Trying to Sum it up so Far

Friday, July 6, 2012; 0946
Full Moon, I suppose (but only today yet)
Sunny, Warm
Feelin pretty good - a few new blisters
Restless and ready to move on (or so I think)

Well, another day has begun ticking away and I find myself, once more, stalled and waiting. What I thought was going to be a simple cleaning job yesterday turned out to be something entirely different. I imagine, in the long run, it will be worth it but it has put me behind another day.

However, it also left me with a day free from video and photo - which means less to sort through. I'm kind of glad of that. Overall, I am not pleased with the rate of travel at this point. I understand it and I realize that at any moment things could change and I could find myself farther along than I realize. Of course, the way things are going, I am looking at dropping stops along the way - or at the very least shortening the stay. But then, it is too soon to tell for anything really. I know California is inevitable.

The other option is to allow for extending the journey, but I really don't want to do that to the girls. Not at all. They will deserve their 2nd week of vacation with me after this venture.

Let's see if I can sum up the last several days...without giving anything away.

Day 1 started a little rough. Perhaps it was the fact that I had something like 2 or 3 hours of sleep the night before, but the initial part of the journey really seemed to drag on. (Much like this week lmao.) i made an unexpected stop in Chambersburg, PA. I was captured by the fountain in the middle of town. So, I thought I would stop and capture it.

From there I continued moving westward and had to make another unexpected stop when the 'Service Engine Soon' light came on in the dash.

My primary destination was Geistown, which despite how it may look is actually Geis-Town. So my reason for stopping here was not as much fun after discovering that. (But I'm still thinking of it as Geist-Town.) However, this stop was not wasted. Here, I discovered Johnstown, PA. I spent the whole next day here. I explored and discovered. (Not necessarily the same thing.)

All along the way Totems and guides appeared. I have yet to have the time to really sit down and review them, find out the story they are telling. But I can tell you that Lion is a main totem for this trip and if I remember my visits correctly so is Dragonfly. There also seems to be a heavy Greek theme behind everything. Which I find odd because I was going through a serious Norse phase prior to leaving.  Again, I haven't had time to review these. But...Pandora seems to be the primary on this one.

From Johnstown to Indiana (Pennsylvania, that is.) This was not an official stop on the list but one I did intend on making. Indiana was brief blast from the past and I thought I'd like to touch base with it once more. Indiana held a lot more for me than I had expected. Enough to keep me there two days as opposed to two hours. I had quite a few wonderful dialogues, received a gift and learned a lot about what I am really facing - in regards to resources, ability, etc - as journey forth. It was also in Indiana that I found my first two jobs.

Indiana led me to Ford City. It was now the 4th and I didn't feel like doing a lot of highway driving. Also, I thought it would be nice to sit and see some fireworks. Luckily, Ford City celebrates Heritage Days and I was able to attend a wonderful little fair. Here, Spirit picked up a little bit - leading me through the labyrinth to some very interesting messages.

I moved North to Grove City and spent the night here. I awoke the next morning and headed out. I found work just East of the PA/OH border and took that on last night. This morning, I am waiting to hear from the gentleman to finish the work and then I am moving on.

Inspiration abounds at each of these stops. Everywhere I went I picked up a little more. Whether it was about the Quest and how to capture it - tell the story - or whether it was about me and my life as a whole. 

I am not sure exactly how things progress from here. I know I am heading southwest towards Columbus. (Oh, I come!!!) From there I am breezing past Chicago (maybe) on my way to Bloomington and the Mall of America. I know that no matter what I can make it that far with what I have at my disposal right this moment.

I need to take my time and allow things to communicate with me. When inspired to take a picture I need to pull over and take it. When a town whispers in my ear I must visit it.

The course, or path, itself will vary as I go. There are many factors affecting which direction I head and when. There is the original itinerary which I would like to adhere to as much as possible. There is the actual need to stop for this reason or that. I must consider where I can work and when. Then, of course, there are just the Winds of Fate.

Well...I am off. There is a mall (though not much of one, I understand) calling my name. Then I must hunt this guy down and take care of business so I can move on from here.

From here in Hermitage - this is your beloved Rev wishing you love light peace and freakishness!!


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