working because internet and power were scarce after the storm….and the two together were rare. We talked randomly off and on for quite some time. He is working on his Doctorate of Psychology and is using, what I found to be, the most fascinating topic – Emotional Intelligence. He explained it all to me and we talked some more. Eventually we turned to a bit of Spirituality. At least 3 times during our conversation he said, “That’s really enlightening when you look at it like that.”

Sure wish I knew what I had said. I could use some enlightenment too.

I think the reason I wanted to be sure these were in the story is because Columbus became a fine example of ‘being where you belong.’ I had so many questions as to whether or not I should make that trek. It was the equivalent of a tank of gas to get there and then back. But, I used work as a motivator. Then there was The Dagwood of course. And, along came the Earthworks (which is a place I definitely needed to be. And I had even met a most fascinating gentleman there as well. He was working on a Dreamcatcher based on the parabolic curve (which, incidentally, he told me Pringles chips are also designed around.) It was the most amazing piece of work I have seen.

But I digress…I suppose it doesn’t matter what actually took me to Columbus. Each of these moments was perfectly planned. All of us in the right places at the right moments to have the right discussions. Call it chance or fate…but no matter what you call it, you can’t deny that it is truly Divine.


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